
Monday, November 05, 2007

Giving Books - Susanna Carr

My family has a tradition when giving books as gifts. The person who gives the book inscribes a message on the inside front cover and then adds the date or occasion after the signature.

Sometimes the message offers hope and encouragement (I see this a lot in the cookbooks I receive. Hmm…are my relatives trying to tell me something?) Other times, the message will let me know why this particular book was special to them and why they are passing it on.

Just the other day I grabbed one of the cookbooks and saw my great-aunt's inscription. The spindly handwriting on the inside cover triggered a memory of the day she gave the book to me. It was decades ago and she passed away not long after, but I can remember the smell of her perfume and the sound of her laugh.

This tradition not only jogs my memory and gives me something to connect with my relatives, but it offers a part of family history that can't be found in scrapbook. Who else has a family tradition when it comes to books?



  1. How beautiful!!

    But my only tradition is to receive books. Actually, now that I think about it, I buy books for my mother and write short inscriptions. I buy books from authors that she admires like Maya Angelou or celebrities who inspire her like Tina Turner or anything Oprah - LOL.

    Now that my daughter has turned a teen, I guess it's time to initiate another tradition.

    Thanks for sharing.


  2. Michelle, I like giving books as presents. My sisters and I always bought books for my dad because he loved to read and traveled a lot.


  3. Well, I don't give books because there simply isn't anyone that I buy presents for. ;) But my Mom for example, wouldn't get me books because she simply doesn't know what I read or what I would have already. It would be too hard.


  4. That is a great idea and something I would love to introduce to our family. We only give books that are requested since otherwise a person could end up with the same book more than once.

  5. After my Grandmother passed away and we went through her bookcase it was really touching to see that she had kept all of her books ~ some with special inscriptions and some with the cards that she received with each book that she got as a gift.

    I love going through my bookcase and looking at all of my special treasures from family, friends and authors.

  6. I gave my brand new sister-in-law a small notebook, for her bridal shower gift. Inside i wrote my favorite cookie recipes of all time. (i am known as the cookie demon of our family) I wanted her to know that "All I need is a little love now and then, but some chocolate will do for now" that was from Lucy from the peanuts comics. she told me she still smiles whenever she sees it. thats the best feeling to know that you can make someone smile.


  7. Oh what a lovely idea! My best friend gave me an ispirational book and inscribed inside a wonderful message. That we are joined at the heart! I cried when I read that!

    Also, my family is religious so we have a practice a giving bibles to the younger children. My grandma gave me mine. She wrote in it the date and her name. I love it! The bible is now very fragile so I have put it in a box.

  8. That's really neat. Wish I could say the same thing. Out of my family, I am the only one that likes books =(

    Also, hello everyone. Havent been in here for a while and wanted to also wish everyone "Happy Holidays"


  9. I don't give books becuase in my family, no one is a romance lover.
