a gift card giveaway!)
you ever wanted to kick someone for giving away a plot twist in a book or
movie? I’m the type of person who shuts
her eyes and covers her ears during long movie trailers that go too far into
the plot elements of a film. I like the
teaser trailers best.
same goes for books. I just want to know
the set up… the high concept event that throws the characters into conflict and
sets the story in motion. I don’t want
to know what happens beyond the first few chapters because I prefer to discover
that for myself, and I want the suspense of not knowing what’s going to happen
in a romance novel--when it’s safe to assume there will be a happy ending--I
want to be surprised along the way. As a
writer I always try to steer away from the predictable. I like to lead my readers down a certain
garden path, then take a sharp, unexpected left turn along the way and maybe dash
into a bed of ferns or a thick grove of junipers.
love it best when a reader writes to me and says, “Wow - I didn’t see that
coming!” But I also enjoy hearing from
readers who do figure out a plot
twist before it happens. I like to know
that they were on their toes while reading, and that they enjoyed the
experience of putting the puzzle pieces together.
it’s become an epidemic online where reviewers write a full synopsis of the
storyline before they reveal how they liked or didn’t like the book. It takes great skill to write a review that
presents just the right amount of information to intrigue a reader without
giving too much away. It’s a delicate
balance that I see tipping over and spilling onto desktops far too often in

the most part, I’ve been pleased with the majority of reviewers who have NOT given
away some of my best twists. CAPTURED BY
THE HIGHLANDER and THE COLOR OF HEAVEN both had some drastic hairpin turns, and
there were only a few readers who blabbed about them. I often want to write to the conscientious
reviewers to thank them for being so careful.
of this moment, there are only two reviews up on Amazon for my new release BE
MY PRINCE and both have handled the situation like true pros. I’m sure that won’t last long, however. There will probably be more reviews by the
time you are reading this blog, and someone will have given everything away, no
doubt. So if you’re like me and don’t
like spoilers, stick to the back cover blurb and don’t scroll down.
tell me - how do you feel about spoilers?
Feel free to vent about them - especially if you’re an author who has
seen your book retold in such detail, there was no reason left for the reader
to buy it. I’ll be giving away a $25
gift card to Amazon or B&N - winner’s choice.
here’s the set up for my new book - with no spoilers, I promise:
What would you do for a royal romance?
bestselling author Julianne MacLean comes a new series brimming with the lavish
romance of the Regency period—and the dangerous passions of royals in love …
Attention one and all. His Royal Highness, Prince Randolph
of Petersbourg, will set sail for London in early June and reside at St.
James’s Palace for one full month…Some say the true motive for the prince’s
visit to our fair country is to seek and marry his future queen. I will
therefore pose the question to our devoted and reflective readers: Who among us
will be the chosen one? —From the London Ballroom Society Pages
Alexandra Monroe has been told in no uncertain terms that she must set her
sights on a proposal from Prince Randolph to better her family’s situation.
Instead, she finds herself falling for his charming but dangerous younger
brother Nicholas, a man whose passionate nature—and irresistible good
looks—makes it impossible to remember her duty. But while she is torn between
ambition and desire, a wicked scandal brews, shocking secrets are revealed, and
soon she begins to wonder: can true love really conquer all?
***Julianne's winner is Wendy! Wendy, please email me at totebag@authorsoundrelations.com with your mailing info. Thank you!***
***Julianne's winner is Wendy! Wendy, please email me at totebag@authorsoundrelations.com with your mailing info. Thank you!***
Beautiful cover. I love the monochromatic styling. And what a relief to have a full head again, even from the back - those chopped off heads of lots of covers creep me out!
I'm with you on not wanting to know too much. I once stood in line for a thriller at a cinema, and someone came out from a previous showing and shouted at a friend "He did it!" Ruined the show for everyone.
Best of luck with this new release, sounds very nice.
