I auditioned for a reality TV show called Four
Weddings. So at the forefront of my mind
was the thought of sharing something significant in my life with television
viewers. I didn't make it on the show
and was relieved to hear it! But my mind was already working on a way to use
that experience in a book or in this case a series of books called Matchmakers,
Inc. about a reality TV matchmaking show called Sexy & Single.
Willow Stead is the character that came to me first and who
I wanted to write the entire time. She's
someone who doesn't let things go and can hold a grudge until she feels justice
has been served. And since most of us
have thought one day I'm going to show them or get even, it was a natural
jumping off point for me. Also given the
fact that this year was a significant high school reunion for me I was thinking
about how when you're 18 everything feels so important. So Willow was born with a heart-breaking
back-story and a desire for revenge.
My hero had to be strong enough to be a match for her and Jack
Crown is just that man. He is someone
who has had to start over more times than he can remember and is well adjusted
simply because he doesn't look back.
Unlike Willow who keeps the past close to fuel her drive for the future,
Jack shuts it away, pretends it never happened and moves on.
I'm more like Jack. I
just don't care to worry over the past since I have no way to change it. Once something happens I put it away and try
to never think about it again.
What about you? One
randomly selected blog participant will receive some Matchmakers, Inc. swag,
and autographed copies of the entire three-book series.
***Katherine's winner is Cara Bristol! Please email totebag@authorsoundrelations.com with your mailing details!***
***Katherine's winner is Cara Bristol! Please email totebag@authorsoundrelations.com with your mailing details!***
I'm the kind of person that deals with things & then moves on. It does no good to dwell on every little thing.
I agree that it doesn't do any good to dwell on things, Mary, but its hard sometimes to let it go.
I am more like Willow, I tend to let the past cloud my judgement, especially about people in my past or situations that have happened. I am trying to change and become more of a person that does not worry about the past and how it will afect the future. Can't wait to read this book... And I love that show Four Weddings..
I'm getting better, but I still tend to worry
over problems a bit before I finally give up
and give over!
Pat C.
I used to dwell on it, especially when trying to sleep at night, always tossing and turning.
About the only blessing of being middle aged now is that my poor memory skills equate to not dwelling on things as much. Bonus! (If only I could see the silver lining with the rest of the 'menopausal' symptoms, LOL!)
Thanks for the great post and giveaway! When I was younger, I used to agonize over the past, but luckily I've learned great coping mechanisms so that I don't dwell anymore :)
I learned not to worry over the past because nothing can be changed. I have enough things in the present to worry about although I have slowly learned there are things in the present that it is no use to worry about because you can't do anything about them.
My husband calls me a worry wort. I do tend to worry, although I am getting better at not doing it. As everyone says, it doesn't do any good, and it just makes you miserable. Katherine, thanks so much for the generous giveaway! Have a great weekend everyone!
I've had to kind of train myself not to care. Things from big to small use to affect me although no one would really know it, but I've found that that kind of dwelling takes way too much energy and I was never happy because of it. Now I just have to realize that there isn't anything I can do and I just stop right there. I still have my moments, but it gets easier:)
I have always been a worrier, but I am trying to be so much better about that, and getting rid of stress in my life. Can't wait to read this!
I'm with you on this. That is why things have been a lot easier for me. Because I don't let myself get stuck with yesterday. I try to move on and learn from those mistakes that I did in the past.
When the children lived at home I tended to worry a lot especially if they were out with friends. Once they went off to college I put the bad thoughts behind me.
I worry before I take a trip but once I'm on the road I'm fine. I make a lot of lists which help to relieve my anxiety.
Once things are done I put it all behind me and look to the future to things I can still change.
i'm a thought person, when i got problem i always worry but try to calm down n find the solution even sometimes i like to postpone it T_T
It depends on the situation and the circumstance; some things hang with me, while I'm able to slough off others surprisingly easy. Maya Angelou said something like, if you know better, you do better. You can't keep beating yourself up for your mistakes.
I agree too. I love the Desires books! Great blog today! Thanks
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