I read the copy of this story in the library all those years ago, returned the book, and then largely forgot about it . If I remembered it, it was only vaguely – and now here it was right in front of me bringing back all sorts of memories. But this time there was something I could do about it – a quick search of the used book shops on the internet soon found me a copy of this novel for myself and by the time I got home it was waiting for me. I spent a very happy afternoon rereading it and reminding myself of the dramatic and romantic story of Clementina and Charles and their journey.
One of the very best things about having the internet has been being able to do this – to find long ago treasures from my childhood , get hold of copies and reread them. I discovered a really old favourite - Simona’s Jewel (this was old even when I first read it!) and another book by the same author Two of Red and Two of Blue. There were the Romney Marsh Stories of Monica Edwards, too – lots of books that I had once loved so much but hadn’t seen again in years. Interestingly enough, they all had dark, ambiguous, strong heroes – even if those heroes were only 15 or so!
It’s easy to see where my personal alpha heroes in my modern day romance come from when you look back at these childhood stories. And it’s particularly appropriate that I should be thinking about these older books now when the newest book of mine - then one that’s coming out very soon - is inspired by one of favourite ever books, one that swept me away when I first read it (about the same time as The Escape of The Princess) - and that’s Wuthering Heights.
The Return of the Stranger is coming out in the UK just now and is being published in America and Australia in October 2011. (Some people have been worried that this is a copy – or steals from the original. Instead it’s a book that takes Wuthering Heights as its launch point and inspiration. So much so that in fact the Bronte Society at Haworth Parsonage itself has asked me to give a talk about writing this book and using that amazing novel as a starting point. But you don’t have to have read Wuthering Heights to understand it, The Return of The Stranger stands up as a romance all on its own.
I’ll tell you a bit more about The Return of The Stranger next time, when it’s so much closer to the publication date. To celebrate the publication of this book, I’m going to be really busy with a hectic and full Blog Tour that launches on September 11th when I’ll start it all off on my web site. After that, you can follow my tour all over the blogosphere – and maybe win yourself some great prizes of books that you’ll want to remember just as I’ve always remembered these ones. Check out my blog – and this great AuthorPage so you can join in all the fun.
In the meantime, to start things off here – what favourite book from your childhood or youth would you love to find again? Have you tried to track one down? Or like me have you actually found a very special book? I have a book from my backlist for one lucky poster in the comments section.
Kate Walker’s The Return of the Stranger is out now in the UK and published on October 4th in Presents Extra in America or Sexy Romance in Australia. You can find out more details over on Kate's Web site – with all the most up to date news on her blog.
Gone With the Wind is a book I would love to have a copy of. It was the book that got me started reading. I loaned my copy out many years ago and never got it back. I have tracked town all the back list of a favorite author before and still have them stored away.
The Hidden Staircase (YA romantic suspense, not by Nancy Drew, author unknown, read in jr.high)
The Crystal Cave
The Thornbirds
Banish Misfortune (Anne Stuart)
Lightning that Lingers (Tom & Sharon Curtis--rereading right now!)
I'm lucky that the first book that got me reading romances all started with The Wolf and the Dove by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss!
Still have it with me today as I helped myself in keeping it as it was previously my sisters *grin*
I am looking for two books which I think have gone out of print ;(
- Lovescape by Anne Avery, Phoebe Conn, Sandra Hill, Dara Joy
- To Charm a Prince by Patricia Grasso
Can't wait until your book arrives in SA ;o)
Hey there, Kate!
I used to read Enid Blyton's NODDY books and just loved them. My sister gave me one years ago that her kids put in her yard sale and it didn't sell. You should have seen how excited I was to receive this tattered book, which is still a valued addition to my book cabinet, I might add! (I have NODDY GOES TO TOYLAND, but there must be dozens more out there of other NODDY titles.)
Kate, there are so many! I did read years and years ago a book by an early Australian author called Di Double Di and in one of our moves I seem to have lost it. I haven't thought until now to go searching for it on Amazon or something. Thanks for jolting my memory!
Looking forward to your Wuthering Heights inspired book.
When I was about 11, my mom had this historical romance that I wanted to read so badly. And I did, while she was at work and school was out. It was by Jessica March, and it was called Embrace the Fury. Looking back, I realize how bad the history in it was. But oh, it took my imagination and ran away with it! I loved that book with all the passion a kid can love an illicit story. And yeah, it was quite illicit. Opened my little eyes, I have to say.
