I think we all live with the odd regret. There are always
things we would do differently if we had our time again. I think it would be an
unusual person indeed (or a very lucky or blessed one) who didn’t have
something in their past they wish they had done differently or better.
One of my favourite books is Atonement by Ian McEwan. It’s a powerfully moving story about a
young girl who makes a mistake that has costly outcomes for others. I don’t
want to spoil it for you if you haven’t read it, but McEwan skillfully poses
the question of whether or not you can atone for mistakes made in the past.
But I’m not here to talk about Ian McEwan’s fabulous book.
I’m here to tell you about mine! Deserving
of His Diamonds? is a tale of love lost due to a mistake made in the past.
Emilio Andreoni cut his bride-to-be Gisele Carter from his life
just days before their wedding when a sex tape scandal erupts with her at the
centre of it.
Gisele had always claimed her innocence even though the girl
in the tape looked and sounded exactly the same as her.
When the truth finally comes out that Gisele has a long lost
identical twin she has never met before now, Emilio has some serious
apologising to do!
But is a simple apology going to be enough? How can he right
the wrongs and return to the relationship they had before their break up?
A lot has happened to Gisele in the two years since they
broke up. But she hasn’t told Emilio all the heart-wrenching details. When she
finally reveals just what his lack of trust has done to her, will there be any
hope of finding happiness together?
I hope you enjoy reading my take on the atonement issue. I
found this to be one of the most emotionally charged books I have written so
far. I guess there are some things in life for which sorry is never going to be
enough, even when it is heartfelt and genuine.
Let’s hope you and I don’t have to learn that the hard way
as Emilio does.
Best wishes,
Melanie Milburne
p.s. Stay tuned for Gisele’s twin’s sister Sienna’s story
coming soon!
love the covers! I have Atonement and it's sat on my desk for over a year to be picked up and read, I keep meaning to... should i just watch the movie? lol. Love lost love stories... looking forward to this one :)
Fabulous!!! I look forward to reading this & the next.
Hi TashNz,
I loved the movie but the book is just so rich so you should definitely read it. I hope you enjoy my duet.
Hi Marybelle,
Nice of you to drop by. I hope you enjoy the books. I really loved writing them.
Thank you for the recommendation Melanie, ok, will do, will move it up the TBR list. I'm sure I will totally enjoy the duet :))
I enjoy reading twin stories where one or both twins don't know about the other one. This sounds like a good girl/bad girl type. I think stories involving forgiveness are emotional reads. It's up to the author to make me believe that this is possible
Thanks for a great post! Sounds very interesting... love the concept of the hero having to atone for such a massive mistake! Added to my up coming release list :)
Hi Kaelee,
You are right -forgiveness is an emotional issue. There are times when it is given too freely and others when it's not given enough. I hope you like what I've done in this case.
HI Erin,
A like a hero who has to do a bit of grovelling too! Hope you enjoy this one and the sister book.
Wow this story sounds great! I love emotional stories, so I'll definitely be adding this one to my wishlist. I don't think I've read too many stories where there are major atonement issues like there are in this one. And yes, the covers are lovely! Where can I buy?
Love the sound of this book! Looking forward
to reading this book. I know it is out in the
UK and Australia this year. Is it already
available in the US?
Pat Cochran
Hi Pat,
It won't be out until July in the US. You'll have to be patient!
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