I post a lot of pictures from my studio. It's been a while since I've taken friends on a tour of the cottage. Rectifying that today! We're hoping to start the addition next year. Like everything else, it'll be done in fits and bits, but high on my list is indoor plumbing. I know, I'm all fancy! LOL
Anyway, come on in and see my favorite place in the world...
Join us for a visit with some of our favorite authors whose books we love to read and share with everyone. You'll get to hear from authors who've become friends over the years, authors we're just discovering, and lots of prizes and books to win!
Friday, November 13, 2020
My Cottage
Monday, November 02, 2020
A Precipice of...Something by Susan Sands
Hello all! Tomorrow is election day. In 2020. The year has been, well, you know. It's been difficult, to put it mildly.
I don't know what tomorrow will bring. I'm concerned. Mostly about the fallout no matter which candidate wins. Half of the country will be devastated. And angry. Will there be violence in the streets?
Leading up to election day there has been an incredible amount of screaming by pundits on both sides. I don't like politicians and I don't like watching the news. Common sense seems to have gone out the window.
I hope there will be a clear winner. I hope the election won't be contested. I'm sick of the country screaming at each other. I like my friends; all of them. But the media and social media tells me I'm not supposed to like anyone I don't agree with. I hate that it's come to this.
I wish you all peace during this time of unrest. We are all Americans and I hope we can get back to civility very soon. I refuse to scream. I refuse to predict gloom and doom for us all. All I can do is vote and deal with the results.
Stay well and healthy, everyone, and hang in there. We will get through this together!