As the end of the year rolls around, and this is my last blog of this 12 month series, A Year in the Life of an Author, I find myself planning for the future.
Most people think ahead to the next year as to what needs to get done. My 2013 is already planned and has been for nearly a year. I'm speaking at the Midwinter ALA meeting, the Southern California Romance Writer's conference, and again at the Orange County RWA meeting in June. I'll be at the RWA National conference in Atlanta in July, and there are few trips down to Portland and other places in between.
In addition, I have a book due in February, a book coming out in March (AND THE MISS RAN AWAY WITH THE RAKE) and another in November (IF WISHES WERE EARLS). And in amongst all that, there will be another book to plot, plan, write, revise and finish. And if you been reading my blogs throughout the year, you also know that will mean copy edits, page proofs and the other necessary parts of bringing a book to publication.
So if I have my year all planned out, then what am I planning? Believe it or not, 2014 and 2015. I already have events on the calendar for those years. Yes, my life gets planned out years in advance. There is a comfort to that, (Huzzah for the work!) a bit of panic, (Yikes how am I going to get that all done!) and the inevitable fears that life will step in and muck it all up. But I have to do it. I have to come up with a reasonable guess as to when I will be able to complete three more books in the next two + years.
With kids, a husband, a house, a family, and that one thing we all have: LIFE, I just make the best guesstimate I can (factoring in all the elements that go into writing a book) and march forward. Sometimes it works, other years, not so much. In those instances I either have to haul on the hip boots and wade through it or even sometimes find myself crawling along at a whimper. But do it I must.
So for 2013, I have chosen a word to guide me and a word to challenge me to rise above my doubts and fears: COURAGE.
Debbie Macomber and Christina Skye told me I was taunting the powers-that-be to chose that word, I was just asking for life to present the need for courage. I laughed, realized they are probably correct, but am sticking to it. COURAGE it is.
So with COURAGE in hand to tackle the world in 2013, I challenge you to find a word that fits, that will broaden your outlook and buoy your heart into taking great big striding steps into 2013. And 2014. And even 2015.
Join us for a visit with some of our favorite authors whose books we love to read and share with everyone. You'll get to hear from authors who've become friends over the years, authors we're just discovering, and lots of prizes and books to win!
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Friday, December 28, 2012
Vanessa Kelly - It's Party Time!
Thanks so much
for inviting me to appear on your blog, Lee.
I’m very happy to be here, especially during the holiday season. It’s my favorite time of year and like many
of our readers I had a very, merry Christmas with my family. Perhaps a little too merry, if you get my
In my
holiday-themed historical romance, His Mistletoe Bride, there’s a lot
of merrymaking going on, too. Much of
the book’s action takes place during the Christmas Season, which runs from
Christmas Eve through to Twelfth Night on January 6. Back in the day, the final party on Twelfth
Night was usually a real wing-ding, roughly comparable to the kind of blow-out
we now celebrate on New Year’s Eve. If
there was one thing they knew how to do in the Regency period it was party!
One of my
favorite scenes in His Mistletoe Bride happens at a family get-together, when the
wassail bowl first makes its appearance.
Wassail, a very boozy and sometimes alarming beverage depending on the
ingredients, was the high point of many a Christmas party, and family recipes
were often closely guarded secrets. And
I suspect that over-consumption of wassail probably led to more than one family
What were the
ingredients that made wassail such a potent beverage? Well, the base was usually mulled apple cider
with sugar, cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg, sometimes topped with slices of
toast. Apples and oranges could be added
to the mix too. In earlier times, the
base often consisted of either mulled beer or mead, and any wassail recipe
could be topped off with brandy or sherry.
Do we really need to wonder why folks had such a great time at Regency
Christmas parties?!
about you, readers? What’s your favorite
beverage during the holidays? And do you
sometimes have relatives who celebrate just a little bit too much? One person who
comments will win a copy of my previous book, My Favorite Countess.
