Like so much of the country, Pennsylvania has a stay-at-home order. Right before the state went on lockdown, we got a new puppy. Tallulah Mae. I'll confess, she's been keeping us busy. As a writer, staying at home is my normal. This week, I've been writing another short story,
Quarantine, this week in between house-training a puppy, homeschooling the minions and working on the barn.
I've also been trying to post upbeat messages of hope and glee on my social media accounts! In the midst of this crisis good things still happen. Kids laugh, puppies chase balls, and people love. People fall in love. That's the story I wanted to tell in this short story. I didn't want to minimize the tragedy of what's going on, but rather I wanted to remind myself and anyone who reads it that in the midst of awfulness, good things happen. I hope this short story does that.
As always, there are elements of real life in my fiction. Of course this one has a puppy in it. Tallulah Mae to be exact. And it's a story of heroes. A nurse and a grocer. I think this crisis has reminded us all that heroes are everywhere.
I still love writing short stories. Those were my first writing sales and they're still such a joy to write. I hope you check out
Quarantine and I'm including the list of the other shorts I have up and available. And don't forget the first two books in my
Hometown Hearts series are out, and the third is up for preorder!
I hope you all are staying safe and staying at home. I hope despite everything that's going on, you're still finding moments of glee in your days.
If, like me, you're home with kids, I've got some tips on what we're doing here with 4-8 year olds.
Tip 1 & T
ip 2.