I am a person who does not like spoilers. I like to have just enough to get me interested in the book and want to read more. I love the cover of your book, it makes me want to read it just from the cover. Great job.
griperang at embarqmail dot come
I don't like spoilers -- but have seen some various reveiews etc. that did indicate part way in that there was a Spoiler Alert... While I've not seen the movie "War Horse", part of my reluctance was thinking that the animal died in the end... however, someone did post an alert phrased somehow that let you know that the horse survived..
But I am highly disappointed in those reveiws that do reveal plot twists, etc. Hello - then what's the point of reading the book.. Maybe these people think they are still in English class giving a book report and have to prove they read the whole thing... And
I don't read reviews until after I've read the book and went to post my own. When I pick up a book, it's based on knowing the author produces good stories or that I liked the back cover blurb. I want to read it because I find it interesting, not because someone said it was this or that. I want to form my own opinion and not have what someone else said be in the back of my mind. I love the cover and colors of Be My Prince. I do think that covers can be the thing that first grabs a reader, even though I don't think it should be the deciding factor, and this one is amazing. Congratulations on the release! :)
I don't like spoilers either....a good review should make you want to buy the book, not give away the store!
I will read reviews, especially if it's a new author. But I do agree -- some reviews are too complete. With movies, sometimes tehe trailers are better than the actual movie -- and with many I've felt I don't have to go to the acutal show! I can't wait to read 'Be my prince'... these daze, it's nice to see something good happen!
Congrats on the new release. I don't actively seek out spoilers, but it doesn't really bother me if I read a review that included spoilers. Many times knowing the twist doesn't ruin the book or the movie for me.
I don't like spoilers. It would be great if those writing reviews would have a note at the beginning, indicating they intend to give away part of the plot. Congratulations on the new release.
I don't like the spoilers, excerpts, back cover and the cover are all I need to know what I want...Congrats on the new release!
I don't like spoilers but I do like a good tease. The cover of your book is beautiful!
I really prefer to experience the surprises and twists by reading through them! I don't like knowing too much about the book before I even start - and I have never jumped to the last page to see "how it all ends."
I'm looking forward to reading this one!
Julianne -
Please reviewers - don't tell me the characters are going to live happily ever after in the first line of your review or how everything is going to proceed with xyz problems.
To be honest I feel the same away about a review giving away pertinant parts of a story as I like my husband telling me how much he hates my new haircut, what I'm wearing, made for dinner - anyway you get the idea!
I don't mind if they give me hints about the story or a conflict between the characters but please let me come to my own conclusion. Yes I want an honest review but I'll still make my own decision on whether to read the book or not. I've read some great reviews saying how wonderful a particular book is but if it's a book about wars and killing I'm not going to be interested no matter how well written it is - though if it's historically accurate I'll consider picking it up for my husand who is a history buf.
I want a review to be interesting and to know how the reviewer feels but please include something to the effect that the opinion is their's and the reader to-be-might not agree with their conclusions and feeling about the story and probably doesn't want to know all the details before they read it either.
On the other hand if they really hate it I think they should let the reader know that it is THEIR opinion and not written in stone and the reader may decide to disagree with the reviewers opinion.
I'm not too crazy about spoilers either and when writing book reviews I try my hardest not to include spoilers.
Enjoying everyone's comments so far. I'm reading each and every one - thank you for posting!!
Thanks for a fun post!
I love the look and premise of your new book! Congrats on the newest release and I'm definitely adding it to my wishlist :)
I don't like spoilers but I'm not so particular that it ruins the book for me. But I do get annoyed when a book review that I pick to see if the book would be one I'd like, basically tells me the entire story.
I love the premise of this book, and the cover is just lovely. I agree with those who don't like spoilers. I want to be intrigued from the opening pages to the end. There is nothing worse than a reviewer or friend telling me too much about the story. Yes, it ruins it for me too. I hope the books fly off the shelves.
I am very spoiler-phobic! I not only hide my eyes, I do the whole "lalalalala!" thing in the theater. I hate that they show too much! A good teaser does exactly that. Trust your audience to be intrigued and understand that less is more.
