I get that question all the time, and, yes, I know many readers and fans are interested in learning what authors read. I’m interested myself in finding out what other people are reading. It’s much more than just being nosy. I get all kinds of ideas for new books and new plots by reading. And I believe it’s important to note what’s currently popular in popular fiction. By finding out what other people are reading, I can keep my fingers on the pulse of the next ‘new’ thing.
But here’s the problem; I read a bizarre assortment of oddball books. I’ve even been known to read the Yellow Pages on occasion. (though, I hate to admit it)
A few days ago I was once again asked to list what I’d been reading. Now, if I had been completely honest, I would’ve listed:
The Nutrisystem catalog
Walking in Circles Before Lying Down, a novel by Merrill Markoe
The Quickie, by James Patterson and Michael Ledwidge
The November issue of Allure magazine
The Dog Etiquette Book, by Charlotte Reed
The Baby Name Survey Book-- What people think about your baby’s name, by Lansky & Sinrod. (Don’t get any ideas. This one was for a book I’m working on!)

And on my nightstand is the anthology: No Rest for the Witches, by Mary Janice Davidson, Lori Handeland, Cheyenne McCray and Christine Warren.
Rather a mixed-up mess, don’t you agree? That’s why my answer only included the novels. I didn’t imagine anyone would want to know the whole truth.
But now I’m asking you. What are you reading? Do you have the guts to tell everything? If you don’t, not to worry. No one will ever know.
I’ll draw two names from everyone who leaves a comment in the next twenty-four hours to win a copy of my latest release: SHADOW WHISPERS, the last book in the Night Guardian series.