The summer here was extreme -- relentless days of temps above 90 and humidity that made you feel as though you were always wet. To make things even more uncomfortable, we spent late July and early August in the steambath called Orlando FL with temps that hovered near 100 and, well, 200% humidity! At least it felt like that. Of course, I was able to take photos like this one even on those sweltering days....see everyone in their shorts?? I spent days and days in t-shirts/tanks/shorts/bathing suit because it was just too darn hot...some days were too hot to stay outside
So, when winter is upon us and the days of summer are long past and far off, what do you remember to keep you warm? Are you a summer person or a winter person? Would you rather play in the surf or in the snow? Do you long for one while living in the other? Post a comment and I have some books to share with 2 people....picked at random from the comments.

short story) and her next Harlequin Historical novel. She's also participating in the HH Authors' Holiday Giveaway - a month-long gift extravaganza with daily prizes and a Kindle 3G as a grand prize. Visit her website contest page for more info - http://www.terribrisbin.com/contest.php/contest.php
And Terri wants to wish everyone a very Happy Holiday season and a Merry Christmas. I hope everyone's New Year is healthy, happy and successful, too!
While we here in WI can get to very cold temps, I've taken to wearing thermal underwear (found in most men's departments or outdoor outfitter - sleek black and nylon material, not the boring white and cotton) so that I can go out and do things like play disc golf (a great summer activity) out in the cold weather, or just be out in the cold without feeling it too much.
Going out into the
December is our hottest month. It's mostly spent outdoors near the sea! Our winter months are June and July...but even that is twenty-five degrees celcius. Not cold for thermal wear. But listening to stories of snow, just for once I wish we had a white Christmas. I normally decorate our tree using cotton wool to depict snow!
nas_dean@ymail . com
Nas I feel you, its winter in corsica but the leaves are still green, I can go out without a sweater and the locals are all shivering and smoking like its 30below.
I grew up in Wisconsin. Hi Carrie!! I'm spending my Christmas in Wisconsin this year. I've been in Florida the last 15 winters. I'm an avid swimmer so I prefer the warmer temperatures. I love to wear t-shirts and shorts. I like to read outside.
I actually enjoyed the beautiful fall weather. However it is now getting cold with overnight lows in the single digits.. BRRR! It snowed yesterday about 2 inches. So pretty! More snow is expected on Saturday. I'm really looking forward to a white Christmas. I live in the country with a lot of Christmas tree farms. We're going to cut down a tree. I love that freshly cut pine smell.
I hope to be back in Florida next Christmas!
Now that I'm older I feel the cold on my nose, ears, fingers and toes.
Luckily,I can read whether it's warm or cold outside.
It's really cold here. Winter is taking centerstage, snow all around. Warm sweaters, scarves, mittens, socks and hats are on. And yet I'm still turning blue. What I do to beat the cold? drinking cocoa and reading romances. The best thing to do to feel warm, or at least on the inside. I don't really long for summer weather, for I do like all the holiday preparations and yes snow does have it's charm. It's just so cold, but that's the only downside really.
I grew up in Syr, NY where there is over 4ft of snow already. Two hours away in Albany, we have no snow just cold. I called my mom and laughed.
When I have to go out and shovel and snow blow, I throw on a pair of ski pants I got thru Land's End, warm boots and all the other stuff.
I actually use winter as an excuse to buy more clothes- like I need one- but I have to accessorize, don't I?? Scarves, hats, gloves, boots, shoes, etc...
My biggest complaint about the cold and snow is the idiots on the road. Stay home, please!!
I am a summer person. I would love to live where it never got cold.
Where I live, winters don't ususally get too cold for long so I prefer that too the strain of the heat of summer. I love to read next to a roaring fire.
Whew! what a lot of snow! I will not complain about our 55 degrees here in Northern California, not even about the rain! stay warm!
I am a summer person. I live 20 miles from the Pacific Ocean so I usually don't have to deal with really cold weather.
I'm more of a fall person, but I'd rather be in shorts than in a down jacket. I do love my cashmere sweaters and scarf.
I'm not a winter person. I prefer Spring and Autumn. If I didn't have to drive or shovel I'd feel better about this season. I just remind myself that it's only for four months and look on the bright side.
I love summer, sunshine, heat and enjoy it all year round. I don't do well with cold and snow.
When I had to live through winter all my life it was hard but I am now in an ideal climate which is great. Easy, no snow and mild.
Hi Terri, missed your day on the calendar, but glad you're here.
I like summer, but since I was born in winter, I do love snow. I do like a White Christmas. I just don'y like snow when it comes in 6 or more inches at once, lol.
Hi Terri!
I love warm temperatures but live where the seasons change. Right now we are having a blizzard, with a foot of snow and whiteout conditions. Oh boy, lucky us! Not! I always look forward to Dec. 23, the shortest day of the year. After that the days start getting longer again.
Have a fun and warm, happy holiday!
Oh I'm definitely a summer person. Love to swim, walk, bike, read outside!
I do like to have a white Christmas for about two weeks at the end of December!
I love that the family gets together for the holidays. Good food, love and laughter. You can't beat it. We play Sheepshead, and board games, sing Christmas carols and eat!
We just received over 13 inches of snow. Hope to cross country ski and go ice skating!
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