Same for books. I don't read the synopses in reviews, even for my own books, so I don't know if they've been spoiled or not. LOL
Beautiful book cover. I love books that have that I don't it coming ending. Sounds like a great story. I don't care for spoilers. I like when the reviewer says there are spoilers as then I skip reading it. Some times they do that on movies too and it spoils the whole thing cause you know it's coming. Thank you for the giveaway.
Sue B
The cover is beautiful! I do not like spoilers and when reviewers do not put a disclaimer i am mad mad mad!
I'm not crazy about spoilers but if I'm on the fence about a book, usually by an author I've not read before, I might peek at a spoiler. Doesn't happen often but I can't say I've never read one!!
I don't read reviews either, I like to read the book for myself first and then see what others thought about it.
Love your new book cover!! :)
I'm not a fan of spoilers. It has gotten to the point where I don't read too many reviews unless they are from sources that haven't practiced spilling all of the details.
I absolutely do not like spoiler alerts and
those who do the spoiling. You are reading
along and surprise, surprise.....it's a
spoiler alert! And who can resist reading
along the lines of text! Ruined again!!!
Pat Cochran
This is a hard one for me, because it will depend a the book. I sometimes like a little bit of a spoiler, but not enough to give away the ending of the book. I think it's because I am nosy by nature and I want to know what is going on before I probably should. Other than that an excerpt or the synopsis is really all I need to help me decide rather or not I want to read a book.
On the other hand, when I write a review I am very careful not to give too much away. I want to give enough info, so that who ever reads my review wants to go out and buy the book, but not too much that it defeats its purpose.
As a reviewer/blogger, I make sure that I do not include SPOILERS in my review. In fact, I try and describe how the book made me feel, or what kind of emotions the story invokes, rather than how the story unfolds, which I'd rather that the reader uncovers on their own. Absolutely adore the new book cover, and thank you VERY much for this amazingly generous giveaway opportunity.
I loved Be My Prince. I read it last night. I hate spoilers for most things, but occasionally I see a movie I don't really want to sit and watch, but I am curious about the end and I will read it then
Hi Julianne!
Love that cover. I also entirely agree with you on reviews. It's why I generally avoid reading them. (Which, yes, I realize is highly ironic, because I myself am a reviewer.)
I'm always very careful about spoilers though, and do my best to not include them. Only when there's an extreme situation - and then I give warnings etc.
I will say book/romance wise though... sometimes it's how the story is written that's most important. Even if you know a plot twist. (I mean, we ALL know the hero and heroine will be together at the end...)
My [older!] sister ruined A Tale of Two Cities for me though, when I was in 9th grade.. I was on chapter 12, maybe, and said "I know something is going to happen to Sydney Carton". And she was like "oh yeah" - and spoilered the book. I still haven't forgiven her. (It also made the next like 40 chapters pretty miserable.) I've tried to spoil a book for her (sisters, you know) - but our reading tastes have since diverged. ;P
Hi Julianne,
I just recently started writing reviews on Goodreads and Amazon, and I try my best to not include spoilers. I do not like when someone tells me what the ending was, who did what, or the high points are in a book or movie. I don't finish reading or watching whatever is ruined for m., I try not to ruin it for anyone else by kinda giving my own little blurb account with no spoilers in hopes that it's enough to make someone want to read it..
I really don't like it when spoilers are included in reviews. It spoils the story for me.
Hi, Julianne! That delicious purple on the cover of your book is gorgeous. I am so into purple nail polish and purple clothes. It is such a flattering color! But I digress! I don't get upset at what someone might call a spoiler because I feel that a reader must fully read and digest a book to know what it's all about. A so-called spoiler to one person is just a teaser to another. I'm simply drooling to read "Be My Prince." Your books are a "known entity" which says that whatever you write is guaranteed to be fabulous. Congratulations on your successes and all the best for the future.