When Major Lucas
Stanton inherited his earldom, he never dreamed his property would include the previous
earl’s granddaughter. Phoebe Linville is a sparkling American beauty, yes, but
with a talent for getting into trouble. Witness the compromising position that
forced them into wedlock. Whisked away to Mistletoe Manor, his country estate,
it isn’t long before she is challenging his rules—and surprising him in and out
of bed…
Phoebe has no
intention of bowing to Lucas’s stubbornness even though he offers all that she
wants. His kisses and unexpected warmth are enticing, but Phoebe is determined
to show the Earl of Merritt what real love is all about. And if that takes
twelve nights of delicious seduction by a roaring fire, she’s more than willing
to reveal her gifts very slowly…
links: Amazon Barnes & Noble Books A Million
Kelly was named by Booklist, the
review journal of the American Library Association, as one of the “New Stars of
Historical Romance.” Her Regency-set historical romances have been
nominated for awards in a number of contests, and her second book, Sex and The Single Earl, won the
prestigious Maggie Medallion for Best Historical Romance. Vanessa also writes contemporary romance with
her husband under the name of V.K. Sykes.
You can find her on the web at or at
***Vanessa's winner is Beautiful Disaster! Please email with your full name and mailing address!***
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Pamela Palmer - Becoming Someone New

For me, as for most writers, the dream role was New York
Times Bestselling Author. I still have trouble believing that dream came true,
because…I haven’t changed. And I
suspect it’s that way for most people as they move through one role after
another. Experiences change us, without a doubt. But roles…labels…not so much.
We tend to remain the same people we’ve always been, though others’ perceptions
of us certainly change.
In A Love Untamed, the hero, Kieran, has spent much of his
immortal life as a Therian Guard, a fighter, and he’s damn good at what he
does. But he’s not one of the nine Feral Warriors, he’s not a shape-shifter,
though he’d love to be marked to be one. No one becomes a Feral Warrior until
one of the nine Ferals dies. It’s the animal spirit who chooses his
replacement, the best of the line. Each time a Feral dies, the race mourns, of
course, but they also wait with baited breath to learn who the dead Feral’s
replacement will be. Most dream of being the one chosen. Most never will be.
But Kieran is one of the lucky ones. During a fight with a
surly warrior, Kieran accidentally draws fangs and claws, revealing that he’s
been marked. He’s thrilled, awed. For the first time in his life, he’ll be able
to shift into an animal—in his case the fox—something the entire Therian race could
do long, long ago. Being marked will mean major changes in his life—he’ll have
to move to Feral House in Great Falls, Virginia, quite a trip from Ireland. He’ll
be given a new name, his Feral name, Fox. He’ll acquire an instant band of
brothers and a desperate mission to keep the Daemons from once more rising to
destroy the world. And after decades of being one of the leaders of the
non-shifters, he’ll be the newbie.
He’s starting over in a new role. Inside, he’s still Kieran,
the man he’s always been—an Irish charmer with a sense of humor who doesn’t
take himself too seriously, and a tough, honorable male. But the world sees him
differently, now. To the rest of the race, he’s become Fox, one of the most
powerful and most honorable males on Earth.
From the back cover:
The newest member of the elite Feral Warriors brotherhood,
Fox is eager to prove himself on the frontlines of battle against the Daemons.
When paired with the legendary Ilina warrior, Melisande, he expects the fierce
beauty to quickly fall under the spell of his quite considerable charm.
Instead, he finds himself spellbound by a woman who's his match in every way.
Beneath Melisande's brittle exterior lies centuries of pain
and a violent hatred of all shape-shifters--a hatred that slowly crumbles after
they're caught in a deadly and cunning Mage trap and she glimpses a surprising
depth in her far-too-seductive partner. Their survival demands unconditional
trust--and their salvation surrender to a wild, untamed love.
For a chance to win a signed copy of Desire Untamed, the
first book in my Feral Warriors series, tell me what you would choose to become
if you suddenly discovered you weren’t human, but something else. A vampire,
witch, fairy, shape-shifter? Or something else?
***Pamela's winner is HankLover! Please email with your full name and mailing address!***
***Pamela's winner is HankLover! Please email with your full name and mailing address!***
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Opal's Twelve Days of Christmas
Hello, everyone!
