“Why can’t we all just get along?”
You know, because it’s been quoted and misquoted so often, I actually had to Google this quote before I could footnote it properly. It was originally said by one Rodney King in 1991. He was the man who was beaten by LAPD officers on camera, and the film of his police beating was what started a riot in Los Angles. He’s still alive by the way, though the last heard of him was when he was beaten again by a citizen for trying to steal a bicycle. (after winning several million dollars in an award from the LAPD)
Wow, that was really not what I wanted to talk about. Sorry, I got carried away as usual. Let me start again.
My next book coming out for Silhouette Romantic Suspense (in November) THE SHERIFF'S AMNESIAC BRIDE is part of a multi-author series. For those of you who have never heard or read about these types of series, they’re usually six or twelve books coming out in a row but written by different authors.
Each book in a multi-author series stands alone and has its own happy ending, but the same characters run through each of the books and the whole series has a connected plot thread of some sort. For instance, all the main characters could be in the same extended family or live in the same town or work for the same employer.
Harlequin/Silhouette has been issuing theses multi-author series inside their category lines for many years. You may have heard of the Madonna Key series published inside the Bombshell line, the Dynasty series published inside the Desire line, and more recently the Texas Hold Em’ series inside the Superromance line.
I for one love reading books in series. My best loved childhood books were all in series: the Wizard of Oz books, the Winnie the Poo books and the Nancy Drew books. In fact, I am currently lapping up every book in three different Harlequin series. The 721 Park Ave series in Desire, the Wedlocked series in Presents, and the first books in my own series for Romantic Suspense: The Coltons: Family First.
Not only to do I love books in series, but I also love movies in series. A couple of my favorite movie series have been the Star Wars movies and the Harry Potter movies. I wish there could be lots more of them because they’re so much fun.

Okay, now I am finally getting around to explaining my use of the quote from Rodney King and the original reason for why I wanted to write this blog. At last.
My husband.
We had a big…um…polite disagreement the other day about movies. When I make time to go the movies or order one to see at home, I want to come away feeling good—about life in general. Yes, I admit it. I love sappy movies the same way that I love books with happy endings. My husband, on the other hand, wants things to be more realistic. I get plenty of realism from the everyday news.
In order for us to watch movies together, my husband and I have to find a way to compromise. Thus my use of the quote on getting along.
I have learned to accept movies that close with a vague ending—just as long as the main character doesn’t die.
And my husband has learned to sit through movies now and then that have actual up-lifting endings.
The other day we came up with a series of movies that works. The Jason Bourne movies. Now, they don’t end quite as happily as I would like and they aren’t quite as realistic as my husband likes, but they work for us. And they’re fun—which is my whole point.
We’re temporarily at a truce in my household after three fun movie nights.
So, here’s my question, do you like things in series? Books? Movies? And if so, do you have particular favorites? Have you ever waited for the next installment in a series with bated breath? Or do you hate them precisely because they leave you hanging? Which ones?
Post a comment and on Tuesday night I’ll have my husband pick a winner at random. The winner will get an advanced copy of my upcoming book THE SHERIFF’S AMNESIAC BRIDE, the Coltons: Family First series. (which I should be receiving at any moment now)
Check the end of the comments on Tuesday to see who wins.
You know, because it’s been quoted and misquoted so often, I actually had to Google this quote before I could footnote it properly. It was originally said by one Rodney King in 1991. He was the man who was beaten by LAPD officers on camera, and the film of his police beating was what started a riot in Los Angles. He’s still alive by the way, though the last heard of him was when he was beaten again by a citizen for trying to steal a bicycle. (after winning several million dollars in an award from the LAPD)
Wow, that was really not what I wanted to talk about. Sorry, I got carried away as usual. Let me start again.
My next book coming out for Silhouette Romantic Suspense (in November) THE SHERIFF'S AMNESIAC BRIDE is part of a multi-author series. For those of you who have never heard or read about these types of series, they’re usually six or twelve books coming out in a row but written by different authors.
Each book in a multi-author series stands alone and has its own happy ending, but the same characters run through each of the books and the whole series has a connected plot thread of some sort. For instance, all the main characters could be in the same extended family or live in the same town or work for the same employer.
