It’s not true, of course, but when I plan my writing
schedule out a year in advance as I do---yes, I can deliver a Harlequin
Presents on Jan 15th, and a women’s fiction novel for Berkley on
April 15th, and another Harlequin on June 15th, and maybe
somewhere in there I can squeeze in a novella for another Harlequin line
somewhere in there, I am agreeing to these deadlines without:
a) thinking about how stressful and horrible these close
(impossible?) delivery dates will be
b) considering there might be something else huge
looming in my life like a gigantic move to Southern California from Seattle,
that will also require us to buy a So Cal house, which will require us to sell Greater
Seattle house, which will require us to constantly show house, which will then
require an interim move into a hotel in Greater Seattle for a month once house
sells and we have nowhere to go until school gets out in late June

But I did agree to ridiculous writing deadlines, not wanting
to disappoint my publishers, or my readers, who say they are waiting
impatiently for my next book.
I love that
readers like my stories. I love that
they are eager for the next one. And so
I write amidst what some might describe as chaos, but I call “intriguing
possibility”, and happily all my books did get written and the move got made,
and we’ve now been living in San Clemente, California since July 1st.
We’re not even close to being settled in though. Tons of stuff is still in storage, and tons
more will remain in storage, since I have no idea where everything will go in
this new (1927 year old) house. Little
from my Seattle house works here. This
new old house is a romantic house full of stucco and beams and interestingly
shaped rooms. My Seattle house was a big
Shingle style house and furnished with big strong pieces which don’t fit, or
suit, this sweet Spanish Colonial Revival house with it little balconies and
rambling garden. So we are making do
with just a couple chairs upstairs in the main rooms until I can order couches
for the living room and family room. And
I will one day order the needed furniture, but first must focus on revisions
for The Good Daughter (out in
February) and planning The Good Woman
book tour for September, and getting ready for RWA in Anaheim next week, because
I can’t wait to see my readers again.
If you can come see me at one of my events, I would love
it. I’m really excited about The Good
Woman, the first book in my new Brennan Sisters trilogy, and can’t wait to hear
what you think, because you, reader, are very special to me.
Jane's giving away a Barnes & Noble giftcard, two of her Harlequin books and more fun JP goodies to one commenter!!
***Jane's winner is Nikki! Congratulations! Please email totebag@authorsoundrelations.com with your name and mailing info!***
After a move, it is hard to make order out of chaos... but always love the challenge of making a new house a home.. Enjoy shopping!!
Mercy, Jane! We'll have to have to start
calling you Wonder Woman! I'm tired, just
from reading the list of tasks you have
undertaken! BTW, I so enjoyed Not Fit For
A King & His Majesty's Mistake!
Pat C.
Jane, You are an inspiration, a whirlwind and and very special woman. Anything is possible is your motto and that is wonderful. Such courage and strength of character. Best of luck and enjoy your wonderful new home in California.
I enjoyed learning about your daunting tasks while moving into your Ca. home. If anyone can accomplish everything your drive and determination can. You are to be admired for your tenacity and optimism. Enjoy this new home and your wonderful setting.
That is quite a schedule to me even without a move and all of the inherent mayhem that brings. Hat is off to you!
little lamb lst at yahoo dot com
Jane, you are such an amazing person. You have so much going on with the move, the new book(s) and yet you still take the time to talk to your fans. Thank you for not only providing me with great books to read, but also for being my friend :)
I definitely feel ya on the moving thing. Growing up as a military child, we moved about every 18 months until I was out of high school. My parents STILL have boxes in their garage that have assorted curtains, etc. My mom eventually learned to go with white or cream because it matched everything, lol, but the moves were hard on her, I know. She loved having the house just so, and the constant disruption was difficult, but you know what, she loved my dad, and she just made it happen!
Hi there, Jane! Congrats on getting through the actual move. Here's hoping that when the dust settles and you have a moment, "the perfect" furniture will make itself known to you (and Ty). Sometimes things DO happen like that - especially when you aren't even looking! Heck, that's how I met my husband of now 31 years - I quit looking and there he was! Take care....
I loved this post, Jane! I too find myself accepting commitments with impossible-seeming deadlines and find that in the end it almost always works out just fine without any need to work myself up.
I LOVE Not Fit for a King and gladly endure my husband's laughing at me for getting so involved with fictional characters. Thanks for your work--I wait for new titles but I wait patiently. Enjoy settling into your new home!
After reading this I really feel lazy...lol. I can't imagine how she does it all and so well. I've actually never read any of Jane's Harlequin books. I remember when I first started reading her I read a few books and was looking at the library, but my library only had harlequin books by Jane Porter...I didn't think that was her! Thanks for the guest post and giveaway!
Being a mom is always stressful, and you do a fabulous job! Thanks for the great reads!
Being a mother is a full time job! Being a wife is a full time job! Holding down a job is a full time job! So I figure we hold down a minimum of 3 full time jobs a day. Not sure where you find the time and energy for anything else but when your ready to bottle it up and start selling it please remember moosehog! LOL!
HI Jane; you know how much i love your books and you. i hope things with the new house get going towards the finish line soon; i would get the house settled and then worry about the storage. you could always have an auction...lol. wish i were closer to where your book events are going on. can't wait til your new book "THE GOOD WOMAN" comes out. enjoy all your successes...