So here we are in December, with the season of love and generosity all
around us. Gifts are a wonderful part of
this time of year and I have a gift for you!
My publisher, St. Martin’s Press, is offering a free
advanced copy of my new serial novel His to Command! This serial novel features
a compelling story that is revealed in multiple weekly installments, beginning
January 8th, 2013!
It would be lovely if you would let people know what
you think of the story by putting up a short, honest review on Amazon or one of
the other on-line retailers. Doing so
would be very helpful to me, because new readers like to see reviews before
they try a new author’s work and I am really hoping to build my readership with
this new project.
If you would like to receive the ARC, please go here
to register:
Now for something fun. My twelfth book comes out in February (the
serial novel is actually thirteen, but it jumped ahead!), so I thought I’d
write a new version of the Twelve Days of Christmas. Enjoy, and happy holidays!
Twelve Days of Christmas
the first day of Christmas,
gave to me
ménage with identical twins.
the second day of Christmas,
gave to me
at a swinger’s club,
a ménage with identical twins!
the third day of Christmas,
gave to me
Tantric sex,
at a swinger’s club,
a ménage with identical twins!
the fourth day of Christmas,
gave to me
sexy book called SIX,
Tantric sex,
at a swinger’s club,
a ménage with identical twins!
the fifth day of Christmas,
gave to me
masterful Dom,
sexy book called SIX,
Tantric sex,
at a swinger’s club,
a ménage with identical twins!
the sixth day of Christmas,
gave to me
men reunited,
masterful Dom,
sexy book called SIX,
Tantric sex,
at a swinger’s club,
a ménage with identical twins!
the seventh day of Christmas,
gave to me
Tantric sex,
men reunited,
masterful Dom,
sexy book called SIX,
Tantric sex,
at a swinger’s club,
a ménage with identical twins!
the eighth day of Christmas,
gave to me
and leather,
Tantric sex,
men reunited,
masterful Dom,
sexy book called SIX,
Tantric sex,
at a swinger’s club,
a ménage with identical twins!
the ninth day of Christmas,
gave to me
list of sexual fantasies,
and leather,
Tantric sex,
men reunited,
masterful Dom,
sexy book called SIX,
Tantric sex,
at a swinger’s club,
a ménage with identical twins!
the tenth day of Christmas,
gave to me
cops and handcuffs,
list of sexual fantasies,
and leather,
Tantric sex,
men reunited,
masterful Dom,
sexy book called SIX,
Tantric sex,
at a swinger’s club,
a ménage with identical twins!
the eleventh day of Christmas,
gave to me
honeymoon for three,
cops and handcuffs,
list of sexual fantasies,
and leather,
Tantric sex,
men reunited,
masterful Dom,
sexy book called SIX,
Tantric sex,
at a swinger’s club,
a ménage with identical twins!
the twelfth day of Christmas,
will give to me
sex with strangers,
honeymoon for three,
cops and handcuffs,
list of sexual fantasies,
and leather,
Tantric sex,
men reunited,
masterful Dom,
sexy book called SIX,
Tantric sex,
at a swinger’s club,
a ménage with identical twins!
Friday, December 21, 2012
Jana Oliver's Demon Trappers Series

Sometimes it takes a while for that acorn of imagination to grow into a tree. Such was the case with the Demon Trappers Series, four books about Hellspawn running amok in downtown Atlanta. Once the acorn took root, I found myself penning stories about a seventeen year old girl caught in the eternal war between Heaven and Hell. Add in a few of those pesky demons, a love interest or two, and it was a go.
For the last four years Riley Blackthorne's story has consumed my life. I have watched her grow from a confused teen to a confident young woman, winced as she made mistakes, both in love and in who she could trust, as she tried to make a life on her own terms. I smiled when her heart finally settled on the one guy she knew she could love forever.
The series has ranged from the back alleys of downtown Atlanta (known as Demon Central by the trappers) to South Georgia and Okefenokee Swamp. Battles have been fought. Tears have been shed. Throughout it all I found myself blessed with some of the most complex characters I have ever written.

