One of the most rewarding things about being a writer is the
ability to honor a loved one in a book. Georgiana Kincaid, the heroine in Kissed by You, is facing her first
Christmas without her beloved Grandma Emmy. Her grandmother is patterned after
my mother, Emilia, who passed away this year after a long and full life at
Emilia drew people like a magnet
with her irrepressible wit and charm. As a child, I marveled that my mother’s
hands were never idle, never empty. She was always sewing or making jewelry or
decorating the home she loved so much. A whirlwind of creativity, she was an
extrovert who loved people and drew energy from being with them. I admired how
resilient she was in facing many challenges with grace and how she managed to
bounce back with renewed purpose and vigor.
She was my champion and my hero.
Including her as a secondary character in Kissed
by You was heart wrenching yet wonderful because it brought back beautiful
memories of my mother and Mr. Woods, the man she married late in life, who
romanced her and was her devoted dance partner at country club dances when they
were well into their eighties.
by You is about Georgiana Kincaid and Dr. Alex Cortes, and how fate brings
them together on one magical Christmas Eve. Alex is mourning the death of his
parents five years ago on Christmas Eve and a painful, unresolved issue with
his mother. Georgiana is reeling from a series of disappointing events and
heartache that shatter her belief in a happily ever after.

What lovely memory do you have of your grandmother? Leave a comment below for a chance to win a copy of Tropical Heat Series Box Set!
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The memories I have of my nans is that they always were there for me and made me smile when I was down. They were both the best role models I could have ever asked for.
My Nana practically raised me, so all my memories i have of her are lovely! She was always there for me when i needed her!
cooking together
bn100candg at hotmail dot com
My Nana practically raised me. So every memory I have of her is lovely. She was always there when I needed her!
my grandma quilted. every time I wrap up in one of her quilts, I feel her hugging me.
My grandmother was a no-nonsense woman. My grandfather was a giant teddybear!!
My grandma Rose loved to cook. She always wore an apron and had something simmering on the stove. She and two of her sisters catered weddings and funerals into their 80's!
She always took a break to watch The Young and The Restless.
best memories of the two grandma i have is 1 name wanda was she would always make zucchini breads and teach me making homemade pies! She getting too old to teach me any more sadly i sure misses thoses time. 2 her name is Vivian i always loves to go stay with her during summer months and christmas vacation when i was young she used to live in missouri and i would have a wonderful time there she taught me how to make homemade butter and feeding barn animals! gosh i sure misses her she been gone for 5 years now. so i do every thing i can to spend time with wanda she only one i have left.
I did not meet my grandmother, who lived in another country until after I graduated college. We received a letter from one of her neighbors saying that she was on her deathbed. Immediately after the graduation ceremony, my mom and I found ourselves on a flight to go to the village where she lived. When we finally reached her house, we found her seated on a small wooden stool using a cleaver to chop kindling. She broke out in the biggest grin when she saw us. My mother had not been home for almost 40 years. It was a pleasant surprise to find her spry and well, apparently she had been ill but rallied and got well before we arrived.
My grandma was a loving and caring person. She was always helping everyone. You could always count on her.
Lee, thank you for having me as your guest author! I love all of these memories that everyone has shared. It's wonderful that grandmothers leave a legacy of love.
Congratulations, Victoria Salcedo! You won an ebook of my Tropical Heat Series Box Set. Please send your email address and digital format preference, Kindle or Nook to
Thank you to all who visited with me here.
Happy reading,
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