I can't wait to read Be My Prince. I should be getting it from my book club this weekend. Anyway as to the question. No, I don't like reading spoilers in reviews. I want to be surprised when I'm reading. Also I'm not the type to figure out plot twists until they actually happen. And that's how I like it
I actually happen to like spoilers because the spoilers will sometimes get me interested to read a book or watch a movie. I have actually gotten mad at my sister for not telling me what happens in a storyline. Although, when I do review I try not to post spoilers due to the fact that not many people like them. Basically I don't mind if they are there or not.
I try to avoid the spoilers at all costs and rely on the written review of a book, makes it more interesting, thanks
I'd rather not read any spoilers before I read the book.
I don't like spoilers though I'm not really suffering over them. I usually have strong opinions about specific authors and reading reviews comes to see if other reviewers agree with me. When wondering if I should buy a book or not. The back cover of the book is always a good place to start with.
I really dislike spoilers. I like the element of surprise and don't want to know ahead of time what I will be finding out soon enough on my own.
Congratulations on your new book I'm looking forward to reading it I love the cover too.
I really don't mind the spoilers most time I just pass them up!
AHHH! How did you know purple is my favorite color!!! That cover is fabulous! I love that dress, but it would take two lady's maids named Helga to muscle me into it. I can't wait to read your latest!
I am always cautious about reading reviews because they invariably spoil the book for me. Most of the time I don't bother to read them at all because I LOVE discovering every little character quirk and every little plot twist on my own. That is one of the wonderful things about reading. It takes you on a journey you never knew you wanted to take and if you're lucky there are little surprises around every corner. Sure, you know where you're going, but the journey is the fun part!
Fortunately when my CP recommends a book to me she NEVER tells me much about the plot. She usually says "You have to read this! You'll love it!" She's never steered me wrong yet!
I love the cover & Purple is my favorite color ( Scottish Thistle )
NO WAY NO HOW I hate spoilers of course I am guilty of reading one it was the last book in the series I was late to pick it up. I entered into a discussion it was too late I read it all Now the book sits on my to be read shelf... I will read it someday.
Have a good one Ann/alba
i like the cover and i want to read this book
I'm fine with spoilers. After all, with romances I *know* there's a HEA; it's the getting there that makes me read the book. This is also why I keep quiet about my blog - it has spoilers (although my reviews on Amazon and Goodreads are spoiler-free).
As for movies, I absolutely REFUSE to watch any film without knowing the ending. I don't want to waste 1.5 to 2 hours of my life on some film with an unsatisfactory ending; life's too short. This may be why I generally stick to children's films, especially the Pixar ones. Anyone who sat through "Fellini's Satyricon" would agree with me (yes, I took film classes in college).
I hate it when a plot is given away, when a twist or surprise is ruined. I don't read reviews because of it. I read comments on whether or not people liked the book. I hate when a TV show (I'm talking to you Ellen and Coming Home) show the surprise during the ad previews. Why would I want to watch it? You've already showed me the end, I'll go read. Or clean the toilet.
And other than telling me to stay and watch a movie all the way through the credits, don't tell me anything else. I will find a way to get even.
I also don't like when someone ruins a movie/book for me....I will read/watch a movie though even if someone ruins it for me....
But what really upsets me is cliffhangers. I *loathe* cliffhangers. If there is one in a book, I would wait until the sequel comes out so I can read them at the same time. It's gotten so bad that I would read the last few pages of a book (but not romances, of course, since I know how they will end) just to make sure there isn't a cliffhanger lurking about.
They should warn people about cliffhangers. *grumble, grumble*
I dislike spoilers. If the reviewers spoil it by telling what happens, what is the sense in reading the book?
Congrats on your new release, BE MY PRINCE. The cover is beautiful. I love your books, and this sounds like another must read.
I don't like spoilers. It ruins the whole movie/tv show/book for me.
I don't like spoilers revealed for the books I'm reading. Sometimes some reviewers put a spoiler button, and it's left up to the reader to read it or not. I like that. Thanks!
