I had never heard the term -- bucket list, until the movie starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman in 2007. Now I find myself using the term often. For those who don't know, the bucket list is a wish list of things to do before you "kick the bucket" in other words before you die.
We tend to avoid thinking about dying or its inevitability. Yet, I wonder why do we put off doing certain things or expressing our feelings until we have no other options? A wish list to enjoy life should be continuously renewed because the key reason is that you are completing the tasks, sooner than later.
This year I went to Milan. Many friends said--"Oh, I wish that could do that." Believe me, I know there is a financial issue and/or family responsibilities that may slow down taking the leap. But if those are taken care of, what's stopping you from taking such a trip.
The items on the list don't have to be grandiose. A car drive around the picturesque part of your state, region or country may be your choice. Since I live outside of Washington, D.C., there are tons of museums and other historical sites that are often taken for granted by the locals. Last year, I took my daughter to various museums in D.C. The museum docent asked if we were there on a school assignment. There were many school groups. But I told them that we weren't and the docent responded, "Good for you." Again, why not. Spending the day with my daughter talking, even snickering, over some of the museum pieces was a precious moment in my life.
After recently celebrating another birthday, that bucket list is being renamed Living Life to the Fullest List. My next item list is going to Vegas with girlfriends to laugh and play and laugh some more because we are a bunch of characters who teach each other to live to the fullest moment.
Somewhere on my list, I have writing a screenplay; directing a movie; being fluent in two other languages. Think about what you'd like to do - throw out the doubts, the logic, just write five things and then go live life to the fullest.
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Hey Michelle! I love your reframe of the bucket list. I call mine the Play Full Out list. It includes things like going parasailing again, but sober this time. (Snicker) Going back to Tae Kwon Do and getting that black belt. (I was just a step away...) Going to Scotland, Greece, Italy, Ireland and Spain. Building a house (not by hand, but choosing one, having it built, making those choices...) It also includes things like learning to snowboard, and learning to ride English hunt seat (as opposed to western saddle seat). It's a long list. I try to check off at least 2 things per year. Sometimes I get lucky and check more off. :> Love the idea of Vegas with the girls. That may have to go ON my PFO List!
Great topic!
A turnkey housebuild is on the top of my list. Choosing a plot with a beautiful view, then telling a brilliant team exactly what I want and seeing it magically appear...
With local planning rules, the credit crunch etc etc it's a big dream!
What a great topic Michelle! My dh and I use the term "bucket list" all of the time now. I have a list. He has a list. And if we can combine them, we do. If not, we'll have to go it alone or with friends, and that's ok. Right now, with the bad health issues I have, my dh is my shadow. But one of these days, life is going to get back to normal and I'll be out and about, doing my own thing, and he'll be able to stay at home and not worry (yeah, like that's going to happen lol). I have big dreams, and today seems to be a day of planning for them. Tomorrow is a day for baking bread with two of my bff's, also known as The Lindas. I can't wait!!
Now that I am retired, I am able to check off more of the items on my bucket list. I recently took my dream trip to Greece.
I, too, am fully retired and finally signing up for courses I always wanted to take and never had the time. Traveling and journaling for the grandkids. At this age you realize just how fast time passes by!
I loved the movie, The Bucket List and have thought about what would be on mine if I had one. But I don't have one and can't really think of anything to put on one. If there's something I want to do...I just do it. The problem is, I'm pretty antisocial and introverted and there's not much I want to do. lol
i have not really had time to sit down and write a bucket list. my 7 and 4 year old keep me too busy to think about it. i guess i would love to go to scotland before i kick the bucket, tho. see me some sexy highlanders!!!
You have a great bucket list. I need to work on mine.
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