My most recent release, Carry Her Heart, has a garden that almost became a character. I'll confess, I had a bit of garden-envy. Especially Piper's milkweed and the butterflies it attracted. So this spring, we put in a butterfly garden here. My husband tried to tell me I didn't have room for it. Ha. There's always room for more gardens! No monarchs yet, but it is attracting a bunch of pollinators. I caught some bees in action the other day.
“Maybe we live our lives constantly becoming and rebecoming. Maybe we’re always in the process of metamorphosing into something new.”
We have a big garden, and most of the plots are dedicated to plants that provide food, but I think that any garden can benefit from plants that provide beauty and inspiration. More than gardens, I think any person needs them as well!
I have always been a reader, and so many of my favorite books have inspired me to change. I didn't expect the books I write—books that come from me—to change and influence me as well. But they do. In so many ways.
How about you? Is there a book (or books) that have changed you??
Have a great Monday!!
Holly's current release, Carry Her Heart, is on sale at Amazon this week!
Great post, and lovely pictures. Don't be too envious of the milkweed patch - we have a sizable one and I've yet to see a single Monarch. But it's full of bees of all sizes, and we need to keep the bees happy.
Luanna, We definitely do need to keep the bees happy! I'm thrilled they're visiting the garden. They like our yard and gardens. We don't use any chemicals and I think they're grateful! LOL
love the bees--my dad has an apiary
DS, I've talked about getting my own bee hive. I do love watching them flit around. We have a big vegetable garden, so we always have a lot around!
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