2017 started out a bit wobbly for me and then it just took the craziest roller-coaster ride the rest of the year. Personal challenges, health issues, family issues, losses and more just kept coming at me, beating on me as I fought to keep moving ahead. There were high points, too, when that roller-coaster reached the top of those hills, just before screaming back down. My writing disappeared in this emotional time - I found that that words and the drive to write were gone. MIA. Then, to add to the overall ambiance of 2017 (make sure to say that with a French accent) - I lost my job of 25 years!
But, to balance things, two wonderful, amazing grandsons joined us to buoy our spirits and fill our hearts with love when we most needed them. But I will admit that 2017 was probably the most difficult one of my life.

How did I get through it all? With the love and support of friends and family. My friends helped in every way they could. My family was at my back. Even my publisher (thank you Harlequin!) gave me the time I needed to grieve and work through things I needed to handle.
Reading helped me immensely. I moved away from the dark, angsty books I usually LOVE to lighter, more entertaining romances. And time....time needed to pass.
About mid-December, I finally felt the stirrings of story and the characters started whining at me to finish their story. And I did! And I began to enjoy life again. I'm not 100% back - I still have my dark days -- but I'm coming back to myself.
Then 2017 came to a close and I cheered! So many friends and family members said the same thing - 2017 had been a terrible, horrible year and thankfully it was gone.
So now... we're a month into 2018. It's continued to be somewhat challenging but I don't feel the same darkness in control that I did last year. I can see the light ahead and I'm steering to it. I brainstormed a whole new/next story with my writing colleague. I'm still looking for a job (yes, most romance authors, most published writers, work day jobs to pay their bills) and I'm hopeful. So, I guess my reaction to 2018 is....welcome!
How're things going with you? Were your holidays good? Have you escaped the plague er.... flu/virus/cold that is out there? Most importantly - are you reading anything good? Looking forward to any upcoming releases? I'd love to hear about those! My TBR pile and file are never quite full-enough!
Well, Happy 2018! I hope that it is filled with everything -big and small-that you need and want!
I'm excited to be re-releasing my STORM series in the next couple of months. Check out my website for info about these steamy, dark, Fae romances, formerly published by Kensington Brava!!