When I was a little bit older, The Thornbirds did it for me. Lost myself in that book! And the miniseries. I never much cared for Richard Chamberlain as Father Ralph, but I still loved it.
Then there were all the other books I loved along the way, including Black Beauty and the Black Stallion books. And always, always Harlequin Presents. :)
I would love to buy a copy of SEVEN LITTLE AUSTRALIANS. The adventures of this pioneering family was a great favourite of mine as a child. The TV series was excellent too. So I will need a DVD as well.
Hi Virginia - Gone with the Wind is an amazing book isn't it? At least there are always copies of this one in print for you to get a copy of it easily. And I've don e exactly what yo've done - tracked down all the backlist of a favourite author so then I can reread whenever I want to
Hello Kara - I don't know The Hidden Staircase - but The Thornbirds was something I read ages ago - and The Crystal Cave - I loved that book. I have all of Mary Stewart's books and I collected some really old first editions of hers - including The Crystal Cave
Hi Rita! I hope you find those two books - the internet is great for tracking down long lost loves (in book form anyway!) And how great that you have your own copy of that very special book.
I'm not sure when The Return of The Stranger reaches SA - hoppefully soon and I do hope you enjoy it when you get hold of it.
Hi Laney - Noddy - of there must be hundreds of Noddy titles! But I think Noddy Goes to Toyland must be one of the very first - I hope you track some more down
How nice to 'see' you here Melanie - for tracking down old long lost books I use the Bookfinder site and I just had a quick look to see if Di-Double-Di is available there. There are a few copies. That is such an intriguing title - it makes me wonder what the book is about.
I hope you enjoy my 'Wuthering Heights' - it's a little extra stress to think of other authors reading it.
Lynn, Hello! Lovely to 'see' you too. Oh that sounds like just the perfect sort of book to get you reading and not wanting to put it down - and what a title! Embrace the Fury! They don't make them like that any more. I swallowed The Thornbirds whole too - but like you I could never get into Richard Chamberlain as the hero. And oh yes - Black Beauty and the Black Stallion . . . . Happy memories
Marybelle - Seven Little Australians - I've heard of that but never read it. I'v e seen the book but not a DVD - so I wish you luck in your search for it.
Now I must go and find Sid the cat to get him to pick a winner - or perhaps if he's gone wandering then his apprentice and trainee Charlie the Maine Coon will pick a winner instead. . . I'll be back
I startd reading with Gulliver's Travels. The fantasy and the adventures...sigh!
Then came Enid Blyton series, Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys and Alfred Hitchcock.
Amidst all these there was a forbidden book, hidden by my elder sister, a Harold Robyns, titled...Kiss the Boys and Make them die. I read THAT!
I wonder if I'm correct on the title. Have to check through the net now. I remember it was the first Sheikh story I read by the way! Very hot!
Books that stayed with me?
I loved Little Women when I was young. And all the Anne Of Green Gables series. Plus Call Of The Wild by Jack London. And Black Beauty, and everything by Jane Austen . . . so many books. I remember when I was twelve I read Lover & Gamblers by Jackie Collins - but had to hide it so my mother wouldn't find out :)
Great post Kate.
Oh, Helen I read some of Jackie Collins too! The Stud and Hollywood Wives.
The Cricket In Times Square by George Selden, Heidi by Johanna Spyri, Charlotte's Web by EB White, Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton, Gorky Park by Martin Cruz Smith, Leon Uris Exodus Ian Fleming James Bond novels and Coma by Robin Cook
Well it's a good job that I coulnd't find Sid - or Charlie - who had both taken advantage of a brief gap in the rain and wandered out into the garden because there are more of you whose names need to go into the choice for winners
Hello Nas! I always loved Enid Blyton books too - I read any of those I could get my hands on. In the UK we got some of The Hardy Boys and I read those though I never wanted to go back and reread them - but I did read almost anything!
Hello Helen - I loved Little Women and the follow ups - Good Wives Little Men and Jo's Boys but Little Women was always my favourite. Jack London - yes - but my mother would have hit the roof if any of Jackie Collins' books were brought into her house! Even if I'd hidden it!
Laurie - many of your titles are new ones to me except James Bond and oh yes, Heidi - I won a copy of Heidi for coming 3rd in class one year and I still have it. That's a real memory for me.
And now that Sid has come in - it's raining again!
The Winner is - Helen Lacey
Helen please can you email me kate AT kate-walker.com and I'll sort out your prize
The rest of you I hope I'll see you along my Blog Tour soon.
Congats to Helen!
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