
Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Susan Sands: Hottest--Happiest Place on Earth!

I just returned from the Romance Writers of America annual conference in Orlando. Disney at the
end of July ain't for sissies, y'all. The conference was held at the Dolphin resort, adjacent to its sister hotel, the Swan. Our rooms were located in the Swan, wouldn't you know? We made the "hot walk" several time a day between the two, where my sunglasses fogged up and my deodorant was challenged in ways that you don't want to hear about.

As always, RWA did an amazing job of hosting a few thousand of us writers, and keeping everyone darting to and fro to super informative sessions and workshops hosted by the industries' most savvy authors and professionals. My takeaway is, as always, that things are rapidly changing in the publishing world, and if you close your eyes, you might miss it. Don't chase trends. They will be gone by the time you arrive. Nothing is truly dead. Not chick lit, not paranormal, nothing. The names might change, but it's all semantics.

So far, I've managed to avoid the conference crud this time. Fingers crossed it doesn't catch up with me. I'm feeling a little discombobulated, though. I turned in a book I'd been frantically trying to finish just before I left, and now that I'm home, it's strange not to have that deadline looming. Of course, my daughter is a senior in high school, so there are many other obvious deadlines coming up, not to mention more college visits and the pace that is senior year. She's my third, and final child. I've now got one out of college, one in college, and one about to finish high school. The empty nest is just around the corner. We can discuss that later.

I hope everyone is enjoying their last sliver of summer.

My first book, Again, Alabama, is still free in all digital formats! Look for Christmas, Alabama coming up for pre-order very soon!!



  1. Sounds like you had a great time at RWA.

    I'm taking my middle son to Alabama in 16 days. I still have one at home and one will be a senior in college. I wish I could stop time for one week. It is flying by too fast and we have too many other things going on which is impeding us from enjoying these last 16 days.

    Enjoy the senior year with your baby girl.


    1. I know just how you feel, Denise! Best of luck to you on getting your son settled in at Alabama. This last year with the last one feels a little desperate somehow.

  2. Patricia Barber12:30 PM

    Loved meeting you at the RWA in Orlando.

    1. I'm so excited that you were able to come to the signing and make your way around meeting you favorite authors, Patricia! What a wonderful gift. And I'm especially happy that I was one of them. It was lovely to meet you in person!!