I dont like spoiler reviews eihter as a reviewer it is so hard to not do that.. I dont even like saying if it is HEA or HFN. I myself sometimes like ot read the end of a book first but thats me.. i dont like to ruin other peoples fun let them see for themselves.
I absolutely LOVE the cove of Be My Prince...it's beautiful! Can't wait to read it.
I'm with you on the spoilers. My daughter did it to me years ago with Turner and Hooch. She came home from school saying someone told her "the dog dies". I watched it anyway, but it really bothered me knowing ahead of time. I've heard the same about another movie, and it's the reason I WON'T watch it :(
It's one of the reasons of rarely read reviews about a book. I read the back cover or inside flap, depending on paperback or hardcover, or the description at Amazon or whatever online site I'm buying from. Otherwise, I'll check to see if there are reviews, then scroll down and see how many stars the reviewers gave the book. I might skim thru the first one, but I'm always afgraid of finding one that tells too much. If I already know the whole plot, why bother to read it?
Forgot my email! bessieinthewell@yahoo.com
I am all about some spoilers. I will actually research a book to get some back ground info before I read it if it seems really appealing. Sometimes I just need to know a lot about whats on the next page before I read it. Yet , it never spoils the book for me.
I do not like spoilers. I like to read the book for myself and discover all the little twists and turns of the plot for myself. And I never want to know the ending....until I get there by reading the entire book myself.
Hi, Julianne,
I can't wait to read your new book. I also don't like spoilers!
Linda Cacaci
I can never understand why someone would spoil a story for someone else. Spoilers ruin my enjoyment and I hate them
debby236 at gmail dot com
Hi Julianne -
As an avid reader, I loathe book reviews that give away the plot. I also think that many reviewers have confused an elementary school book report format with a book review ("and then this happened, and then that happened.") I write reviews myself (I just wrote the review of Be My Prince for ReadertoReader.com) and I pride myself on being certain not to ruin a reader's experience with spoilers. The purpose is to tell other readers a little about the book and whether it was a good read or not, and perhaps to even help sell the book - at least in my mind. The purpose of a good book review should never be to summarize the plot to the extent that reading the actual book itself becomes unnecessary...at least in my opinion!
JoyceG in WA
I don't like spoilers. It doesn't give me the reason to read the book if I always know the story and ending from someone.
First off...Gorgeous cover!
I do not like spoilers at all. I just like to read the blurb, an excerpt and the basic set up of the story (something that you will learn in the first chapter or so of the story). I hate spoilers and if a reviewer tends to use spoilers, I won't read their reviews.
I have to laugh at a memory though. When my nephew was about 4, he gave me a really bad spoiler on a movie. We were watching it, I had not seen it before but he had. About 10 minutes into the movie, he turned to me and said "You know they.......at the end, don't you?" Of course I said no, I have not watched this yet, LOL.
June M.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
(it is a j after the _)
Im kinda on the fence with spoilers.If I get stuck in a book and I know someones read it,I often find myself asking "do they at least get past this,ect"...And If a movies gonna make me ball my eyes out,because I cry at commercials,I wanna know so I dont publicly humiliate myself!!So I guess i have a love-hate relationship with them!...
I dont like spoilers. ITs like reading the last pg of a book, if you know whats gonna happen, why bother.
I loathe spoilers and sometimes I can barely read the back blurb if I feel it's telling too much. I will never understand people that give major plot lines and even those who go to the end of a book to see how it ends before they read it!!!
I am more likely to look at reviews for a book if I'm unfamiliar with the author.
I get very frustrated with reviews that provide detailed descriptions of what happens in a story - as other posters have commented, a review is NOT a book report. I usually scan through reviews looking for actual opinions and skipping over the lengthy retellings. That helps me avoid some of the spoilers. I appreciate reviewers that include warnings ("Spoiler Alert!").
