Like more than seven million other Americans I’m in love
with the wildly popular BBC/PBS drama Downton
Abbey. Because of it I only left my house on Sunday nights under duress during
the season and learned how to master my DVR for those rare occasions when I had
no choice. I own all three seasons on DVD and have been known to ‘retire’ to
the TV room for the occasional fix. So it’s probably not all that surprising
that the series – and especially its fans -- found their way into my writing.
is a story about four strangers – three women and their historic building’s
British concierge --who are brought together by Downton Abbey viewing parties and who forge unexpected bonds of
friendship that see them through some of life’s hardest moments.
The book is dedicated to Julian Fellowes with thanks for
creating such an incredible show, though I haven’t completely forgiven him for
all the tears I shed this season. The writing, acting, costumes and magnificent
setting always leave me wanting more.
One day it dawned on me that as unbelievably sumptuous as
everything at Downton during the Edwardian era seems, it’s probably a good
thing that I’m viewing it on a television screen. Living in that place and time
could be painful for someone as into immediate gratification as I am and could,
in fact, require way more patience than most of us possess.
Upstairs in your elegant boudoir when you realize you’re
thirsty you would have to pull on a cord
and wait for someone below stairs to respond to a bell that is well,
Once it’s heard and the correct servant located, that
servant would start making their way up numerous floors to see what it is you
might require. There is no intercom to let them know what to bring with them,
and I’m fairly certain that shouting your request down multiple flights of
stairs would be frowned upon. Once the servant reaches you and you tell them
that you would like something to drink, you’d have to wait for them to go below
stairs to retrieve it. This could take a while.
Communicating with people outside of Downton wouldn’t be
that easy either.
The telephone was invented in the late 1870s. On Downton Abbey one is installed at the
end of season one (roughly 1914) and it’s possible that Carson, the butler, is still
practicing how best to answer the newfangled device.
By my reckoning, and math is not my strong suit, the series
will have to span another eighty years or so before the cell phone, which most
of us are not at all interested in living without, comes into regular use. If
you’re living in or visiting Downton before then, you would not be texting the
housekeeper Mrs. Hughes that you’d like a spot of tea. Or instant messaging Daisy
to come up and stoke your fire. Nor would you be pinning photos of the clothing,
furnishings and objet d’arts to Pinterest.
You would be ringing the bell I mentioned earlier. The one
that someone will have to hear and then respond to. The one that’s, well, below
There are a lot of things that you would do less often and
wait for longer.
For example, it’s unlikely that you’d be popping down to the
kitchens to raid the refrigerator whenever you felt a bit peckish, which could,
of course, be good for the waistline. And dinner! Sitting down for dinner with
the family might not work out so well for those of us who would rather hit a
drive-through than assemble in the formal dining room for the elaborate meals cooked
and then served to us by the staff.
Ready to retire? You’ll have to wait for someone to help you
Want to bathe? Ring the bell. Then wait for someone to come
up and draw your bath for you. (And just hope it’s not O’Brien with an axe to
Would you like breakfast in bed? At Downton, if you’re a woman of this era,
you’ll have to get married first. Based on the episodes I’ve seen so far this
could take a while. Especially if you’re Lady Mary or Lady Edith -- though for very
different reasons.
As much as I’m looking forward to getting my Downton on
again on Sunday nights, I no longer think I have the patience required to actually
live in that slower, more elegant time. I’m not even completely positive that I
can wait for season 4 to air here next January without succumbing to reading
the spoilers that seem to be all over the Internet. At least not until I get a
little better at delayed gratification!
Note: If you’re a Downton
Abbey fan like I am and would like to ‘go back’ for just a visit, go
http://winit.womansworldmag.com/ to enter for a chance to win a trip to
England and a tour of Highclere Castle (where you will not be required to turn
in your cell phone or ring bells for attention.)
Knowing my luck I'd be the one lugging up the buckets of water for the baths. Though hopefully that would be a job for the hall boy or footman.
I've never watched that show but I know a lot of people like it.
Add me to the list of those who haven't
seen DA. I am surrounded by many people
who do watch it and discuss it so much
that I don't need to see it! LOL.
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