Twitter: @crazyauthorgirl
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Stuff It! by Jenny Gardiner
After a long discussion with friends over wine, I've concluded that the dilemma about what to do with one's "stuff" falls into two camps: one, the people who want to unload it all, ASAP, and the other, those who simply can't part with it. Ever. For clarity, I mean not just the belongings that you've accrued over the years, but also your home, where you're theoretically rooted.
I get this, on a deep psychological (some might argue even neurotic) level. My parents engaged in a bitter divorce after I graduated from college, and in the battle that ensued between them, our mementos were held hostage by enemy combatants in a vitriolic emotional war. Over those tumultuous years, I lost all connection with my past: our things were either purged by a parent or hidden so that the other wouldn't get hold of it. The family home was gone, there was no place to return to recharge, no comfort zone that children often expect to exist forever. My husband on the other hand, has always been able to return at will to his childhood home, where his parents have lived since he was a small boy. There must be an element of comfort in being able to return home and quasi- flash back to a time when you were cared for, when your troubles aren't yours, they're still your parents. Obviously this can't last forever, but still.
So for me, the idea of selling a home that is too big and involves too much maintenance, despite the logic in so doing, is anathema, even though our kids have grown and are embarking on their adult lives now. Yet I feel the need to always provide for my kids what my parents failed to do for me: a home, forever. But the logical me (yeah, believe it or not there is one, somewhere) knows this is crazy: You can't freeze your life in amber like a prehistoric insect for the infrequent visits from your adult children who have carved their own lives elsewhere in the world.
Which brings me to that darned stuff. When my friends and I were talking, it became clear that we are of an age in which downsizing makes abundant sense. And I fully realize that 80 percent of the things taking up space in my home are imminently get rid-able: I have boxes in the basement from when I moved 15 years ago I've still not unpacked, so clearly I wouldn't miss them if they disappeared tomorrow. I think for me its more like I want to purge but I don't want to do the purging. I just want it to be gone. Another friend, took the opposite tack. She's even hanging on to very old sheets in case they ever buy a beach house. Only reason I save my threadbare linens is in case the basement floods (been there, done that).
When it comes to what to do with our children's things, wow, do we diverge. One friend hardly waited till her daughter left for college before she took to her room in a maniacal cleaning binge, pitching half of what was there, convinced her daughter wouldn't notice. Which she apparently hasn't, so I guess she was right. But in my childhood household, all of my things just disappeared, leaving me no relic, no touchpoint of my upbringing, and I've always hated that. So you can safely assume I'm not ditching their stuff without their consent.
It's tough to decide what to do with the kids' old toys. I wrestled with this for a while, but then I realize that half of them are made of plastic and will likely be revealed to be toxic by the time they have kids of an age to play with them. A handful of treasured toys is worth keeping, but most, not so much. The books are harder, as the memories of reading and re-reading, and re-reading some more are more embedded in my memory, thus inextricably linked to the books themselves. But I think I'm ready to bid farewell to all forty (or more) Magic School Bus books. They've served their purpose, and now it's time for another child to enjoy them.
Nevertheless, part of me wants to just go wild on eBay with all of our junk. We have some tchotchkes from when a relative passed, things that showed up in a few boxes from UPS one day years ago that clearly no one in the very extended family wanted. The high point of this stash was a pair of the world's ugliest textured china poodles. To begin with, I have no fondness for poodles. But I really detest super ugly china poodles, and would actually enjoy winding up and smashing them against a wall, just for fun. But we can't do anything with them because they're Staffordshire, and hey, Staffordshire, for the uninitiated, is very high-end china. Never mind that these are the most hideous-looking fine china canines ever to grace the face of the planet. Someone out there might want to pony up a couple of hundred bucks for the things.
Leaving your stuff for your kids to deal with is sort of a cop-out, because you leave them with the guilt of keeping or tossing. My sister-in-law finally reconciled herself that her grandmother's stuff isn't part of her life, and holding on to it won't mean her grandmother remains with her. It's merely an anchor to someone else's past.
I've long joked that in the end all of our garbazh (read that with lower jaw jutted out with a pronounced French accent) is just that: crap that will end up in a flea market in Front Royal for strangers to pick through some day. I might as well collect my money for it now before it's too late! And the great thing is now I feel the same thrill in getting rid of this stuff I might have once felt in acquiring it.
