
Thursday, August 09, 2012

Speechless by Fiona Lowe

Have you ever been struck speechless? It happened to me 12 days ago at the Romance Writers of America's conference in Anaheim, California. Back in April, my single title, contemporary romance, Boomerang Bride had been nominated for the prestigious Rita award and that in itself was a wonderful shock and delightful surprise.

Over the next few months, I read and enjoyed all the great books that had been nominated in the same section and I was heard to say more than once to my husband, "Oh man, this book is so good, how can anyone possibly choose who wins."

 The thought of winning had never really crossed my radar. The night of the awards, Carina Press staff took me out to dinner to a wonderful Hawaiian Fusion restaurant where I sipped Mai Tai's.  I pretty much floated into the awards ceremony and sat back to enjoy  the night.

When the point of the evening reached the single title contemporary romance category, I had a couple of books in my head that I thought might win and I was keenly listening to romance diva and legend, Linda Howard as she said, "And the winner is..." I was never more stunned when I heard "Boomerang" and then this almighty roar went up and I didn't hear anything much else after that. I think my mouth fell open Then my good friend and date for the night, Alison Stuart was hugging me and Angela James, the executive editor of Carina Press was saying, "We won," and still I don't think I'd managed to say anything at all.

Time seemed to slow down to nothing and then I remembered, as per the instructions at rehearsal earlier in the day, that I had to go up onto the stage. Shock is a funny thing and as I made my way to the stairs, all I could think about was how on earth was I going to get a 12", six pound statue back to Australia!

 "They" say always have a speech ready just in case and a month prior, when my husband had said, "you should write a speech" I had put bullet points on the back of a business card and shoved it in my evening bag. By the time Linda Howard had given me the statue and I got to the lectern I was shaking. My fingers couldn't get the card out of the little pocket so money, lipstick and tissues spilled out onto the podium. I guess I was lucky there wasn't a tampon in there as well!

 I finally pulled the sucker of a card out of the bag and when I saw the bullet points I felt a bit calmer and although I wondered if it was a coherent speech. Apart from saying my eldest son's name first instead of my husband, I think I did okay. Given that I tend to call all the men in my family by the wrong name and have been known to call them by the cat's name,I think I might be forgiven
;-) Once the speech was over I got all wobbly again and was pleased to get back to my seat although I'm not sure I actually let go of the trophy!

 Those few minutes from the announcement until just after the speech are still blurry but I remember the rest of the night...the wonderful congratulations, the photos, the champagne... all of that is totally clear.

 I did manage to get "Rita" home although airport security x-rayed her twice and dusted her for explosives. She is now on pride of place on our mantle. It was and continues to be a wonderful time in my writing career.

I'd love to hear your stories about the moments of joy where you've been struck speechless and I'll give away an eBook copy of Boomerang Bride to one lucky winner.

Fiona Lowe is a Rita award-winning, multi-published author with Harlequin and Carina Press. Whether her books are set in outback Australia or in the mid-west of the USA, they feature small towns with big hearts, and warm, likeable characters that make you fall in love. When she's not writing stories, she's a weekend wife, mother of two 'ginger' teenage boys, guardian of 80 rose bushes and often found collapsed on the couch with wine. A RuBY nominee, you can find her at her website, facebookTwitter and Goodreads.

Boomerang Bride is available now from Carina Press, Amazon Kindle, Nook and all other online book stores, as well as being available in print in Australia under the MIRA imprint.
 Letting Go With Dr Rodriguez is available from as well as being on shelf in Australia. Her books can be purchased from  The Book Depository , iBooks and other online shops.


Pat Cochran said...

Congratulations on winning the RITA, I've enjoyed reading your books over the past few years. I'm also excited because I had actually read a RITA winning book before the Awards! I usually don't read any winners until after the fact! Thanks for writing the great books that I enjoy so much!

Pat C.

erin said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! It's so fun to hear about your win :)

I have had your book recommended to me over and over... I'd love a chance to read it...

I really can't remember a time where I've been speechless...

*yadkny* said...

WOW! Major CONGRATULATIONS to you, Fiona! Wonderful story! I would probably react the same way:) In fact I did when at a previous job there was a company-wide contest with a major cash prize for the employee and had the most referrals for employment at the agency. I worked hard to get as many as I could, but still didn't believe it was good enough. I remember going to the bathroom right before the announcement and saying a prayer, but when they actually said my name and everyone was cheering I am pretty sure I looked like a shaking deer caught in the headlights:) All I could manage croaking out was a "thanks"... kinda pathetic and my sister was there too and she still won't let me live it down, but it doesn't matter because the feeling of winning trumps it every time I think about it:)

CONGRATS again on your wonderful accomplishment!

Melanie Milburne said...

Congratulations Fiona. I was so thrilled to be there to see you up on that stage. I told you weeks ago that you were going to win! So proud of you. it's a great book.

Fiona Lowe said...

Thanks so much, Pat! I appreciate your comment very much.

Fiona Lowe said...

Erin, Thanks so much for the congratulations. I hope at some point in your life you have a great experience of being speechless.

Fiona Lowe said...

HI, Yadkny,
What a great story! So often when we work hard to reach one goal we end up exceeding it. Thanks so much for your congratulations.

Fiona Lowe said...

Dear Melanie,
It was so special that you were there too!
Thanks for lending me your phone so I could ring my husband.

Barbara E. said...

Congratulations! What a wonderful moment, you look very happy in the photos. :D I haven't had anything quite that exciting happen to me. The only thing I can think of that made me very happy lately was when I got a call telling me I got a job. I was so thrilled but I tried to stay calm and sound professional since I was talking to my new boss. After I hung up I whooped and hollered and danced around the house. :D

Eli Yanti said...

Congrts, Fiona :)

Fiona Lowe said...

Barbara, getting a job you didn't expect has rendered me speechless too. Congratulations on your new job.

Fiona Lowe said...

Thanks so much, Eli

Fiona Lowe said...

HI, there is still 48 hours left if you want to enter to win a copy of Boomerang Bride.

Fiona Lowe said...

HI, The winner is Yadkny!
I have sent you an email but if you don't receive me please email me at
Thank you