I’ve belonged to a romance readers group for over five years now. It’s run by Ellen Higuchi at my local Borders in Los

Gatos. Ellen is the BEST bookseller and the group is wonderful! Ellen hands out ARCs (advance reader copies) and we write reviews on them which are reported back to Borders Corporate. Plus we all do a lot of reading besides the ARCs, so we get lots of feedback on what everyone else has read during the month. And it’s all mostly romance! Though we had a great recommendation at the last meeting and now I’m dying to try out Elizabeth Peters’ Amelia Peabody series (why did I never read these books!) which is mystery series but with a very strong romantic hero. So for me, that counts as romance, plus, I’m going to start writing a mystery this time around. Haven’t done it in ages! Ellen compiles that list of recommendations for us and sends it out after the meeting. Thank you, Ellen!
For our last

meeting we had special guest authors Bella Andre and Anne Mallory who were signing their latest releases for us. Many times we have guest authors as we have a lot of local writers in the San Francisco Bay Area. I sign for the group when I’ve got a new book out, too. And, LOL, the readers group meeting is my one night out every month! Here’s a few photos of the group and the signing last Wednesday. The photographs are courtesy of Jackie Yau. I picked up a copy of Anne’s
Seven Secrets of Seduction and Bella’s
Never So Hot. I can’t wait to read them! The group highly recommended both authors’ books, and I have loved all that I've read of theirs. Bella’s is the 3rd in her HotShot Firefighter series. So many books, so little time!
So tell us, do you belong to a readers group? If not, where do you get your book recommendations? Leave a comment and your contact e-mail address and I’ll enter you in the drawing for an autographed copy of
Laced with Desire, my February anthology with Jaci, Joey and Denise. I’ll also add you to my newsletter for updates if you aren’t already a member.
Be sure to drop over to my blog this week for more photos and more chances to win books.
Happy Tuesday!
I don't belong to a readers group. I get most of my book recommendations from friends and family.
Happy Tuesday to you, Jasmine!
I don't belong to a reader's group
either! My recommendations come to
me from the nearly 30 blogsites I
visit and the resident & visiting
authors & bloggers connected to
each. (BTW, I don't visit all 30
every day! LOL) As I just read on
someone's site this morning, "So
many books..........."
Pat Cochran
I don't belong to a readers group.
I get my recommendations from blogs and friends and family.
kissinoak at verizo dot net
I subscribe to the Read-It-First newsletter with Suzanne Beecher and get information about books there. Also, from friends,blogs and other newsletters.
I have never belonged to a reader's group, but it sounds like so much fun.
i wish i belonged to a readers group! i would love to have someone face to face to talk about my books to. but all the yahoo groups and blogs are awesome and i do get to talk about the books with them. and i am going to rt 2011 and i will get to meet some of them!
I don't belong to any bookclubs. I get info about books from publisher sites, promo sites i.e. Fresh Fiction, Writerspace, Savvy Reader, Coffeetime Romance and many more. I also follow over 150+ blogs so I get tons of new book/author info that way.
I don't belong to an official book club, thought my sister's and I read and enjoy the same books, so any get together includes lengthy talks about favorite stories and characters.
caity_mack at yahoo dot com
I did belong to reader's groups over the years but not since my last move. I get my recommendations mostly from word of mouth and some review blogs that I enjoy.
little lamb lst (at) yahoo (dot) com
no club
i go to websites blogs and romantic times
congrats the books
love the first laced whoo
I don't belong to a reader's group.
But the words Los Gatos brought back memories of growing up around there. Congrats on a good book group.
You must read the Amelia Peabody series. Elizabeth Peters is wonderful. I read the first couple way back when they first came out. She also writes/wrote as Barbara Micheals -- romantic suspense/gothic.
Thanks everyone for stopping by and sharing how you get your book recommendations! Isn't the Internet great, we can find so much stuff out there now. But of course, I still love the group interaction.
PMom, that sounds like great fun, going to rt2011!
Thanks, Kim on Unlaced!
Michelle, I'm glad I brought back fond memories! I love Los Gatos, though I do live over the hill. And no, I didn't read Amelia Peabody! I read the Barbara Michaels books! But I'm starting in on Amelia asap.
Okay, I'm off to choose the winner of Laced with Desire! Back in a few!
And congratulations, Lil! You are the winner of Laced with Desire. Please email me on skully at skullybuzz dot com!
Thanks, everyone!
I don't belong to a reader's group but it sounds like a lot of fun. I read so many great blogs and almost every one of them has great book recommendations. I take those books that I want to add to my Amazon wish list and after adding them Amazon gives me ever more recommendations.
When I go to the book store I can then have a whole list of books that I've added to Amazon wish list that I haven't bought online yet.
Yes, Mary, Amazon does create a great wish list based on your input.
I don't belong to a reader's group and I get most of my recommendations for the blogs. You must read Kaki Warners Blood Rose series, its awesome.
Thank you, Virginia! I'll look for the Blood Rose series!
I have my own bookgroup got started when was just me my mom and sister and kind ofgrew with other fmaily members and honestly i get my recomendations from more then just my group i get them from blogs and author sites book stores ect all depends really
and ill look for that blood rose series for sure i always like new recomendations
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