Hello everyone at Author Sound Relations! Did any of you attend this July’s RWA convention in Orlando? Don’t worry if you didn’t because I’m going to retell my lightning moment of inspiration right here. Ready? The keynote speaker Jayne Ann Krentz told us to know what our core story is. In other words, what is the story that always seems to appeal to you as a writer? Or even as a reader? Do you know?
I puzzled over it for a while, but eventually I realized that I just love giving my heroine the choice between two good but very different men. As in, would you choose security with a man who loves you or passion with the man who doesn’t? An easier life as a respectable woman or an exciting life of topsy turvy adrenaline in the moment?

I think it all harks back to my college romance where I had two guys, um...men, who were interested in me. The first was Simon who was a fellow extrovert. Being with him was exciting, passionate, and a huge roller coaster ride of exhausting fun/pain. The other was David who was like coming home to hot chocolate cookies and settling in for a nice night of good television. He was warm and accepting, and I was never more peaceful than when I was with him. In the end, I picked David and have never regretted the choice. But sometimes I wonder if Simon and I could have sustained something lasting. I think not. We were too hot as it was, and after just a couple months the lows were getting bad. Still, it’s fun to remember those wild college nights!
The heroine of my new historical Wicked Surrender has just that choice. Respectable marriage with a sweet man. (Well, in his case, he’s really more of a boy). And passion with someone who loves her with a kind of madness, whose touch excites her, and who is not offering marriage. Here’s the book trailer.
So tell me what you think! Have you ever faced a choice like this? One lucky commentor will get a Jade Lee book! Or if you prefer, you can have a copy of my new Blaze as Kathy Lyons Taking Care of Business. It’s out this month!
Thankfully I've never had to make such a choice. That choice would be hard, but I think so many people would choose love and passion over stability. Thankfully, I got both :)
I know of womem who chose love & passion over stability and lived to regret their decisions...because the passion burnt out. Stability wins in my view.
i had the choice a few yrs ago the stability sadly wanst that stable love and passion won out and im happy to say its now love passion and stability
so really its all in how the cards fall sometimes sweet and boyish isnt as good as romantic and daring
Obviously that JAK speech made a lot of people think. I know when Carrie Lofty said later that day at the Unusual Historical panel -- Michelle Styles who likes to write self made men as heroes. I thought --- yes, that is it. It IS the sort of hero I like to write.
But I don't think I have been in the situation you describe. I know it is quite a popular dilemma. Wasn't Bridget Jones Diary based around that as well? Torn between two lovers?
Now that I'm older I would choose passion!
I did chose stability but in the end I got it all
I've never been faced with that decision, but I think I would go with the stability.
I had the "roller coaster ride,"
then I met the sweet young man who
eventually convinced me that life
together was what the future held
for us. We will celebrate our 50th
anniversary this coming spring.
Pat Cochran
Can't say that I've been in that situation. Kinda sounds exciting!!
The only option I had was stability and it was the right thing for me.
I'm glad there wasn't a choice, I might not have been able to pick love & missed out big time.
I've never had to face that choice. I enjoy reading stories about it though!
I chose passion and it only lasted 13 years.
I now have love and stability and it is 21 years and counting.
Haven't found myself in that particular situation, but it is always interesting to find out what choices are made when one does have to decide.
Sounds like we've got a lot of right choice commentors today! Me too! My husband got up before dawn and drove me to the airport even though he didn't have to get up for hours. Ah..true love. Being willing to get up waaaaay to early to drive your wife to the airport.
So keep the comments coming! Tell me something your passionate guy did for you! Or something your stable guy did to prove he is The One!
I'd go with the love and stability that lasts over passion with no love (exciting in the moment yes but then it most likely dies out).
When we first met, my guy used to walk to come and see me since he didn't have a car. The walk took him about an hour to get to me. That's a long walk. He's also taken care of me each time I've gotten sick, had surgery ect and never once complained.
Rincewind the wizard from Terry Pratchett - 'I like dull. Dull lasts.'
Good point, cogently argued!
I would choose passion!
I LOVE Terry Pratchett! And yes, dull does seem to last longer!
Our winner is Leni!
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