
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

CAPTIVE OF SIN has been released!

by Anna Campbell

Hey, guys, I've got a new book out! Huzzah! CAPTIVE OF SIN has been released which is a bit of an oxymoron, I admit! But what's an oxymoron between friends?

I'm really thrilled about this book which is a passionate, dramatic tale involving a runaway heiress, a national hero with PTSD, an elopement, a marriage of convenience, a gorgeous house on the Cornish cliffs, dastardly relatives, and lots of derring do.

Not to mention one of my favorite heroes ever in Sir Gideon Trevithick.

Publishers Weekly must have liked my lovely Gideon too. They just chose CAPTIVE OF SIN as one of their top 100 books of 2009, one of only five mass market paperbacks to make the list. How cool is that? You can find the list here:

Here's the blurb:

He pledged his honor to keep her safe . . .

Returning home to Cornwall after unspeakable tragedy, Sir Gideon Trevithick comes upon a defiant beauty in danger, and vows to protect her whatever the cost. He’s dismayed to discover that she’s none other than Lady Charis Weston, England’s wealthiest heiress—and that the only way to save her from the violent stepbrothers determined to steal her fortune is to wed her himself! Now Gideon must hide the dark secrets of his life from the bride he desires more with every heartbeat.

She promised to show him how to love—and desire--again . . .

Charis has heard all about Gideon, the dangerously handsome hero with the mysterious past. She’s grateful for his help, but utterly unwilling to endure a marriage of convenience—especially to a man whose touch leaves her breathless. Desperate to drive him mad with passion, she would do anything to make Gideon lose control—and fall captive to irresistible, undeniable sin.

You can check out an excerpt here:

And for the very first time, I have a book trailer. A lovely friend of mine Vanessa Barneveld made me a promo video as a surprise present. Sure beats new socks in the present department! Check it out:

Isn't that gorgeous? And SOOOO romantic!

The reviews have been great so far, including a Top Pick from Romantic Times who said, "Campbell holds readers captive with her highly intense, emotional, sizzling and dark romances. She instinctually knows how to play on her readers' fantasies to create a romantic, deep-sigh tale." You can read more reviews on my Latest News page on my website.

And I'll finish up with news of a giveaway. Share your New Year's resolutions for 2010 - yeah, how scary is that? It's nearly 2010! - and you could win one of two prize packs. Both include signed copies of CAPTIVE OF SIN plus a few books out of my prize cupboard. A lovely surprise bonanza to start the year with. Good luck! Just check out the contest on my website.

And check out CAPTIVE OF SIN! It would be a sin to miss it!

Hmm, have I got a future in advertising? Nah, I didn't think so either!

So how has your year been? Hard to believe it's so close to saying goodbye to 2009!


Patti (@TheLoveJunkee) said...

Congratulations! I've heard only good things about this book - can't wait to read it!

Anna Campbell said...

Hey, thanks, Patti! Hope you enjoy Captive of Sin!

Linda Henderson said...

I really can't wait to read your book. I've heard nothing but good things about it. My year started out badly with my daughter giving birth at 23 weeks and it didn't look good but 4 months later my granddaughter got out of the NICU and got to come home in July. She started out at 1 lb. 2.7 oz. and is now a whopping 7 lbs. 11 oz. She is doing great. My youngest daughter just found out she is expecting number 3, so overall it's been a great year.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anna, congrats on your new release! I can't wait to get it. I have been hearing a lot really good things about your book, but I wouldn't expect anything less. Yours are always great! I guess my year has been ok, nothing special and it hard to believe its all coming to an end soon. Where did the year go. Its been a busy year for sure!

Anna Campbell said...

Linda, wow, what great news. I'm so happy for you. Sounds like the year turned out well! After no books in 2008, I had two books out this year - that felt like a red-letter year for me. Was lovely to have some new stuff on the shelves.

Anna Campbell said...

