Stuck on what to get a writer friend for Christmas? Well, fret no further. Here’s a list that’s going to make your job a whole lot easier, with something for all budgets and tastes, so let’s get started!
Write up a storm!
What writer doesn’t love stationery? Pens, pads, paper, clips, staples, journals, folders... the list is endless and your writer pal will no doubt love them all, whether it’s a blue metallic gel pen for book signings or a novelty stapler. Still can’t decide? Easy. Get a gift voucher from their favourite office supplies store and you’ll be in the good books, I swear.
We’re not just staring out the window - writers need time to think –it’s a fact! So how do you make your friend’s staring time productive while she awaits her muse? A nail buffer, a coffee mug with a pithy slogan (“finish the damn book” and “my husband sleeps with an author” are my personal favourites) and a framed picture of Antonio Banderas/George Clooney/Matthew Mcconnaghy (insert stud of choice).
An inspiration scented candle can help set the mood for your writer pal or a Chinese lucky plant will add freshness to your air and need nothing more than water to grow. Or think about a themed CD collection – anyone for romance and love songs perchance?
...needs a jolly good massage, along with the rest of your writer friend. Get them a voucher for a relaxing massage and you will be #1 friend! Or if your friend is eager to catch up with all that telly they missed while in deadline hell, get them a season of their favourite TV show so they can spend some quality time on the sofa. Or even a magazine subscription (GQ works for this little black duck).
The sixth major food group
Chocolate. Should be more of it. You can never go wrong with chocolate. But make it the good stuff. If someone’s gonna be putting on weight, make it worth their whileJ
Fact is stranger than fiction
So get them something strange – biographies are great inspiration to the writer looking to work out what makes characters tick! Don’t know which one to get? Again, go the voucher route. Seriously, nobody minds getting a voucher – it proves you want them to have a gift they like!
And happy Christmas!
*This blog first appeared the wetnoodleposse.com December 2007 ezine. Reprinted with permission.
Trish, what fantastic suggestions. Especially the stationery. I am an utter stationery tart. I go all gooey and squealy when I hit Officeworks. It's seriously scary. But there's something about all that paper and all those implements. Yum, yum, yum. Yes, writers are officially strange.
You forgot the favorite tipple to celebrate their latest multi-million dollar contract or place at the top of the NYT list.
I hope Santa brings you one or preferably all your requests! Happy Holidays, everyone!
Forgot the bubbles? Moi?
No no no! I expect you to bring that when you deliver your pressy, Ms Campbell:-)) What time *will* you be arriving, hmmm? (Ms Campbell serves up a mean bubbles)
But oh yes, don't forget the bubbles. Nothing like the tipple of choice to tickle one's fancy.
Gosh, what writer isn't a stationery tart? Heck, what human isn't? I reckon I became a writer merely to feed my stationery addiction. (And if you haven't checked out the latest Xmas stationery supplies at your nearest superstore, get thee there forthwith. It's a veritable smorgasbord of stationery delights! (Just don't take a 10yo with you or you're credit card will implode. You have been warned!))
Isn't it wild how excited we writers can get about an office supply store? :) Fun post, fellow Trish. Though it wasn't for Christmas, the best gift I got myself this year was TiVo. Now the system records all my favorite shows and movies, and I don't have to worry about missing them if I'm in serious writing mode.
Hi Trish,
This is such a terrific list. Do you mean I have to buy these for other people? I'd really like them for myself (G)! Thanks for the inspiration (and yes, count me in as a stationery lover too).
Oooh, Trish, you have me all a-quiver over that list! Its almost enough to send me into the Christmas mania to our nearest Warehouse Stationery store.
Thank you for the list Trish. Some of the things on there never even entered my mind to give to the couple of writers that I know. I hope that you get a couple of those things off your list for you.
Great list!
Trish, a TiVo? I don't even know what that is but I want one:-)) I can see I'll have to do some research quick smart.
Annie, the trick is, buy them for yourself. Their name goes in the "From" bit on the label:-))
Hey Yvonne, thanks for dropping by! It's lovely to think that stationery fetish is universal, wherever in the world we are!
Cryna, the great thing about that list, is it works for readers too. Who doesn't need a massage or chocolate or an office supply store fix every now and then?
I hope the list helped and oh yes, I'm looking forward to seeing what Santa brings this year. I've actually asked the kids for a Chinese lucky plant for my tip of an office. All I have to do between now and the big day is locate a clear bit of horizontal surface to put it. Come to think of it, a dumpster might come in handy on that list right about now...
Thanks Estella! It was a fun list to put together. Can't believe I forgot the bubbles (the shame!) So glad Ms Campbell was on task - lol.
Great list Trish - but I'm going to say something terrible here - I could do without the chocolate!
No - honest - I'm really not bothered by it. But I do know what I want as a present - I've been looking for it everywhere and I haven't been able to find one - I want a voucher for reading time!
What do you mean they don;t exist? There must be one somewhere. A voucher for an extra hour a day - to do nothing but read. That'd just suit me fine. Or maybe a voucher for an extra day a week to read?
For me that would be perfect.
Happy Christmas Trish - and Anna - and everyone who has commented. Hope it's a wonderful holiday for you (with lots of reading time)
Everyone should have a supply of chocolate. The world would be a better place.
Nice List... chocolate is always great!
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