
Sunday, May 27, 2018

Medieval Me

by Joanne Rock

I forgot all about my blog posting today because I'm fixated on an upcoming visit to The Cloisters, one of the museum branches of The Metropolitan Museum in NYC. I'm visiting the city next weekend for BookCon and plan to take this side trip while I'm there.

I've been totally fascinated by my research since the museum that houses medieval art is also built from remnants of medieval chapels and monasteries brought over from Europe. How cool is that, to build a new structure of older pieces? It looks amazing.

A book I set at Poitiers
And for those of you who might be newer to my stories, you might not know that I've written for Harlequin Historicals in the past-- all medieval books. For Blaze, I did  a Viking era story too. But mostly my historicals are set in the Middle Ages. The Knight's Courtship was set at the Eleanor of Aquitaine's court in Poitiers, and I remember I had an image based on the keep at Poitiers as a screensaver the year I worked on that one. And... one of the cool things I discovered today in my research is that The Cloisters has the original work on site for me to see with my own eyes next week! I'm way too thrilled about all of this. They have the Unicorn Tapestries there too, which you might recognize.
My bookshelves are full of medieval stuff... and castles!

I love museums though... I could spend tons of time browsing and reading. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but I think it's a rocking good time. When my husband took me to see a Waterhouse exhibit in Montreal in 2010, it was one of my favorite days ever. I came home with a huge commemorative poster of one of Waterhouse's Lady of Shalott paintings that is a favorite item in my office. I'm not sure what I'll be able to get for a keepsake next weekend since I'll have to cart it home on a train, but I'm looking forward to the museum gift shop too.

To make up for my slowness getting my blog posted today, I'm going to offer up two copies of my April Desire, Expecting a Scandal, to random commenters! Just share with me what you think of museums. Are you a fan? Do you have a favorite exhibit or place to visit? Or does the idea of staring at tapestries give you hives??


  1. Hi, I LOVE museums. I tend to head straight for any Egyptian exhibit. I think it's the mystic.


  2. BOR-ING as a child but quite enjoyable in my middle-age years. Thankfully, the ones I've attended recently have also had activities geared to children.
    I really enjoyed the Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan a couple of years ago. I would go back in a heartbeat, as I'm sure I didn't cover all of it.
    I also enjoyed the Canadian Museum of History in Gatineau, Quebec last year (although I still refer to it as the Civilization of Man Museum in Ottawa, Ontario). Again, I didn't cover the entire building, but I enjoyed what I saw.

  3. I love museums of various kinds. It is also good and sparks fun conversations on your first few dates ;-)

  4. I haven't been to a real museum in years but when I lived in Dallas, I belonged to a bunch of them. Loved them. Still do.


  5. I love museums and most would be of interest to me. Unfortunately we live in a small town with few chances to go to museums. Seems like when you travel on vacation time is so limited and you go where the most want to go meaning museums most times take a back seat. People that have access to them often don't realize how fortunate they are.

    Thank you for the chance to win a copy of "Expecting a Scandal". Hoping to be one of the fortunate ones. :)
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  6. I love museums I have not been to one since I was a child & thanks for the chance to win a copy of Expecting a Scandal :)

  7. I love museums. My mom used to take us kids to the ones in Chicago all the time and that is where we developed our love to explore the history and finds documented there.

  8. I you ever find yourself in Baltimore, you should check out the Baltimore Museum of Art and The Walters Art Museum--fantastic collections.

    I also love the Delaware Museum of Art--largest collection of pre-Raphaelite Art outside of England (some of my favorites) and a lot of Wyeth. There's more Wyeth at the Brandywine River Museum.

    I've been to the Metropolitan Museum of Art two times, and I enjoyed it immensely.


  9. I love museums but have not been to one in few years

  10. i love going to museums. my favorite one lately is the Speed Art Museum in Louisville, KY.

  11. My favorite place to visit while in Chicago, is art museum

  12. I live in Chicago so there is many museums to visit & enjoy. In one museum you can see dinosaurs & another go thru a submarine. Thanks for your generosity.

  13. My weekend was AH-Mazing! We not only did the Cloisters, we went to the Met Fifth Avenue too, for a marathon museum day. I saw so much. Can't wait to relive it all through my photos from the comfort of home now :-).

    Wioletta Slyk, you are my winner for a copy of Expecting a Scandal!! All you need to is message me at with a mailing address and I'll get a copy of the book to you ASAP!

    Thank you all for visiting with me!
