In the lead-up to traveling to Australia, I had grand intentions of turning my latest book in to my editor several weeks early---which would be miraculous for me haha. Best laid plans...I got the flu a week before we left annnnd that book didn't get finished. Of course while in Oz, no time to write it. I returned still a bit under the weather---sinus infection and bronchitis, so got a teensy extension on the book.
That took me to Easter Sunday. I had kids in visiting that weekend. My husband had stayed on in Australia to do this cool hike in Tasmania for four days and wasn't scheduled back till the Tuesday after Easter, which I figured gave me plenty of time to wrap up the book from hell....But that wasn't meant to be.
Thankfully after he'd finished his hike, he was pretty beat and ready to get home, so was able to move up his flights to Sunday---scheduled to arrive Easter Sunday night. I was going to get him at the airport, all good. But... I'd been taking antibiotic for my sinus infection and it kind of hurt my stomach but for maybe an hour, then it would go away. But on that day it never went away. By Sunday night I was feeling pretty awful. Luckily one of my kids was able to pick him up at the airport for me and I went to bed. Acutely aware of his jet lag, I tossed and turned but did not wake him all night long as I kind of writhed in pain. So the good news is he got a long night's sleep that night. Which he was going to the meantime I spent all Sunday afternoon trying to write and lord only knows how I got anything written in my state of misery, but suffice it to say I didn't finish that darned book.
Monday I went twice to the doctors, who couldn't figure out what was wrong, and finally we ended up in the ER, where fortunately my daughter was working that day. She couldn't get us moved up the list unfortunately, which meant 3-1/2 arduous hours in the ER waiting room---a really miserable place to be. Basically got there at 4:45 pm, and at 3 am they wheeled me in for surgery to remove my appendix, which by then was ready to burst. A lot of other trauma and drama ensued as we awaited that surgery (just prior to cutting into me they told me they thought they saw what they suspected to be a cancerous mass in my appendix and suddenly my surgery was emergency surgery and they might have to remove my entire right colon. Oy. Yeah we were stressed. And my poor husband was stuck at one point sleeping on the floor of the ER---not a place you ever want to lie on.
Good news is it ended up just being an inflamed appendix, nothing worse, they cut that out of me, we were home before 9 am, but not without a bit of stress!
After that the stress was getting that darned book written finally. My editor, the lovely Nikki Busch, was so patient with me through all of this and she turned in my edits just now with plenty of time for me for this May 15 release, so I'm truly grateful for everything that worked out well in this. And super glad that I hadn't extended my stay in Oz as I had contemplated, because this would have all unfolded while I was on a 15+ hour flight across the Pacific and another 6 hours home from there. And had my husband not been able to change his flights, he'd have been on an 8-hour layover in Beijing, unable to help me. So alls well that ends well!
Hope you can check out my appendectomy book haha---Falling for Mr. Sometimes, releases May 15!
Great news! Red Hot Romeo is free! A hot Italian, a gorgeous supermodel, and fabulous wines…what’s not to love?!
You can check out the first book in the Royal Romeo series for free here:
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Check out my Falling for Mr. Wrong series! Falling for Mr. Wrong, Falling for Mr. Maybe, Falling for Mr. No Way in Hell and Falling for Mr. Sometimes and Falling for Mr. Right are now available for pre-order.
Lastly, don't forget, book one of the It's Reigning Men series, Something in the Heir, is free here!
I hope you'll have a chance to check out my Royal Romeos series, which is a spin-off of my wildly popular It's Reigning Men series--please do check them out!
Happy reading!

Happy reading!

1 comment:
Here's to having a healthier rest of the year!
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