Hi, Everyone! Blogging is one of my favorite things
because I love chatting with readers about books, reading, and writing.
So feel free to join in today and offer a comment or two. I’ll be giving
away the winner’s choice of a Guardians of Ascension novel as well as a choice
of wing-based, hand-crafted earrings! In addition, I always include
romance trading cards of all four novels in my winged vampire series, a
bookmark, and a couple of postcards. And this is an international
giveaway, so please, join in the fun!
Though most of my work to date has been in the Regency
era, I’m often asked how in the world I made the switch to
paranormal? But the fact is, it never felt like much of a stretch to
me. For one thing, three of my Regencies included Greek mythological
characters (and that was way before Sherrilyn Kenyon’s fab Dark Hunters series)
and I also wrote a vampire Regency novella, which was a blast and a half!
However, beyond that, historicals and paranormals share
one major thing in common: world-building. In the same
way that I helped my Regency readers to feel like they were living
during the time of curricles, muslin gowns, snuff and masquerade balls, I’ve
worked just as hard helping my paranormal readers experience the vampire world
I’ve built. In my Guardians of Ascension series, for instance, I
created wings and flight, a different take on the vampire mythos, an array of
powers that so far doesn’t seem to have an end in sight, and most importantly
tough leather battle gear for my warriors, including super sexy black leather
kilts! *Tssss!!!*
I also think that both Regencies and Paranormals have
wonderful alpha males. My vampires are warriors and all my Regency
heroes were titled men: viscounts, earls, the occasional
marquis. I think if you added up the number of ‘lords’ I created in
my Regencies, I may have bestowed more titles than any single monarch in
British history! Alphas are wonderful to write as well: they’re
strong, but usually isolated and just need a good, powerful woman to bring them
down a peg or two in order to open up that stubborn heart to love!
Above all, however, I write romance no matter what the
genre. So, each novel in either my Regencies or my Guardians of
Ascension focuses on one couple and their struggle to find love within all the
challenges of the world in which they live.
BORN OF ASHES, my current release, is the fourth book in
the series and came out on the 3rd of this month. It features a
blood slave, Fiona, who has been rescued by the Warrior
Jean-Pierre. Because she was a slave for a hundred years, she has a
mission to in turn rescue other women.
I have to say that it’s been hugely satisfying to write a
series, something I haven’t done before. The continuing characters
become like olds friends and with each successive book I always try to take a
moment to bring forward, even if it’s just in the space of a paragraph, one of
the couples from a previous novel.
I love to talk about writing in general and my winged
vampire series specifically. Please ask me anything you like but I
always want to know what you’re favorite romance novel of all time is and what
has made that book so special for you!
To learn more about the Guardians of Ascension, go
to: www.carisroane.com
Caris Roane has published over fifty Regency romance novels
and novellas under the pen name, Valerie King.
In 2005, Romantic Times gave her a Career Achievement award in Regency
Romance. Having had a long-time love affair
with vampires, Caris tackled the paranormal genre and built a unique vampire world
based on ascending dimensional earths.
Her series is called Guardians of Ascension.
The first novel of the series, Ascension, debuted in
January of 2011 and has been nominated for a Romantic Times Reviewer Choice
Award in the category of Vampire Romance.
Burning Skies was released in May, and the third novel, Wings
of Fire, hit the shelves in September.
Her novella based on the series, Brink of Eternity, released July 12th
as a $.99 e-read! And most recently, on
January 3rd, the fourth novel, Born of Ashes, opened the New
Year. The fifth novel, Obsidian
Flame releases on April 24th. Caris lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her two cats, Sebastien
and Gizzy.
***TashNZ was picked as the winner! Congrats, Tash! Please email totebag@authorsoundrelations.com with your full name and mailing address! Thank you!!***
I just love 'The Cockermouth Mail', in part I think because the action offers the participants a chance to step out of time and find out who they are.
Hi Lee, I have not read any paranormal romances because i seemed to have "missed" the twilight error... I know I shouldnt relate paranormal back to twilight but there seems to be such a flood of vampire things, or is it that it just wasnt a mainstream popular before? Reading your blog on these stories has been the first time I've thought hmmnn... I'm going to give these a go.
Fave romance? Too hard to decide. In terms of linked stories... I own all of Judith McNaught's books, LOVE her historical romances... I own many of Suzanne Brockmann's books - worlds apart from the historical romances and I also own the whole numbers series of Janet Evanovich Stephanie Plum books. I just LOVE the characters.
I have a friend who has just read every book in the Cross Stitch series... I couldnt get past chapter two? She begs me to keep going :)
Caris Roane here. I'm happy to be with you today on Tote Bags 'n' Blogs! I'll try to get to each comment and add some thoughts of my own. I love writing and reading. My new grandbaby, a first for me, is my current hobby.