Harlequin/Silhouette has been issuing theses multi-author series inside their category lines for many years. You may have heard of the Madonna Key series published inside the Bombshell line, the Dynasty series published inside the Desire line, and more recently the Texas Hold Em’ series inside the Superromance line.
I for one love reading books in series. My best loved childhood books were all in series: the Wizard of Oz books, the Winnie the Poo books and the Nancy Drew books. In fact, I am currently lapping up every book in three different Harlequin series. The 721 Park Ave series in Desire, the Wedlocked series in Presents, and the first books in my own series for Romantic Suspense: The Coltons: Family First.
Not only to do I love books in series, but I also love movies in series. A couple of my favorite movie series have been the Star Wars movies and the Harry Potter movies. I wish there could be lots more of them because they’re so much fun.

Okay, now I am finally getting around to explaining my use of the quote from Rodney King and the original reason for why I wanted to write this blog. At last.
My husband.
We had a big…um…polite disagreement the other day about movies. When I make time to go the movies or order one to see at home, I want to come away feeling good—about life in general. Yes, I admit it. I love sappy movies the same way that I love books with happy endings. My husband, on the other hand, wants things to be more realistic. I get plenty of realism from the everyday news.
In order for us to watch movies together, my husband and I have to find a way to compromise. Thus my use of the quote on getting along.
I have learned to accept movies that close with a vague ending—just as long as the main character doesn’t die.
And my husband has learned to sit through movies now and then that have actual up-lifting endings.
The other day we came up with a series of movies that works. The Jason Bourne movies. Now, they don’t end quite as happily as I would like and they aren’t quite as realistic as my husband likes, but they work for us. And they’re fun—which is my whole point.
We’re temporarily at a truce in my household after three fun movie nights.
So, here’s my question, do you like things in series? Books? Movies? And if so, do you have particular favorites? Have you ever waited for the next installment in a series with bated breath? Or do you hate them precisely because they leave you hanging? Which ones?

Post a comment and on Tuesday night I’ll have my husband pick a winner at random. The winner will get an advanced copy of my upcoming book THE SHERIFF’S AMNESIAC BRIDE, the Coltons: Family First series. (which I should be receiving at any moment now)
Check the end of the comments on Tuesday to see who wins.
Linda, I love series reading and yes I'm one of those who can't wait for the next installment in that particular series.
I read your Gentry series and loved them.
Ill only mention a few.....years ago I read the Fortunes of Texas, The Coultons, Linda Howard's series the McKenzie's and Elizabeth Lowell's series. Susan Mallery's Desert Rogues, Marcelli Sisters, Buchanan's and Roxanne St. Claire's The Bullet Catchers. Then all of the Harlequin Presents authors.....Jane Porter, Lucy Monroe, Sandra Marton, Kate Walker, Annie West and Trish Morey's series.
I love series. I'm drawn to the overall story that's being told, and to the complexity of the story. This is not necessarily a story that's about plot. It's a story about characters, about the lives and relationships of these two people. Since characters are always what hook me, that's a big draw for me as a reader.
I'm one of those that as soon as the next installment is out I'm there buying it.
I love series, but hate having to wait for the next one to come out. I was happy and sad when the final Harry Potter came out. With every book I read I never want it to end. I think that is why I love series so much. There are times that they can go to far though. One of the series I have read is now into its 15th book and still going. Unfortunately the story line is getting old and it almost seems like the author is running out of things to write about in the series. I love series, but think that they shouldn't always go on and on with tons of books. I think that is why I like trilogies so much. Thanks for the great blog.
I, too, love series reading. The characters become friends and it is nice to get to hear more about them and their friends in another book. I get very excited to purchase the next available title in the series and sometimes get impatient.
Sandra Brown's 'Texas Trilogy' got me hooked on series books.
I do love to read series books. My favorites have included Julia Quinn's Bridgertons, Linda Lael Miller's McKettricks(historical and contemporary), Susan Mallery's Marcelli family, Nora Roberts' Calhouns,MacGregors,and O'Hurleys, Lori Wilde's Wedding Veil series, and Susan Wiggs' Lakeshore Chronicles.
I especially like multi-author series because I am basically an impatient person and hate waiting for the next book. If it is a multi-author series they come out every month and I don't have to wait as long. I have read all the Fortunes books (there were several different series with them); there was a series called Crystal Creek; Brides of Bella Lucia; Forester Square; Texas Hold'em and so many more.