I say this, but as I watched the devastation unfold from Demon Storm Sandy, I appreciated even more the need for things, and the attachment to it. The ties that bind us can as easily ensnare us in their web as well as cocoon us in their security. To suddenly be without any of them? Unfathomable devastation. Because we naturally seek out the comfort of what we have when we're in the most need, and to not have it then is to remove the basest of security blankets. So I will temper my need to purge with my children's (and my) need to maintain a sense of home, no matter where they are.
Jenny Gardiner is likely to be appearing at a yard sale near you, along with a whole lot of things she hopes you want. You can also find her at
Sleeping with Ward Cleaver
Slim to None
Anywhere But Here
Where the Heart Is
Winging It: A Memoir of Caring for a Vengeful Parrot Who's Determined to Kill Me
Accidentally on Purpose (written as Erin Delany)
Compromising Positions (written as Erin Delany)
I'm Not the Biggest Bitch in this Relationship (I'm a contributor)
And these shorts:
Idol Worship: A Lost Week with the Weirdos and Wannabes at American Idol Auditions
The Gall of It All: And None of the Three F's Rhymes with Duck
Naked Man On Main Street
find me on Facebook: fan page
find me on twitter here
find me on my website
Sleeping with Ward Cleaver
Slim to None
Anywhere But Here
Where the Heart Is
Winging It: A Memoir of Caring for a Vengeful Parrot Who's Determined to Kill Me
Accidentally on Purpose (written as Erin Delany)
Compromising Positions (written as Erin Delany)
I'm Not the Biggest Bitch in this Relationship (I'm a contributor)
And these shorts:
Idol Worship: A Lost Week with the Weirdos and Wannabes at American Idol Auditions
The Gall of It All: And None of the Three F's Rhymes with Duck
Naked Man On Main Street
find me on Facebook: fan page
find me on twitter here
find me on my website
elderly parents,
Jenny Gardiner,
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
The magic of Christmas by Lila DiPasqua
Christmas is my favorite time of the year. I love
the holiday music and movies, the twinkling lights, and those gorgeous Christmas
trees you see in malls, parks and friends’ and family’s homes.
In fact, we have tradition in the DiPasqua
household. Whenever we go on vacation, we make sure to buy an ornament from each
new city we visit.
These are a sample of our vacation ornaments:
There’s a magically feeling about Christmas. It’s a
time when miracles can happen and wishes can come true. I guess that’s why I
love fairy tales so much. They have that same quality and feel to them—all year
My latest book in my critically acclaimed the Fiery
Tales series, UNDONE, is a spicy retelling of Rapunzel. Though the love scenes in my books are
erotically charged, that doesn’t mean you won’t find a romance that will sweep
you up. Readers of UNDONE have been reporting that they found the book so
moving, it’s made them cry. They say miracles come in threes. That’s exactly
what Simon Boulenger needs. Three rather impossible miracles to change his
life, and Angelica’s life for the better. But sexy privateer, Simon has some
big hurtles standing in the way of those miracles. And his happily ever after.
A Fiery Tale, Historical Romance
ISBB: 0988035014, Available now
Inspired by the tale
of Rapunzel, Lila DiPasqua offers a new steamy, emotionally charged historical
romance in the acclaimed Fiery Tales Series . . . Rescuing this beauty from the
‘tower’ is only the beginning . . .
Maintaining her ruse as a commoner, and trusting no one has kept Angelica safe.
But a chance encounter with a handsome stranger lands her right where danger
lies. Now, this sinfully handsome man with arresting blue eyes and a polished
manner thinks he’s saved her life, when in fact he’s placed her in great peril.
She’s intent on keeping him and everyone else at arm’s length. Yet, the
smoldering attraction between them is difficult to deny. And impossible to
ignore . . .