One of the many things I love about the Romance genre is knowing that there will be a HEA. At my age, life is too short to spend time reading sad stories with angst, death, and heart-fail. (Some drama and angst is fine, just not in the ending!)
I love the cover of the new book. I'm getting an e-reader for my birthday next month, and I'm looking forward to reading the new book on it!
If I want to read a book, I don't pay attention to the spoilers. I guess they do not bother me. I have certain authors that I read without even reading the back of the cover to see what the book is about. You are one of those authors by the way.
Hi Julianne. I've loved all your books. I can't wait to get this. I don't mind spoilers if they aren't too specific. We all know, hopefully, that there just might be a happy ending. The way we get there is the joy of the inner workings of the writer's story. Thanks for letting me spout off.
I tend to forget most spoilers if more than a couple weeks pass before I get to the book. For books I'm already eager to read, I don't generally read reviews because I KNOW I'm going to want to read it.
I love a good tease... (It's the bait that reels me in!) but I hate spoilers. I am definitely NOT one of those folks who peeks ahead while reading a book.
That said, I can't tell you how many times I've read an excerpt online from a book by an author unknown to me or of a book I didn't think would interest me and then had to run out and purchase it. I really need a more comfy desk chair and someplace to hide my book purchases from my hubby! Lol. --Obviously, no Kindle yet. :-)
I hate spoilers. I don't want any specifics of how a story ends. It's ok if it's said there's an HEA, cause I want to read books with HEA's. If I read there wasn't an HEA, I wouldn't read the book.
I don't like spoilers I just like to read the back cover to see if the book intrests me. I have a very stressful ( a nurse) job and I read for pleasure and don't want to know the ending with all the twists and plots before I sit down to read something.I enjoy your books and am looking foward to reading your new book (it's already on my Nook)
I don't like spoilers, it ruins the story for me. I feel like it's a waste of time to read or watch a movie if I know the ending.
I like that there are spoilers available out there because, I'll be honest, every once in a while I do take a peek to see how the book or movie ends. (This is especially handy when I'm not enjoying it and just can't get through it but want to know how it ends!) But, most of the time, when I'm really into a story I like the journey itself and savor all the plot elements leading to the end, so I don't want to be spoiled in that situation. I always try not to spoil endings for others unless they specifically ask me to.
I'm into surprises . Deb P
I don't like spoilers either. It always amazes me when someone says they go to the back of the book and read the ending before starting the book. I love to see the story unfold and don't want to know everything that happens before I get to read about it. That's not to say that I won't read a book if I somehow find out what happens in it, but I will definitely enjoy it more if I don't know all the details before hand.
Barbed1951 at aol dot com
I dont read excerpts. I will later be reading along in a new book and suddenly feel de javu. It messes me up. Throws me off for the rest of the book.
I really don't like spoilers, for this reason I never read book reviews or watch trailers, unless I'm not sure if I want to read the book or see the movie. If I know I'll be reading/watching it, I try to avoid spoiling my interest.
spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com
I love reading blurbs and excerpts. I hate reading a review and it have spoilers.
sstrode at scrtc dot com
Hi Julianne,
thank you for the chance at such a great giveaway. i love the cover of the book and the blurb/excerpt is wonderful. past that i don't think people should ruin it for everyone else.
it is possible to write a review without giving anything away,i have done several and they are usually well recieved.
tammy ramey
wow.. love the cover (ups.. i'm the cover lover lol)
can't wait to read this one, the most i really love of julianne's book is love according to lily, so many reason i love this book :)
I am not a fan of spoilers because I like to read the story and find out what happens during the read not beforehand, even if the story is predictable. I can handle a one or two major plot twists but too many in a story will probably confuse me :) I too cover my ears during movie trailers that are too "spoiley".
I don't like spoilers either. If someone I know has seen a movie I want to see, I don't want to hear anything about the movie because I want to be surprised.