You sound so busy! You are amazing! I can't wait to read your latest book!
OH WOW!!! I admire you and your drive and tight schedules! Good luck on the future and congrats on the new release!
Congrats on it all Jane! I'm sure you will find all the right things to fit your new house. And I am so looking forward to reading "The Good Woman." And I will make it to some of the events. I'm driving up from San Diego for the book signing at RWA and I plan to attend one of The Good Woman events too. Yay!
Hi Jane!
I am actually working amidst chaos right now:) I am an optimist too! I say yes to everything everyone throws my way at work because I like to think I am superwoman and can accomplish it all... that is until my office partner has to go out for two months to have surgery and I am now piling on her workload on top of mine and everything else:) No matter what I will get through these next couple months and continue to remain an optimist. Congrats on meeting your writing goals!
Hi Jane,
I hope you have time to unpack and settle in so that you can enjoy your upcoming book tour and RWA next week.
And I hope you will some how find the time to buy new furniture and really move ind.
It sounds like you have found yourself a very beautiful home in California.
OMG! Woman, I'm tired out just reading about your schedule. You really need to slow down a little and smell those things called roses! But at least your close to RWA this year...or at least, reasonably so. I don't that much about California geography.
Wow Jane! I'll bet your asleep before your head hits the pillow at night!!! Hope you can get out & enjoy a little bit of summer! Thanks for sharing!
Robin in NC
I can't wait to read your new book. I love the cover.
Hope you are getting settled wi the move. It is amazing how much stuff we accumulate.
Much applause to you, Jane! You are a woman of many talents! Multi-tasking is one of them! LOL! Sure is nice having you here on the blog. :-) Your new book sounds great! I can't wait to read it! I hope after everything is settled, you will have some "me" time. You sure deserve it! Have a great week!
Wow, that's a lot to do in such a short time!
After living in Seattle, are you enjoying the sunny, warmer weather of San Clemente?
I hope to meet you on your book tour!
Congrats on the new release. The book sounds great. Great post, your office looks like my bedroom. Added a new bookshelf and books everywhere. Thanks for the great giveaway.
I'm tired just reading all you have going on. I would love to come to one of your events but I'm on the opposite side of the country. Have fun with them, though.
Hi Jane,
Congratualtions on your latest release. Hope you are enjoying California and hopefully things settle down for you soon. Well i try to be a optimist but i can't say that i succeed at it...something just happens to go wrong whenever i try. Have fun at RWA and all your other events.
Congratulations on the new release. Your office looks eerily like my office. :) Loved the post!
Congratulations on your release. I find that when I move I always lose something and something gets broken. I hope that did not happen in your move.
Congrats on your new release! I can't imagine trying to move right now. We have been in the same house for 27 years and have collected a lot of junk over the years, need to have a yard sale or something to get rid of the stuff. Our attic is full. Good luck in getting everything together.
Hi Jane, best of luck with the unpacking and organizing. Hope to see more pics when everything is finished. Congratualtions on your latest release. I cannot wait to read it.
Jane, you are amazing and an inspiration! Can't wait to see you in Anaheim!
You are amazing and speciall to us too, Jane :)
Hi Jane, I feel your pain. I have recently moved and still have not unpacked yet. I moved in on June 1st, but between doing everyday chores and taking care of the kids it will be a while before I unpack everything. I have looked up some of your books and put them on my to read list. Good luck in your new home.
Jane, you are one busy woman, but we know you will get it all done. I am looking to move soon myself and I can't wait.
Best wishes in your new abode!
Kelly B.
Your new house sounds great, have fun decorating it! Maybe you'll get some ides for your new books while you are shopping for new furniture :)
We've just moved, Jane and my office looks a lot like yours. And my deadline is shot! Hope you're coping better. Stupid ... of course you are!
Good luck with impossible deadlines and getting settled in your new house. It will all get done. **Deep Breath** I loved Flirty With Forty and I recommend it to everyone. Even my 20 something nieces! I just bought Easy of the Eyes and I am looking forward to reading it at the beach! Thanks for the awesome giveaway.
You are an amazing woman to be able to juggle so many "hats". Moving is a huge undertaking that we all dread until we reach our new destination. We downsized from a very large house to an empty-nester's dream and found that the task of finding out what works and what doesn't to be an ongoing job. What you're not cleaning in that big house leaves you plenty of time to rearrange, sort, pitch, shop, decorate in your new home. It's purely an adventure. Have fun with your new home. Embrace the change which will surely soon be the norm. By the way, don't forget to take time to read a book. I can recommend a wonderful author by the name of Jane Porter!
Good luck with the new house and your deadlines. I am looking forward to The Good Woman and I really like the cover, it is so intriguing.
mce1011 AT aol DOT com
Oh wow can I relate. In the middle of a move myself.i Haven't had my stuff for six months while we tried selling our home. Now its coming all together and I will be able to be settled soon!
Last year we helped my daughter and her family resettle in a new house. WOW! It's an amazing amount of work packing, unpacking, cleaning and cleaning again, then deciding where to put things. My heart goes out to you as you make this big change.
Best wishes! I hope you love California!
Jane, I think you're fabulous - as a mom, a writer and a woman. I only recently discovered your books and have become a fan for life!! I wish you the very best in your new life in CA!!
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