As commander of a number of privateer ships, Simon Boulenger dresses and speaks
like an aristocrat, and has obtained wealth. But he is still not a noble. Or an
officer in the King’s Navy. His lifelong dream to elevate himself from his
station of birth and attain a respectable place in society is dead. Worse, he’s
ensnared in a deadly scheme, and must get out. But how is he to stay focused on
his dangerous mission when the mysterious beauty has him utterly intrigued? He
can’t afford the distraction any more than he can resist the carnal hunger she
stirs. Simon soon discovers that she’s not only a passionate soul mate, but a
woman born into privilege. A woman he can never have. But they’re in too deep.
Their hearts are at risk . . . as well as their lives.
Adding to the Fiery Tales series soon is THE DUKE’S
MATCH GIRL. Hans Christian Andersen’s The
Little Match Girl has always been one of my favorite fairy tales. I’m
taking this wonderful tale and giving it my own grown up steamy, romantic
twist. This novella is all about a second chance at first love. Leo, Duke of
Mont-Marly is going to need a miracle of his own to in order to reclaim
Suzanne’s heart. Add some fun, quirky secondary characters, and you have a
holiday romance great for any time of the year.
Oh, I almost forgot to tell you about my latest
Christmas ornament! Yes, dear readers, we have a new ornament this year that
has nothing to do with our travels. We recently adopted a black Labrador mix
named Rocky. He may think it’s a miracle he got adopted out of the pound he
found himself in. But in truth, we’re the ones who lucked out. He’s a real love
bug. And this is my new favorite ornament. *smiles*
Lila DiPasqua writes wicked & witty historical
romance for Penguin/Berkley as well as self-published novels. She is best known
for her acclaimed Fiery Tales series. To learn more about Lila and her books,
***Lila's winner is Linda! Please email with your full name and mailing address!***
***Lila's winner is Linda! Please email with your full name and mailing address!***
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Three Top Tips For A Happy Holiday
Think back - when you were little, what are the things you most remember about this time of year? As well as the toys and sweets, anticipation was always such a big thing. Waiting to take part in the school play, then for the school term to finish, finally opening the last door on the advent calendar and then waiting for Santa to arrive - the time crawled by, without a thought for the supporting cast. Now you're all grown up and likely to be the one doing the hard work, there never seems to be enough hours in a day to get everything done. This is always going to be a hectic time, but here are a few ideas for making it a bit less painful...
1. PRIORITISE: Getting the whole family around the table is a major undertaking. Forget about being a martyr - if anyone asks if you want help, accept their offer. Even if it's just taking care of the children for half an hour, it's one thing less for you to worry about. Guests could bring-and-share a pudding or some snacks, and that will help reduce the pressure. If you're cooking for a bigger number of people than usual, don't feel you have to do all the catering yourself. Even if you love cooking, there's so much meeting and greeting to be done, try and find some shortcuts. Good quality ready-made pastry is almost indistinguishable from home made, and if you prepare as much as you can ahead of time (prepping the vegetables and making a chilled dessert, for instance) it'll reduce the stress on the day.
2. HAVE A PLAN B: Take nobody's word for it. If you're lucky enough to buy your Christmas in a box from some grand department store like Harrods, double check delivery times and dates to make sure it arrives when you want it, and have contact numbers on hand in the unlikely event it doesn't. If you're spending Christmas out of town, make sure there's a generator in case the power fails at a critical moment (that's happened here more than once). As insurance, make sure you've got a little something that won't need cooking, fresh fruit, some good cheese, decent crackers - and plenty of chocolate, of course!
3. REHEARSE YOUR SMILE: When everything goes to plan, it'll be the perfect finishing touch. If there are a few wobbles in your perfect holiday, remember it could be worse. Have another bit of cake and tell yourself this was only a trial run. There's always next year.
Finally, if it all gets too much, a look through this list will really restore your faith in human nature - .
Finally, if it all gets too much, a look through this list will really restore your faith in human nature - .
What's your best Christmas memory? There's a signed book from my backlist on offer to a comment picked at random - and my sincere wishes for a peaceful, happy holiday for you all.
Christina Hollis has written both Historical fiction and Modern Romance/Presents for Harlequin Mills and Boon Ltd, as well non-fiction for national magazines and prize-winning short stories. Her current release, Lady Rascal is available for download from Amazon, iTunes and many other retailers, while her next book, Changing Fortunes, will be published in early 2013. She loves to hear from readers - you can contact her through her website or her blog.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Tes Hilaire - It’s an Author Ambush!

