Well, the holidays have come and gone, and January is halfway over (already!). But my TBR pile remains as big as ever. In fact, it’s grown quite a bit, thanks to all the books that I got for Christmas. It kind of resembles a small version of the Leaning Tower of Pisa now, with only the side of my couch to hold it up and keep it from spilling everywhere. Okay, okay, so maybe it’s not really so small after all.
But I’m going to change that this year. Because 2010 is the year that I’m going to whittle down my TBR pile. I mean it. I really mean it. No more book buying for me until I’ve got less than 10 books in the current stack to read. It’s one of my New Year’s resolutions, right up there with eating better, getting more exercise, and all the other things that we promise ourselves that we’re going to do right at the start of a new year.

All those books! All those covers! So shiny! So pretty! I want to buy them all!
Yeah, this is one resolution that I’m just not going to be able to keep. Hello. My name is Jennifer, and I’m a book addict … Maybe finding a booklovers anonymous group should be my real resolution this year. :)
What about you guys? Do you have any reading resolutions this year? Are there any books that you’re really looking forward to? Any new authors or series that you’re dying to try? Share in the comments.
Jennifer's giving away a copy of her new book, Spider's Bite, to one lucky reader. Just comment on this post to qualify for a chance to win!
***Jennifer's winner is Pat Cochran! Congratulations, Pat! Please email me at totebag@authorsoundrelations.com with your full mailing address so Jennifer can get your prize in the mail. And thanks to everyone else who left a comment. :) ***
Well I'm like you - I always say I will not buy any new books until I read the ones I have, but... So this year I decided I can do it and so far I haven't bought any (but that's just maybe because I knew two more are in the mail - I ordered them before New Year :))
Hi my name is Kirsten, and last year I was a Contemporary Romance Addict. When it got to November/December I started to feel like something else. Then I read on recommendation Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer, it gave me a tiny taste of a new and interesting flavor. After that I picked up a few by Lynsay Sands & Charlaine Harris of which I had heard good things. I moved more and more towards the paranormals. Discovering so many great authors is a rush and I can’t get enough of them. Does this mean I am almost cured of one and lured into another addiction? I fear it is so. But I ask myself should I really deny myself those wonderful new stories. Surely if I have some control in place I can indulge in a book or two- or three- (hundred or so). If it makes me happy, then how can it be such a bad thing? You know, it all becomes clear talking to you guys. I say: Don’t fight it, embrace! Life’s too short to regret all the books I wanted to read but didn’t. *smiling* I’m off, there’s a book calling my name … read me Kirsten, read me now.
This year I plan on buying and reading more books. 2009 was such a busy year (illness, surgery, kids graduating and going to college)that I hate to say that I let my reading habit lapse for the year.
I have done well this month so far and read two books already.
I don't think you can ever have too many books. Yes, I will admit it, I'm a bookaholic. I'm looking forward to the new J.D.Robb In Death book and also Nora's next installments in the Bride Quartet. I'm also anxiously awaiting The Mammoth Book Of Irish Romance and The Mammoth Book Of Paranormal. I enjoy anthologies, I have discovered a lot of new to me authors that way. I'm going to try to get more reading done this year, last year was so hectic I didn't get as much reading done as I would have liked. I hope to change that this year.
Hi Jennifer! I was like you but then I decided that one can never have too many books and kept on buying. I like to have a wide range of books to choose from and I panick whenever I have the feeling my TBR pile lacks a special type of books.
I'm looking forward to Kresley Cole's new book in the Immortals after dark-series as well as Sherry Thomas's new book.
My resolution is to read more. I have a huge tbr pile that I need to make a dent in.
I can't wait to read Spider's Bite. Sounds wonderful.
Hi, everyone! Thanks for chiming in.
Host -- I've been good too. No new books for me so far -- but that's only because I haven't had time to read anything lately.
Kirsten -- I really like contemporary romance too -- Lisa Kleypas and Kristan Higgans are two of my favorites.
