Join us for a visit with some of our favorite authors whose books we love to read and share with everyone. You'll get to hear from authors who've become friends over the years, authors we're just discovering, and lots of prizes and books to win!
They said computers were supposed to make our lives easier, whoever the nebulous “they” are. And in a lot of ways, the computer revolution has made things better. I stay in touch with my friends much more easily. Not only that, I have friends I would never have made without the Internet! I can connect with readers instantly. I can buy anything I want from wherever I want and usually for a lot cheaper than in a store. I don’t have to use White-out on my manuscripts. Hmm, do they even make White-out anymore?
The problem now is making sure your computer works efficiently. If it crashes, you better be sure you’ve kept up your backups and don’t lose your whole WIP. Yes, I’ve known people who lost it. Technology is changing so fast that it’s hard to keep up. The computer I bought just 3 years ago can no longer handle the tremendous data load (or whatever you call it) on the Internet. It’s sooooo slow. And try using dial-up! Oh my God! So, I finally decided it was time to get another computer. My husband and I went to Costco and bought a lovely desktop (I can still use the notebook for traveling even if it is slow). He bought a wi-fi adapter, then proceeded to spend all afternoon setting it up for me. How sweet. Except that it wouldn’t work. I could get on the Internet for five minutes, then the computer would lock up. Completely. Totally. Not even a mouse running around on my screen. The technician with whom he was on the phone for two hours finally decided it was a lemon and said we should take it back. Thank God Costco asks no questions when you return! So this time we spent a little (okay, a lot!) more money and got one that had wi-fi built in. The salesman at Costco (yes, they actually had a computer guy on premises) told us how great the touchscreen was. So, we set that one up. And really, it was quite easy. But then it wanted to download some upgrades off the Internet. I let it. Oh my God! It took 15 minutes to reboot. Every time I started it up, it took 15 minutes. And it didn’t like the Internet...and...and...the technician said it was a lemon and we should take it back. The salesman was still there. When he saw me, he hid. But I found him and told him my husband was waiting in line to return the computer! Are we stupid or what, we decided to buy another one! This time, we unpacked it right there in Costco and started it all up to make sure everything worked. Before I left, I shook my finger at the salesman and told him I’d be back if the thing crapped out.
So, I finally found one that wasn’t a lemon. But I’ve got a 3-year warranty, and 90 days to return it, and believe me, they will hear from me if it doesn’t work! Have you got any computer nightmares you want to share?
Just a bit of business, I’ve got a new blog, http://www.jasminehaynes.blogspot.com/. I’m giving away a book a week. So come on over and post a comment to be entered in the drawing. Hope to see you there for free books and scintillating discussion.
Oh, and one last thing! Please leave a comment on this blog, and I'll enter you in a drawing for a copy of my Jasmine book, Somebody's Lover! I'll post the winner first thing tomorrow so be sure to come back and check this blog in the morning. Have a great Sunday!
Jasmine Haynes and Jennifer Skully
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