Sharon asks: How
do you deal with family members reading your books? Like your mom reading the
sex scenes. And what age will you let your kids read your books?
I have to admit I have mixed feelings. My
mother has been super supportive of my writing and actually likes a good
romance, but she does squirm a bit over the fact that her daughter is the one
writing it! Worse for her is that she really wants to help my career but feels
funny telling friends and family what I write. She admits that she’s crossing
her fingers for one of my YA’s or UF’s to be picked up so she can share it
without blushing. As far as my kids? I’d say the same as any other child out
there: When you’re eighteen!
Anna asks: Will
Alexander get a book?!!! I'm dying for more of him.
Anna isn’t going to like this answer, but the
truth is I’m not sure. His future is
still a bit fuzzy for me, you see, because I thought it was going somewhere but
then something happened in my plot for book two and it’s not quite so
optimistic anymore. We’re going to get
him his HEA though! I promise. Just hang in there, Anna!
Anna also
asks: I always love hearing/seeing authors writing
space and if they have any quirks when it comes to their process. How about yours?
Sorry to
disappoint, Anna, my space isn’t all that.
It’s me and a computer…and my hubby sitting on his computer across the
way from me. We play footsie a lot (as in get your foot out of my space) but
don’t see each other’s faces much because the computer monitors are in the way.
When we get too sick of each other (or the foot wars get too intense) I often
grab my laptop and escape to a quite corner of the house with a cushy chair,
some coffee, my headphones and visit an alternate world—namely the one where my
Paladin warriors live :-)
Wendy asks: If you could be any character who would it be and why?

Wendy: Also what was the weirdest
thing anyone has asked you or said to you about yourself or your books?
Weirdest? I’m not sure, but I’ve had a creepy
moment where someone once said to let them know if I needed help working out
the kinks in my next sex scene. Um… subject change anyone?
Marlene asks: Out of all the genres out there, what got you interested in writing
paranormal romance?
I think, for me, paranormal romance allows for two things
that I crave in a romance novel: Escapism and Contrast. Contrast?
What’s that, right? Contrast is that juxtaposition between a really
dark, gritty world and the absolute joy of being in love. And to see that love
overpower such darkness is the ultimate love story for me.
Marlene: How long did it take you to get your first book published?
My first book will never be published… in fact it’s going
to stay hidden on my hard drive ;-) No
really, it felt like forever with tons of near misses, but if you add up the
number of years where I was seriously pursing my career (key word being
serious) I think it was about three. Still too long for the eager writer
Marlene: Are you a plotter or pantser?
I’m a mix. I started as a pantser, overcompensated with
plotting, and am now somewhere in the middle. I’ve learned that though it’s
important to have a good idea where you’re going you have to be flexible too.
And if the material isn’t flowing organically from my brain to the keyboard,
it’s normally a good sign that I’ve over-plotted and am trying to force
something to work that just isn’t going to.
Phyllis: What inspires you
to write your Paladins?
the origin story, which you can find here I assume you mean why do I write
them. Really it’s very simple. I have to tell their stories. Their world and
stories have become so real to me that I actually have guilt over not getting
them to their HEA. Take Alexander, for example, I’m really gnawing my nails
over him right now because I just don’t see his future very well yet and I
really, really want to find him the bond-mate that’s going to complete his
Phyllis: What process do
you go through to vet your characters?
my characters make it into my book if I’m writing them and they cop an attitude
with me. :-D No, this is truth. I don’t
want a complacent character that is going to do anything and everything I tell
them to. I mean, yeah, it’s kind of nice not to have the arguments, but when
all is said and done if a character doesn’t have steel in their spine, then
they end up not being all that interesting on the page and so goes my plot.
Phyllis: Why did you make
Valin darker than the others and shorter?