Hi Linda. I love to read series. I like it when characters introduced in the first book get their own story and when couples from past books appear in later books.
I love series! I love reading connected books because they allow you to revisit old characters who have become like friends.
I do wait with bated breath for the next book though because I can't wait to see what happens next and can be a bit impatient. I have been known to wait until I have all the books in a series to read them so I don't have to wait for too long...LOL.
And while I don't mind those that leave you hanging, I do prefer that there is some type of closure in each book. I don't mind story arcs that cross the books, but I'd like some kind of closure so it doesn't feel like I am missing part of the book...does that make sense?
Some of my favorites series are those of Julia Quinn, Julie Garwood, Sherrilyn Kenyon, JR Ward, Delores Fossen, Cait London, Geralyn Dawson, and Linda Lael Miller. There are many, many more I could name.
Thanks for looking forward to the Coltons:Family First series, Marilyn! And I agree on your other choices of series books too.
Join the crowd, kimmyl! I love series! I guess you can tell because most of my own books are part of series.
I understand completely about too many in one series, rebekah e. I wrote six books in my Night Guardian series and that was more than enough for me! I think I like trilogies about the best. I'm in the middle of writing one now called The Safekeepers.
You know, I didn't realize Sandra Brown wrote a series, robynl. I'll have to look for it now.
hey cheri2628, I'd forgotten about some of those series. Loved the Julia Quinn books and I think I still have some of NR's oldies - loved her 'Star' series too.
Right, Ellen. Those were all good multi-author series. Some new single author trilogies are also being printed in a row (every month) now. I like that. Too impatient to wait.
Yeah, I know what you mean, crystalgb. I'm just too curious when a book is done about what comes next. I want to know about the future. Ha!
Hi JenniferY! I'm reading Cait London's new series right now. Fun reads. I too want my HEA and closure in each book. As a matter of fact, I just got my RT review for THE SHERIFF'S AMNESIAC BRIDE (4 1/2 stars) and the reviewer said that exact thing about my book. That it fits into the series well but that it also stands alone. She also called my hero and heroine "fabulous!" Whatever that means. LOL
I love series books. My favorite is J D Robb's Death series. I also liked Bertrice Small's Skye O'Malley Series.
I love series. My favorite book series include Colleen Gleason's Gardella Vampire Chronicles, Stephanie Laurens' Bastion Club and Nora Roberts' Chesapeake Bay saga. My favorite movie series include the Lord of the Rings trilogy, X-Men and Spider-Man.
Ah, the J.D. Robb series. Roarke- be still my heart. Glad you like series too, estella!
Jane, the Lord of the Rings and Spiderman--two of my very favorites! Aren't series fun? Do you ever think about which one in the series is the best? I know I have my favorites inside the series.
I enjoy series of all kinds, I don't like it when after the series is over, they come out with prequels.
Star Wars, Lord of the Rings trilogy & X-Men I love.
I love to read a good series of books. It let you know just what happens with all the characters. Sometimes in single title book leaves you wanting more.
I love series books. It is fun to be able to revisit with favorite characters. The only complaint I have about them is when the author draws them out to over 10 books. Some authors can probably pull this off but many can't without having the quality of the writing suffer. Some of my favorite series are your Guardian series, Nalini Singh's Psy/Changeling series, Christine Feehan's Drake Sister series, C.L. Wilson's Fading Land series, Robin Owen's Summoning series, etc.
I forgot to mention that I just finished Shari Antons Magic series. It was a great read, it just took a while to get the last one.
Hey dina! Right, I'm not crazy about prequels either. Actually the prequels to Stars Wars left me kinda cold. But I did love Lord of the Rings.
How true about single titles, Virginia. I feel that way too, and judging by how many series are coming out these days, everyone must be thinking the same.
cheriej, how nice of you to include the Guardians in such great company. I'm reading Nalini's Psi series right now and loving it.
And the winner is... estella! Please send me your snail mail address and I'll send your book out as soon as I get my author copies. Email me at: LindaConradbooks@aol.com
Thanks everyone for participating and making this a fun blog. You guys are terrific!
Congratulations Estella!
Congrats Estella. :)
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