by Joanne Rock
Happy Almost-New-Year! I love this
week of the year, the “found” time between Christmas and New Year’s when life
slows down enough for me to sit still and take stock before I turn the last
calendar page. I reflect on the blessing of the past year and get excited for
what’s to come. I always try to take it off from work so I can savor this time.
During this week of “bonus” time, I
also have another special bonus to share! This fall, I polled my mailing list
about which romance couple they’d like to check in with over the holidays. I
gave everyone a choice of four books from my 2017 list and the winner was Matt
and Larissa from Second Chance
Cowboy. (By the way, if you’re not on my mailing list, sign up here!)
t was such a pleasure
to revisit this couple! I gave them a happy ending in the published story, of
course. But the added scene gave me a chance to think more about their
happily-ever-after and what it might look like this Christmas. What a joy to
savor a healthy, happy relationship between two people who are in love. So much
of writing romance involves writing the conflict, the battle to overcome
obstacles so the heroine has a chance to build a happy future. This scene gave
me the chance to simply revel in the fun stuff.
I hope you take a peek
at it, and if you like it, consider downloading the story to see how this
brooding cowboy reunited with his dancer heroine in the first place! Read
the bonus scene here.
And if you like my
Harlequin Desires, drop by the Harlequin website this month to read a free
online read of mine, Christmas
with the Rich Rancher. It’s a double bonus of free for readers 😊.