I've just watched my daughter handle that with her oldest (5), while settling the middle one (3) into pre-school and coping with the littlest who's just discovered that he get where ever he wants to be the minute her back is turned.
September should be a time when I can ease off a little in the garden as the grass slows down, enjoy those last warm days that always seem to arrive the minute the children are back in school. It is absolutely lovely here in Wiltshire at the moment.
Two more appointments have just gone into my September diary. The eye clinic (an appointment 40 odd miles away at 9 am is really not fun). There are two meetings at the U3A (University of Third Age) this month and I'm on flower duty at the WI. I've just booked in to have a manicure and pedicure before heading off to London for the annual Mills and Boon Author Lunch. And of course there's the hairdresser for a trim, ditto. I'm starting an Italian class and I'm hoping to get a place in the pilates class, too and there's an evening of fun in Southwick Village Hall with another group.
Most of it - apart from the eye clinic - is fun. But there's this other thing going on. The book deadline is looming. I told my editor that I was going to have it on her desk by the end of September
I'm stocking up on the chocolate...

Liz Fielding's latest book - the last of her Ice Cream Trilogy charting the lives and loves of Elle, Sorrel and Gel Amery - Vettori's Damsel in Distress is a Romantic Times TOP PICK.
"...as sparkling as the finest of champagnes and
delicious as ice cream on a sunny day..."
Good luck on the deadline. I can't believe the years 3/4's over
Looking forward to reading your new book. I remember those chocolates when I lived in England they were walnut whips or whisps? something like that.
that chocolate looks delicious!
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