So, I bought my wedding dress (yay!) and I adore it. It’s everything I wanted and an okay price. But for a while there, I was pretty nervous—fearing that I’d never find the right dress.
Certainly, there’s a lot of pressure surrounding buying a wedding dress. But I heard a story a couple weeks ago that was hands down one of the most memorable wedding dress stories that I’ve ever heard.
For those of you who read my blog regularly, just skip to the bottom of this post—you’ve heard this story already. Or, better yet, pop over to this link and leave a comment to enter to win my latest LOVE TO READERS prize.
But for those of you who haven’t heard this yet, you’re going to want to! It’s a crazy story and it bears repeating!
So, my boss’s mother went wedding dress shopping with her mother and mother-in-law. And they found a dress that the bride loved, so they bought it.
Flash forward a few weeks. The bride and her man are walking down the street—I imagine them arm in arm, and he’s wearing a fedora under a lamppost, and she’s got on apricot slacks (I don’t know why I imagine it this way)—when, lo and behold, the dress they see in a shop window is the dress that the bride had just purchased, the one she can’t wait to walk down the aisle in on her wedding day.
And what does the groom say?
“Ugh. What an awful dress. How could anyone wear that? It’s so ugly!”
Of course, the bride did her best to keep a straight face. But it wasn’t long before she was in the dressmaker’s shop, crying her eyeballs out. Can you imagine?
Luckily, the seamstress saved the day by fashioning the old dress to look totally new.
I’ve already told Matt—now that I’ve bought a dress, you’re not allowed to comment on any other dresses that you might happen to see.
But he’s assured me that if I walk down the aisle in a burlap sack, he’ll still think I’m beautiful. *sigh* And that’s why I’m marrying him.
Do you have any memorable wedding garb stories? I’d love to hear them! I’ll check back in this evening to respond to your comments!
Lisa Dale
aaww congratulations! and I bet u will make a beautiful bride even in a sack.
When I got married 13 years ago it was just before the end of the UPS strike. I had ordered new boots (yes, white leather cowboy wedding boots) and was very nervous until they showed up! I was about ready to get on a plane and get them myself. When they did show up, only a few days before the wedding, they were a little tight, but I didn't have time to return them! These are beautiful, old fashioned lace up mid calf boots, that I had planned on being able to wear again. And can't! I paid more for them than the dress.
One of my employees is going for a final fitting of her gown this weekend and I can't wait to hear all about it. What is it with women and weddings, even when we are happily married?
And your fiance said just the right thing. He's a keeper!
Your fiance sounds lovely, Lisa. And I hope you're going to post photos after the big day!
Your fiance is absolutely right! What he said made me all mushy! Such love! And we'll be waiting for the photos! Happy wedding! Enjoy your day.
Hi, Lisa,
No tremendously outrageous wedding
wear stories heard lately! Though
I did hear about and see some photographs of a beach wedding.
The garb wasn't that strange.The groom and groomsmen wore summer weight tan slacks with oatmeal colored button front,short-sleeve shirts and brown sandals. The
bridesmaids wore a simple-styled
ivory summer dress, with a small floral print in pink & pale blue.
The bride wore an ivory, scoop
neck dress with a full skirt and
a sash of fabric similar to that
worn by the attendants. Can't
recall just what the shoes looked
like, but were simple in design.
With the simplicity of the cere-
mony, I'm told they were able to
apply more funds toward their
That's great! You are going to be a beautiful bride!
My brother is getting married in January...this will be his 5th marriage. Thankfully there haven't been any real wardrobe mishaps in all those times. lol Incredible right?
@Joanna St. James, that is sweet. Thanks!
@ev, boots with your wedding dress? Okay--you're my new hero. That rocks!
@Christina Hollis, He is! I will be posting pix--thanks!
@Nas Dean, Thanks for your comment! And good cheer!
@Pat Cochran, Hi Pat! That sounds lovely. Matt and I did think about having a beach wedding, but ultimately decided to go traditional. I do love those simple ceremonies though!
@ Mary, Maybe the 5th time's the charm!
Thanks, everyone, for your comments!
I don't have any memorable dress stories, however my first husband did promise to be a loving and hateful husband, instead of loving and faithful. When we divorced I told him he lived up to his vow.
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