
Monday, May 21, 2018

Lara Temple: Learning how to let go.

Some years ago, before I became a published author I decided to go back to University and learn something for the pure pleasure of it. I already had my degrees, my career, my family but I was restless and I needed something for me, and I thought going back to study something completely unrelated to my career would be a good idea.

So I began a master’s degree in philosophy and I loved it. It was utterly different from doing my degrees in my twenties – then I was panicked about the future, worried about debt, and so outrageously serious about everything I wonder I didn’t strain a mental muscle on a daily basis. This time around there was nothing at stake but some pride and my scarce free time. And I loved it.
But then something marvelous happened and I began my other career as a published author with Harlequin Mills & Boon and suddenly every moment I had free was dedicated to writing. I kept telling myself – just a ‘little’ effort to get your thesis done and you can finish your degree. But as time went my thesis languished, abandoned in favor of my new passion – passion.

Last week I received a stern reminder from the university – either submit the #$%# thesis or give up (no they didn’t curse, but I did). Or as my friend told me – cut the superwoman crap – the only thing coming out of not admitting you can’t do it is guilt. You’re ruining something you really enjoyed and which enriched your life by feeling guilty about it.

And that is what convinced me to let go – slowly but surely my memories of something wonderful, that really helped me add pleasure to my life, are being submerged by it being added to life’s To Do list. So I am officially removing it, letting it go. I feel bad, I feel sorry, but I’m clearing out that drawer.

Because sometimes, if you really love something, you have to let it go…

Now I can get back, a little lighter, to what I really love doing –writing romance.

Wild Lords:
#3: Lord Stanton’s Last Mistress:
#2: Lord Ravenscar’s Inconvenient Betrothal:
#1: Lord Hunter’s Cinderella Heiress:

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1 comment:

  1. you have to follow your greatest passion first and let go of the one which was getting in the way of the journey.

