-What inspired the idea for ‘Eye Candy’?
To be honest watching Great British Bake Off inspired me. I had written a series for Harlequin Blaze with a bakery in it and a cooking competition, so I thought this time I’d like to do a candy maker. I’ve dabbled in making truffles and different kinds of chocolate at Christmas so I knew the basics of chocolate making.
-Are Hayley and Garrett based on anybody you know for real?
No, they aren’t. I never base any of my characters on real people. I took my love for cooking and used that as a basis for Hayley. For Garrett I started with the core of him always wanting to be a cop and then questioning if he still wanted that. What else was there for him? I also am very close to my own family and wanted to explore what it would be like to grow up in the shadow of parental expectations without them being around so that Hayley could never get a thumbs up from her mom.
-How do you keep coming up with so many different ideas?
I don’t know! The thing is I really love writing. I always have different characters or scenes popping up in my head.
-What do you like to read in your free time?
Mostly romance but I also really love Margaret Atwood and Nelson Demille. I read a bit of Lee Child too. 
-Have you always written romance, or have you ever thought about anything else?
I have always written romance but sometimes I write more adventure/thriller plots than just straight romance. I have thought about writing suspense but I like exploring relationships too much to give up romance entirely. 
-Did Hayley and Garrett surprise you when writing ‘Eye Candy’, or did you have the story planned out from the start?
It did surprise me. Originally I had thought of Garrett’s character as sort of Cary Grant in Rear Window. And it was only when I started delving deeper to figure out why he was home that I uncovered his involvement in the death of a suspect, which took the story in a different a direction.
-Which stories are the most fun: billionaires, tycoons, policemen or cowboys?
I love them all. What’s the most fun is writing about all these different men because they all have something different that makes them tick. Money, saving lives, the land, but at their core they are solid men who will do anything for their family and the women they love.
What's your favorite: billionaires, tycoons, policemen or cowboys?
Tell me for a chance to be entered to win an autographed copy of EYE CANDY plus some fun book swag.
I like the firemen you write. ;)
You know, I can't choose. Each has something that I particularly love in traits that make for fun reading.
Cowboys rule.
Tycoons interest me greatly. So driven and complex.
depends on my mood
alysap AT yahoo DOT com
My all-time favorites are sheikhs, but of those you listed, I'll go with tycoons. They are so ruthless. (Not at all like people I know.)
Technically, they are ALL my favorites, though, as variety is the spice of life!
I've got to go with cowboys! Nothing better than a rugged man with a solid work ethic....and they always look in a set of jeans! :)
I like stories involving everyday heroes: firefighters, policemen and military servicemen who are always putting their lives on the line for us.
I'm quite happy to have a new favorite each day of the week. I do love cowboys though.
I'm a fan of police and firemen, heroes who put themselves in danger while the world runs from it
Laurie G is the winner of the post. Thanks to Laney for reminding to post up the winner. :)
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