
Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Release Day - Jennifer Estep

So, my second book, Hot Mama, is being released today. It’s the second book in my Bigtime paranormal romance series, and I’m feeling just as much joy and excitement now as I did when my first book, Karma Girl, came out.

There really is nothing like release day. The knowledge that your book has been released from the depths of the publisher’s warehouse. The fact you can walk into your local bookstore and actually see it on the shelf. The fact that if a reader orders it from Amazon in the next eight hours, twelve minutes, and twenty-three seconds, she can have your book in her hands by tomorrow. The knowledge that more reviews will start coming in, and the hope that people will start e-mailing you raving about how much they liked it.

But I’m also a little nervous too, mainly because of one thing – the dreaded sophomore slump.

Dum-dum-dum! (Cue the scary music here).

Entertainment magazines talk about the sophomore slump all the time. About how a hit TV show or movie series suddenly goes from fab to forgettable by the time the second season or sequel rolls around.

It’s happened to lots of movies I’ve enjoyed over the years. Take Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. I absolutely loved this rip-roaring adventure movie. But Pirates 2? Not so much. The same thing goes for TV shows. I loved the first season of Lost. Seasons 2 and 3? Not so much.

So, I can’t help but wonder if some readers will feel the same way about Hot Mama. Will the book meet their expectations? Will they think it’s as good as Karma Girl? Will they like it enough to consider picking up my third book, Jinx? Or will I lose readers because I didn’t deliver the goods the second time around?

I’ve heard so many horror stories from writers about how the second book is always harder to write than the first. About how they struggle to recapture the magic of that first book. I’ve heard how fans have been let down or underwhelmed by an author whose first book they enjoyed immensely – so much so that they don’t read that author anymore. I know I’ve read second books that have disappointed me.

So, I think there’s some truth to the sophomore slump theory. Today is release day. I guess I’ll know soon enough if I’m in it.

What about you? Do you think there’s a sophomore slump when it comes to books? Inquiring minds want to know …



  1. Hi Jennifer,

    I haven't read your first book yet, Karma Girl, but it is in my TBR pile! I just loved the cover of the book and the excerpt on the back really enticed me to buy it!

    Anyway, I guess it depends on the writer. I have read series that were absolutely terrific from beginning to end. There have been just a couple series I have read where the books lost a little steam as they went on.

    Actually to be truthful I have just discoved the paranormal genre. I have never read this genre before until I reviewed a book written by Shana Abe' called The Smoke Thief. It was absolutely wonderful! I devoured her next book The Dream Thief and that was a tremendous success! I love series books also! Once you get know the characters, it is so much fun to get the know them even more in the next book.

    Congratulations Jennifer on your new book! I will do the happy dance for you since I am all revved up from doing the Zumba at the YMCA this morning! Ha,ha! I can't wait to get that one for my collection!


  2. Alas, I'm a plain and simple reader, so this is the first I heard of a sophomore slump. . . :) But I guess it always depends. . . if there is a slump, maybe that just means there's a change and not for the better. But plenty and plenty of books that I've read, whether they really were the author's second, or my second book by an author, they tend to just keep getting better. :)


  3. Congratulations on your new book. There is the occasional writer that I find that I lover his/her first book but am not enthused about the next one. Mostly, though, I find that when I like the author's first book then I also enjoy the second one.

  4. Deseng -- I hope you enjoy Karma Girl, and thanks for the good wishes. ;-) I've heard a lot of good things about Shana's book. She's one of the folks in my TBR pile.

    Lois -- You're right. Some authors do just keep getting better and better. Those are the folks I can't wait to read.

    Maureen -- Thanks for the congrats. If I find an author I like, usually I enjoy all their books, too, although some of them don't blow me away like the first one did.

  5. Congrats on your book! Havent read your 1st book yet (but it is in my TBR pile) and I dont think I have ever heard of the "sophmore slump". But I guess it could happen if the 2nd book is rushed out?

    I have experience where I have loved most of the books one author wrote, and there where also occasions where I thought that the author was getting better and better with each book they wrote.
    But there were also times that I hated any other books an author wrote after liking only the 1st one they wrote.

    So I guess anything can happen.

    However, keep working hard and never give up. Dont let negative thoughts get to you and always try to think positively.

    And hello everyone. Havent been in here for a while and wanted to also wish everyone "Happy Holidays"


  6. I am just a reader... really easy to please, give me two people that are in love with each other and voilà! So I guess I must be a sophomore reader!