I'll be back and forth from the blog to my 'writing computer' throughout the day! I have a book due at the end of the month. The truth is, deadlines are great! My focus can get blurry without some pressure, lol!
An ocean of blessings,
The first heroine of my Guardians of Ascension series (with vampires) is named Alison...just a piece of trivia.
Of course, I had to look up The Cockermouth Mail and read a review. It sounds like a sweet story. I wrote sweet Regency forever and miss the genre. In 2005, my pub house ended the line or I'd still be writing it today.
I have no idea if my series would be right for you or not: it's just about as far from a Sweet Regency as you can get!
But thanks for commenting today!
You've just made one of the most critical points about reading and finding authors you love: we all have strong preferences. Some lend themselves to books your friends like and others make you wonder how you could be so different from your friends!
I would never pretend that my books will suit everyone. It's just not possible! And, truthfully, I'm still not sure why I fell in love with the warrior vampire genre, but I did! And as soon as that bug bit, I knew I had to create my own world and that it would be populated with vampires!
So, if you decide to try out my Guardians of Ascension, I would be so curious to see if my books work for you. I think my fan base is all over the place...I had one reader say that I was now up there, in her reading loves, with Danielle Steele and Nora Roberts! Honestly, I was flabbergasted, but then again, my series isn't your usual take on the vampire world.
Who knows, you may enjoy my work! But if you don't, that's the beauty of reading, then you move on and find someone else to fill your 'keeper' reading shelves!
Thanks for the thoughtful comment!
I am a great fan of paranormal romance and am excited to learn about your series. What particularly inspired winged vampires as heroes? They sound very sexy.
My favorite romance book has been Outlander by Diana Gabaldon, I was so emotionally invested in the characters and the story. But for a long time that spot was taken by Joan Smith's Escapade.
little lamb lst at yahoo dot com
Hi, Lil!
I'm asked a lot about the wings and first just let me say they've been a blast to write! But as for how I came up with the idea, it was really one of those magical writing moments. I knew I wanted something different for my vampires, but what? I mean how many things can you do and still have your vampires mesh with our original vampire mythos? But I was writing a scene, early in the story of ASCENSION, when a really bad vampire, a death vampire, was just twirling in mid-air and totally freaking out my heroine, Alison! But he wasn't levitating, he had huge glossy black wings and from that moment, I was sold on the wings! All the warriors have enormous wings as do all vampires, eventually, on Second Earth. (And if you're trying to think how this meshes with our vampire mythos, think 'bats'! Of course, that's a h-u-g-e stretch, but really fun!!!)
So that's how the wings came to be. I hope you enjoy my Guardians of Ascension
wow I really enjoyed your post, I didn't think of them in common but from what I see here, it does and works also.I am interested in your books for sure.
I'm so glad you enjoyed the post. Writing in both genres has been a wonderful journey for me. Of course, something I haven't mentioned in a long time is that many moons ago, I wrote one western historical romance under the pseudonym Lauren King! Loved writing that story as well, but again, the Old West is all about World-Building and Alpha heroes!
I hope you enjoy my Guardians of Ascension series!
Many blessings,
Many thanks to everyone who commented and to Lee for having me on this blog today! I always enjoy hearing your thoughts.
Have a wonderful 2012!
An ocean of blessings,
I have not read any of the books from the "Guardians of Ascension" Series. I must. They look wonderful.
Hi Caris. Thank you for your comment. The beginning of the year is the perfect time to try new things isnt it so I'm defiantly going to look your Guardians of Ascension up and try them. I'm looking forward to giving something new a go. I'll let you know how I go. P.S LOVE the covers!
Your series looks compelling and unique. best wishes on your success and a wonderful 2012. A romance novel that I cherish and is memorable is rebecca. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com
Oh cool stories Caris! I haven't read your books but they sure sound fantastic! I love paranormal romance novels and have been a fan for about 3 years now. I am definitely putting your novels on my To-Buy list! Congrats on your series!
I love to read and my favorite books are paranormal and historical. I love all paranormal beings, especially vamps and wolves. Favorite paranormal are Laurell K Hamilton, Patricia Briggs, Jeaniene Frost, and JR Ward. Love the kick ass, lovers & fighing characters. Favorite historical would be Julia Quinn, Lisa Kleypas, and Kat Martin. I love to read and read about 4 to 6 books a week. I am always looking for new books and authors to check out. Would love to win and read this book. Since a new series would love to win and read the first book of this series. Love the covers, very sexy. Thanks for the chance to win.
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