
Monday, July 16, 2018

Dani Collins - Book Clubs Anyone?

Have you ever belonged to a book club? 

I've been part of two, both of which I enjoyed, but ultimately let die off when participation began to wane.

The first was in my old home town. My kids were a toddler and an infant. I needed female company and something to stimulate my brain!

We kept the group to a small bunch of women with kids of similar ages, although one gal brought her mother aboard which was fun. She became a bit of a matriarch for all us newer mothers, putting the trials of early parenting into perspective.

We often called our club a 'food club' instead of a book club. We brought pot luck and ate very well.

I enjoyed the company, but I realized very quickly that I am not only a romance writer, I'm very much a romance reader. We read a lot of books I like to call 'Oprah picks.' Some of them were actual Oprah picks, but a lot of them were important books. You were supposed to learn something. Or feel challenged. Definitely, the goal was to have something to discuss.

My contribution tended to be, "Well, that was depressing."

They kindly read a romance--I can't recall which one--and we all agreed that it was well written and satisfying, but they craved literary books and I craved romance. When we began skipping a month here and there because of our busy schedules, I recused myself and a couple of the gals continued on with a new bunch.

I didn't expect to join a book club again, but we moved. I arrived in a new small town and my kids were in school. I was working from home that first year and I needed friends. I started meeting with a handful of women and this time we called it a 'wine club.'

But the books were the same. They were well written, not always depressing, but rarely my cup of tea. Or glass of wine, as it were.

I stuck with it. I think there's value in reading outside romance and exposing myself to different genres, different voices, different types of storytelling. I am on board with all of that.

However, I'm also on board with enjoying my reading experience, rather than, as I once heard it called, 'Eating my cultural vegetables.' Romance is my chicken soup, but I was forcing cod liver oil down my throat with each of these important books.

Eventually we devolved into meeting for a glass of wine and skipping the reading and discussion. Then children in sports and other life events dissolved even that. I miss the company, but I don't miss being told what to read.

I didn't think I would join another book club, but along came Tule Publishing's Book Club.

You can join on Facebook here.

I think I may have found 'just right.' First, it's devoted to Tule's books, which are awesome romances, all the time. Second, I can visit anytime it works with my schedule. And, I can talk about books even if I haven't read them yet. It's okay to say, "I can't want for this one!" Or, "No, spoilers! It's on my TBR." Finally, I know I already have friends here, but we're open to everyone. I hope you'll join us. See you there!

USA Today Bestselling author Dani Collins writes for Harlequin Presents, Tule's Montana Born and herself. Her next book is In Too Deep, Book Three in her Blue Spruce Lodge series. Trigg discovers he has a 12 yo daughter when her aunt, Wren, takes the manager's position at the lodge. Tween drama and family angst ensues with adult conflict, confrontation and sexy times.

Read more about In Too Deep here.

1 comment:

  1. I belonged to one at the library for several years, but the attendance waned, and we lost the room. Another a friend tried to start, but it was a hard one to get to, so I gave up. I just do online book clubs, now.

