It's official. I'm over excited. For the last six years, I have watched from the sidelines with envy as people reported back. I have combed the blogs for scraps of info and generally longed to be there.
This time I will be! The RWA National Conference in Orlando Fl!
Because I am bringing my new netbook, I will be doing news flashes on the Pink Heart Society blog and several of the Harlequin Historical Authors will be blogging on the Harlequin Historical Author blog about the events they are attending. So hopefully I will be doing my bit for those staying behind. (Or at least that is the plan...but I know that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions and I am one of the contractors in chief)
I have been to Romantic Novelist Association conferences before and so know how full on they can be but the RWA is supposed to take it to a whole new level.
In an effort to decide which workshops to attend, I have looked at the handouts. You do not have to be going to the RWA conference to see the handouts and they can be useful. If a workshop has a red title, it means it is the link to the handout. I know I have applied Susan Elizabeth Philips 6 magic words already to my writing and unfortunately Julia Quinn's workshop on dialogue clashes with something that I have to do, so I can't go to her workshop on dialogue but the handout looks excellent. And if you want to know about Steam punk -- what is it etc -- the handout for the workshop looks fantastic. But be warned, looking at handouts can make you determined to go to the conference...
There is the literacy signing which is open to the general public. Over 500 authors! I shall be signing but suspect my line will be short. I'm sitting next to Blaze author Cara Summers and If anyone stops by from Tote Bags and tells me, I will have cover flats to give away. But basically I will just be grateful to speak to people.
Besides the workshops and the signing, there are parties -- Thursday seems to be packed -- starting with a breakfast for Harlequin Historical authors, a keynote lunch with Nora Robert speaking, and going through to the legendary eharlequin pj party in the evening. And then on Friday, it is the Harlequin Author party proper. This year there is a rumour that they are going to be much tougher on gatecrashers...
But mostly I am looking forward to meeting people that I have only met via the Internet. So if you happen to be there and see me, please do come up and say hi.
I suspect by the end of the time, I will be exhausted (and will not have seen Disneyworld!)!
But before I go to the conference, I have revisions on my latest full manuscript to do. My new editor is wonderfully efficient -- not only have I sold a Roman set Undone (these are the sexy short stories that are made to be read in a lunchtime) this week but she has also given me some really good revisions.
And if all this has you excited about writing, Harlequin Mills & Boon are doing a global talent search with their New Voices contest. More details should be up on the website soon. Various authors in the UK are doing workshops in August to support the contest during August and September. My workshop at Knaresborough Library, North Yorkshire is on the evening of 1 September.
In the meantime, if anyone has any tips about surviving business conferences, please let me know.
This time I will be! The RWA National Conference in Orlando Fl!
Because I am bringing my new netbook, I will be doing news flashes on the Pink Heart Society blog and several of the Harlequin Historical Authors will be blogging on the Harlequin Historical Author blog about the events they are attending. So hopefully I will be doing my bit for those staying behind. (Or at least that is the plan...but I know that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions and I am one of the contractors in chief)
I have been to Romantic Novelist Association conferences before and so know how full on they can be but the RWA is supposed to take it to a whole new level.
In an effort to decide which workshops to attend, I have looked at the handouts. You do not have to be going to the RWA conference to see the handouts and they can be useful. If a workshop has a red title, it means it is the link to the handout. I know I have applied Susan Elizabeth Philips 6 magic words already to my writing and unfortunately Julia Quinn's workshop on dialogue clashes with something that I have to do, so I can't go to her workshop on dialogue but the handout looks excellent. And if you want to know about Steam punk -- what is it etc -- the handout for the workshop looks fantastic. But be warned, looking at handouts can make you determined to go to the conference...
There is the literacy signing which is open to the general public. Over 500 authors! I shall be signing but suspect my line will be short. I'm sitting next to Blaze author Cara Summers and If anyone stops by from Tote Bags and tells me, I will have cover flats to give away. But basically I will just be grateful to speak to people.
Besides the workshops and the signing, there are parties -- Thursday seems to be packed -- starting with a breakfast for Harlequin Historical authors, a keynote lunch with Nora Robert speaking, and going through to the legendary eharlequin pj party in the evening. And then on Friday, it is the Harlequin Author party proper. This year there is a rumour that they are going to be much tougher on gatecrashers...
But mostly I am looking forward to meeting people that I have only met via the Internet. So if you happen to be there and see me, please do come up and say hi.
I suspect by the end of the time, I will be exhausted (and will not have seen Disneyworld!)!
But before I go to the conference, I have revisions on my latest full manuscript to do. My new editor is wonderfully efficient -- not only have I sold a Roman set Undone (these are the sexy short stories that are made to be read in a lunchtime) this week but she has also given me some really good revisions.
And if all this has you excited about writing, Harlequin Mills & Boon are doing a global talent search with their New Voices contest. More details should be up on the website soon. Various authors in the UK are doing workshops in August to support the contest during August and September. My workshop at Knaresborough Library, North Yorkshire is on the evening of 1 September.
In the meantime, if anyone has any tips about surviving business conferences, please let me know.

Hi MIchelle, I will be sitting not too far away from you at the RWA book-signing, so let's make sure we say "hello". (It's only my second time signing.) I'll look out for you!
Nationals is such a wonderful opportunity to meet like-minded people...
Yes, I will definitely make a Hello pact with you Kandy!
Anyone else?
Have a great time Michelle. Caroline x
Thanks for the link to the handouts, Michelle. Have a great time!
Comfortable shoes! - and bottle water, as conferences I've been to are often hotter and involve more talking than you think. Have a great trip!
Being just an everyday homemaker
and having few if any connections
to business conferences, my tips
are few. I concur with the shoe &
water suggestion and would add a
handbag with a shoulder strap to
free your hands and a sturdy suit-
case on wheels with lots of pockets
to carry all the books, literature
and goodies you will score at this
particular conference.
Pat Cochran
Well Michelle, i will be jealous that i am not there. but i am going to RT 2011 in CA!
I'll be there and look forward to meeting you, Michelle. I'll be sure to stop by and say hello at the signing.
Last year they put flash drives with all the handouts on them in the registration bags. I think they plan on doing the same thing this time.
My best advice:
Take time each day to escape to your room, or a quiet place, to put your feet up and relax a bit. RWA National is wonderful but very exhausting. You'll need to recharge your internal batteries from time to time.
I do not live too far from Orlando and will stop by on several days. I usually spend most of my time in the bar socializing. I hope to see you there.
Good suggestions one and all!
I'll look forward to meeting you PJ and Sir John.
And pratimom, I envy you the RT. The thing about reading about these conferences that it makes one long to go! Well, I'm getting to this one so I must not be greedy...
oh wow, I wish I could go to the signing! I could hit you and Ms. Summers up at the same time!
Kinda freaky, I just went on a splurge and bought five of her books at once and I literally just told someone that when I saw your entry.
I hope you have TONS of fun!
Have a great time at the conference. I wish I could go to the literacy signing, but Florida is out of the question.
Michelle - you're going to have so much fun at the RWA conference and I only wish I was going to be there to hang out with you!!!!!
Kristin -- how funny!
Linda -- I know what you mean...but luckily they do move the RWA around and some day it might be closer. I always get a little thrill when I see the list.
Amanda -- meeting you at the RNA conference was one of the highlights. I see that Olivia Gates will be at the RWA so it will be great to see her...
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