I would prefer when people are writing reviews of books that they not include spoilers but I also don't want to be too critical of people who reviews books because I don't want them to stop. Many times, my choice to buy or not buy a book is based on the reviews and not on the product description. Often the product description is too generic and the book could be about any romance story.
I don't know why spoilers are necessary. I have read some reviews with Spoiler ALERTS. Just don't include them please people.
Hi Julianne,
I'm looking forward to reading Be My Prince.
I detest spoilers. I want to find out the way I'm supposed to and that's by reading into the story. I rarely read reviews because of this.And when I do it's with GREAT caution. :)Thanks for the opportunity. Congrats on your newest release.
Carol L.
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com
In general I don't like spoilers, but I have to say ~~ after listening to an abridged audiobook, I have gone out and purchased the book -- even tho I knew the "basics" because I just wanted to know the entire story!
1prizewinner at gmail dot com
I don't want to read spoilers when a story has unexpected twists in it but I do like to read reviews that give me a good idea of what the story is about in general terms.
mce1011 AT aol DOT com
I dislike spoilers. Why would anybody do that anyway?!?!? What a beautiful cover! So elegant...thanks for sharing!
Robin in NC
RW620 AT aol DOT com
I dislike the spoilers. I like reading the book, enjoy taking the sudden left turns that take it in another direction, and am usually on pins & needles as the end of the book comes closer. I absolutely love everything Ive read so far. Great cover too.
Mari in NC
I don't mind some spoilers, but I don't want to know the whole plotline.
For myself, I like information some class as spoilers, and I'm not quite sure where teasers end and spoilers begin-- so I try to be careful!
For me, while I care about plot, what really makes a book is all the hows: characters, conversations, interactions, style. I wouldn't like a book that could be spoiled for me. And I reread quite a lot. :D
After an author spends so much time thinking
and writing a
book, the last thing I want is someone to tell me how the
book ends or the twists along the way. I can't imagine what
anyone is thinking who would do that.
I hate spoilers and the less I know about a book or movie before going into it, the better I like it. I still feel bad about ruining the movie The Usual Suspects for my brother, even though it's been years. LOL In my defense, I had joined the conversation late and thought he had just watched it. To this day, he still teases me about it.
Congratulations on your new release, Julianne! Can't wait to read Be My Prince!
Totally agree Julianne. I recently received a review that left me shaking my head - had to read it three times - I couldn't tell if she hated it or liked it and everything was given away - not kidding. I politely said thanks for reviewing and left it at that. I go by my motto - if I have nothing good to say I don't say anything at all.
I follow a few authors that put out spoilers and I try not to read them. I want to be surprised or excited in the moment of reading the book. Movies on the other hand I usually like to watch the trailers because I have to want to see the movie. Thanks for the contest.
I totally hate when someone gives the plot away. I want to be surprised when I read a book. I think at one point we've all had it happen to us though, and Amazon did remove a review that recapped my whole story.
I hate spoilers. I knew what was going to happen in The Crying Game, but luckily no one blew "The I see Dead People Movie" (I forgot the title.) The review blogs I visit are generally pretty good about typing SPOILER Alert and leaving some space.
I don't know why reviewers feel compelled to leave detailed plot lines. The blurb with it's brief plot line followed by their opinions are what I want to see. When I leave a review on Goodreads or Amazon, I do not rehash the plot line that Amazon gives and 90% of the other reviewers.
I am not a fan of detailed spoilers that give the plot away. It ruins a book for me. I prefer a vague description of the story.
Your book sounds great. Love the cover.
I would be myself but of course be on my best manners (ans to your question) love the cover and wow when I tried to get onto the other site it was so funny I thought what did I do,,,Of course you are a great author and I am so excited that a new book will be coming soon
I don't like spoilers. Why read the book if you know what is going to happen? I like to find out for myself what is happening and how the story ends. Love the cover (of course purple is my fav color). Love your books Julianne and have this one on my wish list.
misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com
Well....I already appear to be in the minority on this query. First, a review is NOT a plot synopsis, so, if that is the case, then a poseur review is a poor effort, indeed. That not withstanding, I prefer to appreciate the finesse potential of a plot by understanding/recognizing developing cues. Thus I frequently check a novel's ending and middle as preparation prior commencing a read. If a novel is on track, then my appreciation and involvement is much enhanced for I am drawn not only to a decent read but also to skill, reveling as well in the mechanics of a tale well told. Alleged "spoilers" don't disturb me in the least.
