But that’s not why I’m irresolute - Well no – I don ‘t really mean irresolute do I? That means I can’t make up my mind and this morning I feel very resolute – quite determined in fact. What I mean is that I’m here on the first day of the new year, with not a resolution in sight – no ‘I will do this . . .’ and ‘I must do that . . .’ No, I’m just starting the New Year as I mean to go on - and talking to friends. Friends, readers, people who matter to me. And that’s because people are what matter.
Personally, I was quite glad to see that back of 2011. It was not an easy year – or a fun one, My family has a tradition that as midnight approaches we write a list on one sheet of paper of all the bad things in the past 12 months that we want to get rid of. And another list of the good things we want to remember. As midnight strikes, we put the list of bad things into the flame of a candle and burn them all up – gone – out of our lives. And we keep the list of good tings the stay forever and remember what really matters.
2011 was a year in which I dealt with bereavement - my dear mother in law, two beloved cats. . . There was illness – my own, that of several people very dear to me those cats. There was the worry of two friends who were fighting with very real health problems, things that went wrong unexpectedly, and amongst all that problems in writing through all the ups and downs. As a result I’m way behind on a deadline and I’m going to have to run like mad even to keep still, never mind catch up.
So you’d think I would be resolving to work harder, faster, smarter - to do more, plan more, write more . . .
So you’d think I would be resolving to work harder, faster, smarter - to do more, plan more, write more . . .
No – because if this year has taught me one thing it’s that it‘s people who matter. People (and cats and such ) that you care about, who fill your life with warmth and friendships and caring. Someone once, someone very wise, said that on their deathbed he doubted that anyone wold ever say they wish they had spent more time at the office. And this year has taught me that spending time with people and sharing with them is so important. If you’re not careful you can find that one day, suddenly and unexpectedly, they’re not there any more - I had that happen this year, and came close to it a couple of more times too.
So my only resolve – not resolution - for this year is to make sure that the people who are important in my life know that they matter to me. Because after all, love is what really matters, loving the people we who matter, and letting them know. That’s one of the reasons I write romance – and one of the reasons that I value it and get angry when people mock ‘those little love books’. Because after all, what’s more important than love?
So on this January 1st 2012, I’m putting that resolve into action – but thanking all my readers, everyone who’s ever bought one of my books, and all of you who’ve taken the time and trouble to write to me and let me know how much you’ve enjoyed them - Thank you – you’re very special to me because without you I couldn’t keep on doing this job that I love if there was no one out there interested in what I write.
For the coming new year I wish you health, happiness – but most of all I wish you love and the joy of people who love you in your life. I hope you’ll take the time to tell those people how important they are to you – and to listen when they say the same back to you. It’s worth it, believe me!
Happy New Year! I hope 2012 is a wonderful year for you.

Happy New Year Kate ~ Back at you. I like your tradition of getting rid of the bad stuff. Here's hoping 2012 is better for all the world. 2011 just seemed to be one disaster after the other. Thank you for keeping in touch with your readers. I really appreciate it.
I wish that the negative memories of 2012 should soon become distant in time. I think more writing success is assured with the upcoming book!
Happy New Year Kate. You've done such an incredible job amongst all the curve balls of 2011. You're an inspiration. Happy New Year and I wish you and your loved ones all the best for 2012.
Happy New Year, Kate! I wish you the very best of everything in 2012!! xox
I have actually found that the older I get, the better each year seems to be. Imagine what a great year I will have when I hit 100.
I wish you an amazing year Kate! All the best to a wonderful and healthy one!
My hopes and prayers are that we, all
the peoples of the world, can come together in the peace and civility
we seek. It is probably too much to
ask for but I can dream, can't I?
God bless us all!!
Pat C.
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