Gigi -- Keep up the good work. ;-)
Linda -- I have not tried any of the Mammoth books. I know you get a lot of stories in them, but do you think they're worth the price? Just curious.
Atia -- I'm looking forward to Cole's next book too, as well as Jeaniene Frost's latest -- both of those are out in early/mid February.
I always say I'll buy less but then I go nuts anyway - I follow so many series and I don't want to wait!!! Then, while I'm there picking up the book I'm there to buy, something else will catch my eye, or I'll see something I heard good things about, and it will jump into my hands...next thing I know I've got 6 books in my hand and signing the charge slip!
Well, I am a paranormal romance addict. Can't pass up a new author and have tons of favorites on my auto-buy list. A couple books I am looking forward to are Silver Borne by Patricia Briggs, Blood Magic by Eileen Wilks, Vampire Mistress by Joey W Hill and Archangel's Kiss by Nalini Singh.
I've been hearing great things about your series Jennifer, and would love to add your book to my wish list.
Crystal and Cathy -- Thanks for the nice comments about Spider's Bite. I appreciate them!
Patti -- I know what you mean. Another one of my resolutions is to catch up on all the series that I follow. We'll see how it goes. ;-)
This year I'm planning to buy more book, and hopefully discover more new authors. I have a book addiction too :), but I think it's a good addiction because when you read you can expand your word vocabulary hehe. Also it's a really great way to escape from our everyday life and a great stress reliever (curled up in bed with a book).
I'm really looking forward to Seanan Mcguire's A local habitation (october Daye novel #2), Succubus Shadow by Richelle Mead, and Magic Bleeds by Ilona Andrews.
I can't wait till Spider's Bite comes out, it sounds great! Kick-butt assassin who can control the elements of Ice and Stone....Totally AWESOME!
thanks for the contest!!
Hi Jennifer,
Oh yeah, I know what you mean about a leaning tower of books in your TBR pile. I have over 300 in mine and adding to it all the time.
I just love the cover of your new book! Also, I read the excerpt and it sounds fab! I can't wait to read it! I just loved KARMA GIRL, HOT MAMA and JINX which are all sitting on my keeper shelf. Not letting those babies go anywhere!
As for books I am waiting to read, FIRESPELL by Chloe Neill, BLONDE WITH A WAND by Vicki Lewis Thompson, STREET GAME by Christine Feehan among others. I have them all on my TBR pile just waiting to be read! Which one should I start with, that is always fun to decide!
Sure is great having you here, Jennifer! Have a fantastic new year!
I am a bookaholic!
I look forward to any and all fiction books that are released. Now if I just had the money to buy them-------
Like Jennifer, I am making little
headway in reducing the size of
my TBR stack! I am finding myself
with less and less time for reading.
Perhaps I should spend less time on the computer and, YES, cut back on
the housekeeping duties! Then I can spend the whole day on reading and
reading!! Better the cutbacks than
to stop buying all these wonderful
Pat Cochran
I read mostly historical and contemporary romance. I'm slowly branching out to more paranormal books. I have heard a lot of buzz about Lora Leigh's Breed series and would like to start.
I know what you mean about TBR pile getting out of hand. But I can't getting my hands on those new books with shiny covers. I need to dwindle by pile, as well, before buying any more books.
Van -- Thanks! I hope you enjoy Spider's Bite.
Michele -- That's so nice of you to say. Glad you enjoyed the Bigtime books. I will warn you that Spider's Bite is darker than the Bigtime books, though.
Estella -- Ah, yes, if I had more money, I'd have more books. ;-)
Pat -- Less housework sounds like a plan to me!
Armenia -- I hear a lot of good things about Lora Leigh's books. She's one of the many aythors that I want to try this year ...
Hi jennifer,
For me it's to get back into more reading, with the holidays I've slipped. I usually read at work on lunch but whenwe have shorter lunches takes away my reading time, lol.
I don't know if this still open.
I have a huge TBR stack, but can't stopy buying. There are so many good books being released.
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