If the spoilers are too obvious, why read the book or see the movie. On the other hand, a good book - or a good movie - can be read again and again. There are times when I read a book and really enjoy it - until the end. Sometimes the end sounds as if the author just realized that it had to be sent to the publisher and wrote a few sentences to finish things up. That spoils the book for me more than anything else.
I don't like spoilers either and whenever I see "Spoiler Alert" on a review, I stop reading. It matters most to me in a mystery. Love your cover, Julianne, and look forward to reading it.
I hat spoilers. I want to experience all the twist and turns of the ride.
I don't mind someone writing a spoiler as long as they give the reader fair warning before hand. I can then make my decision to read or not to read! I even dislike seeing multiple chapters to a book up on an author's website. I prefer to read clips taken from chapters...those little blurbs the author likes best and feels they are a good way to pump up interest in the rest of the story. IMO Less is More! But that's just me.
Great post, Julianne! As an author, I find spoilers just heartbreaking -- especially when they don't have a clear "Spoiler Warning" attached. A good romance novel is a "howdunnit": we know the ending will be HEA, so the fun is in figuring out =how= the hero & heroine will get there. We authors work so hard to include plot twists and surprises that our readers will enjoy -- and when someone just gives away those twists and reveals the "howdunnit," it ruins all that hard work.
I once had a review that revealed every single detail of the entire plot, from first chapter to last, including the Epilogue! All I could think was, "Why??" Unfortunately, I think some people confuse online reviews with a book-club gathering, where a group of friends get together to discuss a book they've all read. They forget that most people looking at Amazon or Goodreads reviews =haven't= read the book yet.
My upcoming release, TIMELESS, has a huge secret that isn't revealed until the end, and I'm thinking of including a "Please be kind to fellow readers and keep the secret" request in the description.
SPOILERS!! - That's how all spoiler filled reviews should be labeled. And then, in the body of the review - SPOILERS!! - should be written again just to remind me. Honestly, I don't want to know the nitty gritty of the story before I read it. I am writing a review right now and realized that every single quote I chose as an example, gave away a plot point. Holy Cow! It means that I MUST regroup try to give MY OPINION of the story and writing without ruining it for readers. Wow, I am really opinionated on this one...Who knew? jepebATverizonDOTnet
Love the new book cover and can't wait to read it. As for spoilers - absolutely hate them. I don't care if it is a book, a movie, or just a tv show. Don't tell me! That's like telling a gift recipient what's in the beautifully wrapped package! All my friends and family know better than to try and "tell me" what happened before I read the book or watch the movie. I get positively venomous!
Hi Julianne,
Great post, and yes it's not pleasant when a review gives away the whole plot including the twist. But for me, I read the book even with the twist exposed if I already like the author, or the author has been recommended to me by someone whose opinion I trust. For me, it's the author who makes the book, their use of language, their handling of characters. The plot twist is simply the icing on an already great story.
I don't mind spoilers, I sometimes read the end of a book to make sure I get a HEA.
That's why they are called spoilers because they spoil the fun! They take away the excitement by giving away half of the story. But as much as we hate them, we read them anyway. I admit that sometimes, the information they give can be also helpful.
I don't like spoilers. I need to explore the book and its characters and its plots on my own terms. I DO like to read reviews with no spoilers so that I can know if it's going to interest me or not. I LOVE to read and LOVE that purple cover. It's stunning.
I absolutely hate spoilers. When I do my reviews, I make sure that I don't post nothing that wasn't mentioned in the synopsis.
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