Virginia, I'm shocked at how fast this year has gone. I've been really busy - which might be partly responsible for the speed of time passing. But still! Hope you enjoy COS!

penney said...

Hi Anna
Congratulations on your new book I love the cover and it sounds very good.
Our New year eves we stay in where it's safe with the girls and watch tv and eat potato chips! We live in the Los Angeles area so there are a lot of drunks out.
Great blog today, thanks for being here.

Annie West said...

Hi Anna,

I just love the cover of CAPTIVE OF SIN, so it was great to see it here at Tote Bags n Blogs. As you know, this is one of my faves of your stories (anyone who loves a gorgeous, honorable yet tortured hero - Gideon is your man!). Great to see you blogging about it here.

Does it sound bizarre to say that I'm already looking forward to next year? Here's hoping it's a terrific one for romance writers and readers.

Mary Kirkland said...

Congratulations on th book, I can't wait to read it. So far this year I made up with my dad after us not talking for 10 years, my daughter turned 18 years old and my little brother got married. Things have been pretty good so far.

Anna Campbell said...

Hi Penney! Your New Year's Eve sounds like fun. I must say I tend not to do much these days - it was never my favorite party occasion. Too many drunks out, as you say! One year, though, I went to see the big firework display on Sydney Harbour. That was great! Thanks for checking out the book!

Anna Campbell said...

Annie, I've got some wonderful travel plans booked for next year. A month in the States with a great readers' convention in Colorado in early July (Romcon: and RWA Nationals at the end of July. And a bit of travelling in between. Sounds so good!

Thanks for saying those nice things about Gideon! He's one of my favorites among my heroes too.

Anna Campbell said...

Wow, Mary, that IS a good year! Definitely good vibes on the family front for you. Thanks for checking out the blog!

Jane said...

Hi Anna,
Congrats on the new release. It's been a pretty good year, but I'm hoping 2010 will be a joyful and prosperous year.

Anna Campbell said...

Hey, thanks, Jane! Always exciting to have a new book on the shelf. I'm hoping to be more organizedin 2010 - but I think I said that this year too ;-)

Beth said...

Hi Anna,

I have had a pretty good year. It took about 8 years, but we moved into our new house in June. Sometimes it was a labor of love, sometimes it was just labor, but it is finally complete and the family is coming for Thanksgiving this year! On the other hand we are now waiting for the other shoe to drop on state budget cuts. Will I have a job? I think so, but nothing is guaranteed. On the other other hand I got to go to RWA this year and had a blast and got to meet you in person which was a real treat. I also got to go to Disney World last month which I love more than any adult should.

Resolutions for 2010 - to be kinder and more courageous, oh and to read, read, read.

Does anyone have to list weight loss as a resolution or is that just a given? ;)

Anna Campbell said...

Beth, I had to laugh at the weight loss thing. I've given up listing it!!!! Seemed to be counterproductive.

I had such a ball at RWA and I still smile to remember that great night we had in the bar (yes, telling tales out of school here). That red zinfandel you introduced me to ended up being my drink of choice for the conference. Hope you can come for longer than just a night next time. Would have loved to hang out some more.

Hey, excellent news on the house. That definitely was a long-term project that came to fruition. Fingers crossed the budget gives you good news.

Biki said...

Congratulations! My sister has been waiting for this book and she's been hording it, lol.

Pat Cochran said...

Hi, Ms. Anna, your book trailer
is just so good that I had to
watch it twice. Your friend did
a really great job and the music
is wonderful. Congratulations on
the success of all your books!

Pat Cochran

Anna Campbell said...

Biki, oh, those hoarding sisters - you have to watch them! ;-) Perhaps if you ask nicely, she'll lend it to you. Oh, and maybe a small bribe? Thanks for swinging by!

Anna Campbell said...

Hey, thanks, Pat. I was so touched when Vanessa presented me with the trailer. I had no idea she was making it. I've never had a trailer before - I think it's way cool. Thanks for checking it out and watching it twice. That music is SOOO romantic, isn't it?