thank you so much for inviting me here so I can chat.
absolutely love my job as a writer. I can get up when I like, wear the first
thing I pick up, and create amazing stories involving all those people running
around my head. But if there’s a down side, it’s that I’m very isolated during
my working day. I also live in an relatively isolated spot in New Zealand’s
beautiful Marlborough Sounds so even when the writing stops I have to keep
talking to myself. :)
last week I headed off the Romance Writers of New Zealand conference in
Wellington where I recharged the writing batteries. It’s wonderful to talk
writing with people who understand why we sit at our computers for hours on end
making up stories. There were lots of inspiring workshops to attend and pick up
good hints from, agents, editors and famous authors to chat to.
I got to dress up in my glad rags, put on the make up, wear nail polish, (my
girlie side comes out when I’m not having to feed my hens) talk until my throat
was dry, eat amazing food and applaud other people’s successes.
also caught up with writing friends that I keep in touch with all year but only
come face to face with at conference time.
were books everywhere and I brought home enough reading to last forever. Best
of all I came home revved up for the next twelve months writing. And the
less-than-glam clothes. Forget the make up – it’s back in the drawer. But I
have many story ideas busting to be written and now I know they’ll end up on
paper. First I have to complete the medical duet I am currently writing for
publication next year. This is about two best friends finding their ultimate
loves in the small community of Golden Bay, New Zealand.
jobs, no matter how interesting, hit the doldrums at times. What do you do to
make your job exciting again? I’d love to hear from you.
Leave a comment for a chance to win a copy of The Gift of a Child.
***Sue's winner is Mary. Please contact Sue MacKay with your mailing address!***
***Sue's winner is Mary. Please contact Sue MacKay with your mailing address!***
Enjoyed reading the interview. I am always looking for new authors to read. You write the kinds of books I enjoy reading.
Hi, Sue!
I guess everyone hits the doldrums in their job here and there. The big thing to realize is that while you may have some boring times, believe me, there will come the day when the you-know-what will hit the fan and you will off and running again.
I’m retired and spend my time reading and reviewing books. What more could anyone ask for?! :-) When I was working, I truly enjoyed a slow day now and then and took advantage of it to get those “back burner” things done because I knew it would be back to fighting fires the next day.
THE GIFT OF A CHILD SOUNDS delightful and I’m looking forward to reading it!
Hi Sue ~ I loved the Gift of a Child. I can't believe a duet based in Golden Bay is in the works. We have a friend who spends the winter with his friend in Golden Bay. The Golden Bay web cam is on our bookmark list.
I'm glad you had a great time in Wellington. I think every hits the doldrums once in a while. when that happens to me I try to visit the mountains, preferably the ones I was born among but any peaks against the sky will do.
Hi, Sue,
My answer to the doldrums is reading,
blogging, and volunteering at my pa-
rish church. Enjoyed reading about
your conference!
Pat C.
Hi Kaelee, so glad you enjoyed The Gift of a Child. It was one of my favourites to write. And yes, the nmountains are inspiring. Sue Mackay
Joye, I love writing emotional stories so have some tissues at your side. :)
Hi Joye, my stories tend to be emotional so have tissues at your side. :)
Hello Connie, your retirement sounds perfect to me. Reading all those books. There are never enough hours in the day to make much headway with my stack at the moment.
Pat, I'm seeing a theme here - we all love our reading.
Your post was fascinating and very enjoyable. Glad that you enjoyed the convention. When the doldrums occur I read, and walk in the foothills. This gets my entire body going and then I am ready for anything.
Hi Traveler. I love walking and whre we live it is all hills. If I have a plot problem a walk often helps solve it - must stir up the brain cells!!!
I have a good friend at work. So we vent & chat & vent & have a laugh. She makes the unbearable bearable.
Loving your pile of books there.
Hi Mary. Yep, just got to find the time to read them all now.
And congratulations. You have won a copy of The Gift of a Child.
If you'd drop me your snail mail address at sue.mackay56@yahoo.com I'll send it to you.
Wonderful thank you. Email sent.
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