Morning has yawned its way into my life once more. My muffin is crumbs, and I'm working on my first cup of coffee. I’ve fed the Queen of the Universe her tuna; fed and petted the stray cat I started feeding a month ago; and given my geriatric Labrador her meds and her breakfast. The sky is waking slowly, like me, slipping into its day colors one ray at a time.
It’s January, and I’m sitting in my clean and tidy office. This, for those who’ve never visited my office, is a rare and newsworthy event. Most of the time it looks like an oversize version of your junk drawer. You know the one I mean, where rubber bands tango with extension cords, battle with batteries, and wind themselves around ancient whatchamacallits whose purpose is lost in the fogs of time, yet they look so obscurely useful you can’t bear to throw them out.
I am resolved to keep my office tidy this year.
Many people say they’ve given up on the whole business of New Year’s resolutions. Why bother? They know they’ll just break them. The author of a wonderful little book called THIS YEAR I WILL agrees . . . mostly. A resolution, by itself, does not bring change. And yet, as surely as bears are drawn into their dens to hibernate when the weather turns cold, I’m drawn to change when the old year clicks over to the new. And so I spent December 31 cleaning out my office, and for the past three days I’ve been writing to-do lists and checking things off.
Will this be the year I actually stay organized? Do things on time? Am able to find whatever piece of my personal paper trail I need at a given time? Who knows? Two things I’ve learned: first, I won’t change if I don’t give change my attention. It’s too easy, too comforting, to go through my days on autopilot. Second, I have to be willing to fail. In fact, I’m certain I’ll fail many times—forgetting to check my to-do list, or to even write it out. Forgetting appointments. Losing the one bit of paper I need to finish my taxes.
The key to success, as the Chinese say, is to fall down seven times. Get up eight.
I wrote for years, finishing five books, before I sold. I teeter on the abyss of failure with every book—shoot, with every page. And every book fails in some way. (So far they’ve all failed to hit the New York Times list, for example—darn it!) There’s no doubt in my mind that my newest book, NIGHT SEASON, will fail to please some readers. Too much romance, maybe, for some of the sf crowd; too much general weirdness, maybe, for some of the romance crowd. And that’s okay, too. Because other readers will like it. A few will love it and write to tell me so. (Note to those so inclined: please do!) And regardless of how many readers like NIGHT SEASON or hate it, love it or never even notice it, I’ll have to get up, feed my little furry family and myself, drink my coffee, and face the terror of the blank page in my current work-in-progress.
Oh, and in my book, too.
If you give NIGHT SEASON a try, you’ll see that change is a theme there as well. I don’t just kick my stubborn, cynical protagonist out of her comfortable rut—I knock her clear out of this world into a strange new one where the rules are different, bad guys with lots of teeth are after her, and the only way home involves the thing she’s worst at: trust.
And now it’s time for me to return to that blank page and see how many times I can fail today. Lots, I hope, because that means I’ve kept going, kept reaching, kept my attention on the process, not on an unattainable perfection. I’ll close by wishing you a wonderful 2008 filled with lots of bright, shiny failures—and even more getting up, trying again. And succeeding.
Eileen Wilks
I've fallen down so many times, my butt is really sore. (Of course, the dancing on New Year's Eve might have contributed...) It takes me a little longer to groan my way back up, but I am by golly, going to get back up.
Oh! and your new book is out? NOW? Have to make a book run! Have to go get Eileen's new book! You are one of my auto-buy people--have NEVER been disappointed in one of your books. And when I finish reading it (I've been on a reading hiatus, and yours may be just the thing to kick me back into reading mode) I'll try to remember to write you and tell you how much I liked it. :)
Eileen, your Night Seasons book looks really good and the cover is cool. So I checked out your website only to discover that there are several before it. Ugh! That's OK. All the books look so interesting. I cannot wait to read them all.
Hi, Gail! Yep, the mark of real success is often a sore butt. Thanks for the lovely compliment. I hope my book does kick you out of your reading slump.
Stacia, they did well by me with the cover, didn't they? I got to meet the artist in NY recently and told him how much I appreciated his work.
Hi Eileen
There is lots of wisdom in the words you wrote today, even for just a reader and not a writer. I really could associate to so much of that.
I have your Midnight series and I think all of your then IM books and some others as well. I admit I have not tried your bigger books, but have been to your website lots and love the wolf theme, since wolves are my favourite animal.
Hope that you have a terrific Year in 2008 and make that New York Times list.
Cryna, thank you. This is weird--you almost have the same name as the main character in NIGHT SEASONS. (She's Cynna, no r.) This is one of those coincidences that leave me scratching my head and wondering what the universe is up to . . .
I love wolves, too. Obviously. ;-)
I have not read your books. Am going to check out your website.
Oh, goodie, Estella! My daughter Katie is a graphic designer, and she made the website for me. I think she did a trés cool job.
Congratulations on your new book. I hope 2008 is a great year for you.
HI, Eileen!
I've heard wonderful things about your books, I'm hoping I'll be able to check them out soon, especially Night Seasons. :)
I hope that you finally hit the New York Times list this year!
Maureen, Wendy--thanks! I'm wishing you a glorious 2008, too--
I love this series, and can't wait to read Night Seasons.
It was an inspiring post... hope those resolutions work out!
It is nice however that you can still go to a blank page and start over!
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