Phyllis: Why was it
Roland that was turned?
there is evil in the world and even those with the greatest strength can falter
just as they can choose to strive for redemption. And don’t tortured souls in
need of redemption make some of the best heroes? ;-)
Phyllis: Why red hair on
:-D I guess it’s the contrast thing
again. Alexander is this big, strong, solid man full of power. He’s rock steady
and the man anyone would want in their corner and because of his red hair and barely
there freckles people just don’t take him seriously enough to think he belongs
anywhere but as their back-up man. But the truth is that under his easy going
front, there is a true leader in there, and I suspect that if and when he does
get pushed past his limits it’s going to be quite a show.
Phyllis: How do you pair
your hero and heroine?
throw a likely couple in a padded room (or scene as the case may be) and watch
to see if sparks (or fists) fly. Trust me, this works, as there have been times
when they didn’t and I knew to let one or the other out and send them on their
way and try again.
Pyillis: With regard to
the plot of these books, where did it come from?
my cluttered mind. :-D It actually
started out as a chapter. The chapter was fairly close to the one you see in
the beginning of Deliver Me from Darkness but without any sort of world build.
It was my “padded room” test between Roland and Karissa. The sparks were there,
but I knew I needed to put some real scenery in the story. A bunch of
brainstorming and research and trial and error later and Viola!
Pyllis: Where do you
like to do your writing?
edit, FB, tweet, etc at my desk. For fresh out of the box writing I tend to
move around a lot. Sometimes at my desk, sometimes on my porch or the couch or
even a coffee shop. Who knows where my
muse will lead me!
Phyllis: Chocolate or
Chocolate! And red wine :-)
Phyllis: Do you write AM
or PM
normally but when the muse comes to play I’ll stay up all night if needed.
Phew! Thanks
to my wonderful ladies for ambushing me (how weird does that sound?) How about all
of you readers? Are there any questions that you’ve always wanted to ask an
author? If so you have until this
Wednesday to ask! One lucky commenter will win a copy of Deliver Me from
Temptation (US & CA) AND three more commenters from any country will win
digital copies of Deliver Me from Darkness (your choice of nook or kindle-prize
must be redeemed by 12/22). Sound awesome? Great! To enter leave your name and
email along with whether you are US & CA or International and a question
for me before midnight on 12/19. Thanks!
Award-winning author Tes Hilaire started creating whole new worlds to escape
upstate New York’s harsh winters before finally fleeing to sultry North
Carolina. Her stories are edgy, exciting, and bring a hint of dark fantasy to
paranormal romance. And no one ever has to shovel snow. For more, visit,
like her on Facebook,
and follow her on Twitter, @TesHilaire.
Look for the other books in the Paladin Warriors Series: Deliver Me from Darkness (in stores now) and Prince of Shadows (November 2013).
A stranger in the night…
He had once been a warrior of the Light, one of the revered Paladin. A protector. But now he lives in sin darkness, and the shadows are his sanctuary. Every day is a struggle to overcome the bloodlust. Especially the day Karissa shows up on his doorstep.
Comes knocking on the door…
She is light and bright and everything beautiful—despite her scratches and torn clothes. Every creature of the night is after her. So is every male Paladin. Because Karissa is the last female of their kind. But she is his. He may not have a soul, but he can’t deny his heart.
He had once been a warrior of the Light, one of the revered Paladin. A protector. But now he lives in sin darkness, and the shadows are his sanctuary. Every day is a struggle to overcome the bloodlust. Especially the day Karissa shows up on his doorstep.
Comes knocking on the door…
She is light and bright and everything beautiful—despite her scratches and torn clothes. Every creature of the night is after her. So is every male Paladin. Because Karissa is the last female of their kind. But she is his. He may not have a soul, but he can’t deny his heart.
Logan Screwed Up…Big Time
When things go bump in the night, Logan bumps
back. Vampires, demons, succubi—you name it, he’s fought it. His job as a
Paladin angel warrior is to protect humans. Not fall for one.
She Never Believed in Divine Intervention…Until
Detective Jessica Waters protects humans
too—with her Glock and a good set of handcuffs. She doesn’t believe in fate.
But if anyone looks like a gift from the gods, it’s Logan. And he clearly knows
more about her case than he’s letting on…
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