Yeah, I know the economy is looking sad right now. Let's face it, everytime you turn on the television you're bombarded with more doom and gloom. Jobs are down, debt is up and there's no shining rainbow out there--
Or is there??
Romance, folks. Romance is where you can find Happily Ever After. We never disappoint. In a romance novel, good always triumphs. The bad guy always gets his just desserts. And Love is that shining rainbow you're looking for!
Books are still the cheapest form of entertainment there is. And we 've got it all. Hardbacks, paperbacks, ebooks, audio. There's something for everyone. We've got historicals, contemporaries, paranormals and romantic suspense! And at the end of every story, the promised rainbow.
The cover picture there is of my own most recent release, VANISHED from Silhouette Nocturne. It's a paranormal, set in County Mayo, Ireland. And if I do say so myself, it's pretty good! With that happily ever after I've been talking about!
So don't let the news fool you. Sure things are tough, but they'll bounce back. I think it was Abraham Lincoln (and if I'm wrong, feel free to correct me!) who said, 'People are generally as happy as they choose to be'. Well, I've made the decision to be happy anyway. Keep smiling and it'll eventually feel real. Keep moving forward and you'll eventually get where you're going.
And keep reading romances and you'll never be disappointed!
I'm going to draw one name from the posters here today........and that person will get a signed copy of Vanished.....so come on. Step right up. Tell me what your favorite romances are. And show the world you're ready for the rainbow!
***Maureen's winner is KARA!! Congratulations! Kara, please email me at totebag@authorsoundrelations.com with your full name and mailing address so we can get your prize in the mail. :) Thanks to everyone who shared about their favorite romances!***
I agree that there's nothing like a romance to lift one's spirits. Well, a romance novel and a nice glass of wine...maybe with some chocolate!
As to what I'm reading and loving...I would say Bedeviled by you, Miss Maureen, is pretty darned fabulous. Funny and scary and very, very sexy. Yum.
And I'm just starting Homicide in Hardcover by Kate Carlisle. It's really, really good!
I love paranormal romances and I have a collection of romances set in Ireland (one day I am determined to visit there). So that makes Vanished doubley good!! LOL.
I am trying to get back to reading historicals - I grew up on them and am finding some new authors out there. But I do have to say that Paranormals are my favorite.
Happily Ever After in books is the perfect entertainment for me. Even if the economy wasn't bad - books would still be my favorite form of entertainment.
Oh, I sooo agree with you, Maureen! We definitely need those Happily Ever Afters to keep our spirits up.
VANISHED is fantastic!! Those Immortal Guardians always make me break out in a big ol' smile. And I can't wait for your light paranormal, BEDEVILED, to do the same... I'm so excited it finally arrived!
Oh, and hey... love to read historical romance, too! :)
Did somebody mention chocolate? And wine? And romance? I'm there!!
Maureen, you know I'm a big fan of yours, but VANISHED is off the charts awesome!! Romance + dark Immortal hero + Ireland = YUM!! What's not to love? Books like that make me forget my 401k is in the tank! LOL
PS, Susan, I hope you enjoy HIH!
I'll read just about any romance except historical. OK I'll read it but I am not a real fan of it. At the moment I am reading Holly Jacobs Perry Place series (had to go to Amazon to get them). I have read almost all of your Desire books and loved them. I am almost embarrassed to admit I not read your paranormals. The happily ever after is a necessity for me to read a book.
Romances are all about hope, and right now, I can use a big stack of hope! In fact, I just finished reading VANISHED last night and loved it! Rogan is so hot, hot, hot!
I also have to say that I read BEDEVILED a couple weeks ago and laughed my butt off.
Romance novels are a wonderful way of forgetting the depressions of the every day world. My favourite kind are paranormal or futuristic because they are so different from that everyday world :D
Susan......Oooh. nice add. Wine and chocolate. (Doesn't have to be red wine though, does it??) Thanks for that on BEDEVILED, too!
I can't wait for your Texas sisters series to hit the shelves!!
Kara, hi! I love paranormals too. And hadn't read historicals in YEARS.
Then my mom got me started up again! (Of course she was the one who got me started when I was a kid, too!!)...Anyway, I find I"m enjoying them. A lot.
As to Ireland, you MUST go. The best way?? Pick a date for your trip. An exact date--even a year or two from now. And start saving. I know it's not easy, but every amount you put away adds up. Once you've got the date set, you'll find a way to make it happen.
Anyway, that's how I made my first trip!
Michele, Thanks!! I'm so glad you liked VANISHED!
Books are by far my favorite kind of entertainment....and there are just so many!!
Can't wait to see what you think of BEDEVILED....
Hey, Kate!
Um, choosing to be happy. Let us not speak of sliding 401's... ahooommmm........
and speaking of great books, I was, wasn't I?? LOVED HOMICIDE IN HARDCOVER!!!
Ellen! Thanks for stopping by!
I soooooo appreciate that you love my books! But I'm going to have to get you to try one of my paranormals, aren't I??
Aww, Jen! Thanks! I'm so glad you laughed during BEDEVILED!! Love a romance with laughs....Hmm. Much like my own personal romance!
And thanks for the nice words on VANISHED!
I've got your BLOOD MAGIC sitting here staring at me! Cannot wait to dig in!
ilona, you're absolutely right! That's one of the best things about paranormals in my opinion!
The escape factor is huge and it's so much fun to put yourself in the middle of weird situations, knowing you'll find your way out again!
I totally agree with you Maureen I love reading romance all types as long as there is a HEA to make me smile. Long live romance novels and thank you to all of the authors who write them to keep us happy.
Have Fun
I just finished Bedeviled and can hardly wait for Beguiled.
I enjoy all genres and am currently reading Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer.
Books have always been my favorite form of entertainment.
Historicals and contemporaries
are my main reads, although I will
read most anything else especially
if I have won it!
Pat Cochran
Helen, thank you! I can proudly speak for my fellow romance writers when I say, it really IS our pleasure!! =)
Estella, THANK YOU! That's so nice! I'm delighted that you loved BEDEVILED as I had so much fun writing it!! Please, rush out and tell all your friends! =)
Books are so my favorite entertainment. My dh swears that when the next big earthquake hits, they'll find my body under mountains of books......not an entirely bad way to go!
LOL, Pat! LOVE the attitude! =) I will read most anything myself....
Love YA books, too. Devoured all of Stephanie Meyers and of course, Harry Potter and there are a couple other series I must have...
I love to read historicals but I read a little of everything, because I am after the happy endings in romance books. I just finished Tempt The Devil, so I am going to start reading Give Me A Cowboy.
I love reading books that is set in Ireland and Scotland. I have always wanted to go there. Maybe one day I will/
Hi Maureen, can't wait to read your latest Nocturne. I'm a big fan of just about anything paranormals and historicals, and way too many favorite authors to just name one.
So true what you say about books and entertainment, when I have to cut out other things for a time, I can always fit in more books.
Chiming in late but oh YES! to Romances filling that hope void. And also to the happy as you choose to be. I refuse to let the economy get me down - I just keep looking forward.
Great post Maureen!
Also getting in late. But I just found this blog. I do love Maureen's paranormals and I'm sorry I missed her here yesterday!
Reading romance will always be the best way to escape and be entertained!
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