I have been a fan of action, adventure, horror
and fantasy from a very young age, so it’s no surprise that my stories are
filled with the same. My favourite fairy tales were Hansel and Gretel and Red
Riding Hood. Hansel and Gretel fooled the nasty old cannibalistic witch and
pushed her into the her own oven - gruesome. And Red Riding Hood saw through
the wolf’s disguise and was saved by the handsome woodsman (or so I like to
think) who cut that grandma chowing canine real good. It seemed so much better
than Sleeping Beauty who spent all those years laying as she waited for Prince
Charming. And what’s up with Rapunzel, just hanging out in a tower brushing her
hair all day.

So when I finally came to writing my own
stories, I used all the rules that made sense to me and discard. Like reimaging
a move, I could take the best part and add my own spin. Like my vampires - they
are not undead, they can see themselves in the mirror and are not afraid of
crosses and such. Yet they can’t go out in the daylight, they need blood to
survive and are practically invulnerable.
The same goes for the witches in my latest book
SIN’S DARK CARESS. I took the parts of witchcraft mythology and added my own
lore. If they are a familial witch, they can use magic and have an animal
familiar, but they can’t use magic without an animal familiar. I also have
other kinds of witches that have different ways of using magic. Each has their
own lore.
So have you ever wanted
to make up your own endings or change the rules because they just don’t make
sense to you? Leave a comment and I'll give away a copy of either of my books to two commenters!
***Tracy's winners are Jo Mc and Kelly Ethan! Please email totebag@authorsoundrelations.com with your mailing details!***
I have at times. I've read books that have not ended to my satisfaction. The most frustrating of these is a vague ending. You are left thinking WHAT?
I did when I was a child, I forgot about it when I grew up. Not sure why... I think I'll give it a try again :)
i did, but it has been so long ago
yes on some books
I have occasionally while reading a book thought of alternatives in ending or details. However, I most love it when an author re-imagines things like origination lore of a being and makes a story feel really fresh.
little lamb lst at yahoo dot com
Maybe what you are talking about is why so
many times I get the feeling that the book
ended too soon! Then there have been
books with much detail throughout and the
story winds up in 5 to 10 pages. I'm left
with the feeling that I could have written
a better ending!
Pat C.
I have definitely found myself wanting to make up my own endings or change the rules... especially if it's a story that I have become completely invested in because it's so good.
Congrats on the newest release!
OMG! I was totally the same way!!! I'd "play" the book like a movie in my head and the characters would continue on. My chore was to walk the dogs every day so that was perfect for daydreaming :)
I never understood why the conventions for paranormal creatures had to "seem" to conform to the usual perception/rules - so I like the idea of authors taking a familiar trope and twisting it into something new.
I also liked rewriting movies/TV shows/stories in my mind as a kid - a bit like one of those "choose your own adventure" stories form the 80's, particularly when I didn't like the ending or even one of the characters. They'd be erased entirely! LOL
The fun thing as a kid was that you got to act out these new stories! :-)
T, fantastic to see SIN'S DARK CARESS out on shelves - I LOVE the cover! It' a stunner!!!
Always. As a kid I'd write the next book in a series if the author took too long..snicker. Even now I like to play what if...What if the character didn't pick up that mystical artefact that reeks of dark energy. What happens if the author wrote about that secondary character instead etc. Best bit of being an author...
Kelly Ethan
Hi Tracey!
I agree with everyone, great cover!
And yep, when the ending wasn't what I wanted/expected, I'd be thinking of what I would have done to make it better =)
I agree. Hindsight is a kicker too esp in your own work.
Always fun :)
I never stopped - but probably more aware now.
that is great to hear.
yes - I know what you mean.
I get a little sad when I come to the end of the books that I am totally invested in.
LOL - I love it. Walking the dog and daydreaming is how I would love to spend my life.
thanks sweetie and congrats on your latest released too. :)
Thats what I love about paranormals. The author can change the rules to make it work for their story. And there are so many different variations and combos available that there is often something new.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
I've read books where the endings have been unexpected or non-satisfying but rarely do I want to change the endings. Sometimes a certain ending will have me thinking more about the story and see why things are the way they are. I'll wish the characters were happier if it was a sad ending though. I'm not fond of endings that don't make sense though.
I agree Kelly - imagination is a blessing. :)
Thanks Mel.
I agree Donnas, I love it when an author takes known mythology and twists it.
I don't mind a sad ending or a surprise ending - as long as it makes sense.
Yes! Then and now. TV shows, movies, books - doesn't matter. If the ending is too abrupt or doesn't make sense I definitely rewrite it in my head until it's the way I like.
Congrats on the new release, Trace. Can't wait to read it and find out what those witches get up to!
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