
Sunday, March 26, 2017

Eve Gaddy: Promotion

Yes, I decided to tackle this bug-a-boo for my blog this month. Promotion is very hard for a lot of writers, and particularly with self-publishing so popular now, it’s very necessary.

Non-writers, think about this. No matter how modest, or unsure, or private of a person she may be, a writer is supposed to toot her own horn about her books. Loudly. A lot. It takes a lot of getting used to, especially for an introvert, as many writers are. “Read my book! It’s wonderful!” We’re supposed to come up with clever ways to say this. And do it without doing it too much. No one wants to be beaten over the head with posts ad nauseum about buying a writer’s books. Yet if we don’t advertise and talk about our books no one notices and then we don’t sell any and that’s no fun at all.

So how do we let people know we have a book out that is just published, or free, or sale price or whatever? I have an email newsletter. That’s one way and it isn’t as painful as some, since (hopefully!) the people on my list actually want to hear from me. I post on Twitter and Facebook. I ask my friends to share. But is that enough?

Not according to conventional wisdom. There are a kajillion ways to advertise and trying to figure out the best is extremely difficult. Especially for the writer who really just wants to write. We lament having to do other stuff. Oh, we love to talk to readers, but that’s fun. For many of us, having to wear a number of hats--promoter, publisher, author, techie person--is one of the hardest things we do. There’s also the fact that what works for one writer might not work for another.

I have to say, when I post about deals for my books or my friends’ books on Facebook, I’m often thanked for letting people know. That makes me a lot more willing to post, since I figure if people are reading my author page, then they’re interested in books. And who doesn’t like free or sale books?

Readers, how do you like to be alerted about books? Newsletters? Facebook? Twitter? BookBub? Goodreads? Advertisements? If you follow an author on BookBub you’ll get updates when they have a new book out or one on special. Why yes, I have my BookBub page right here! Thanks for asking! .

Where was I? Oh, yes, how readers find out about books they’d like to read. I’m sure a lot of people hear from a friend about a book the friend just read. But how did your friend hear about the book?

You can get an ebook of Texas Cowboy free for a limited time at your favorite outlet-- BookBub has all the links. And if you’re inclined, you can follow me too.

Here are the rest of the books in the series. You can find them with all the links at each author’s BookBub page.
Book 2 

Book 3 

Book 4 

Book 5 
Leave a comment about your favorite way to learn about new-to-you books and I’ll pick one lucky winner to win an ebook copy of Love Me, Cowgirl.:)       

Visit me at my website: or



  1. Sadly Texas Cowboy is listing as not free. Looks like a great book.

  2. Facebook is the number one way I find out about books. Looking forward to reading your new book!

  3. Hi, where did you see it wasn't free? I checked all the outlets and it was free at all the ones I checked. Amazon, B&N, Kobo, iBooks and Googleplay. Was there somewhere else you were looking?

    Maybe it's a glitch.


  4. Thanks, Shari. I hope you enjoy it.:)


  5. I see what it is! On BookBub it says there's no deal. There isn't a BookBub deal, however, if you click on buy the book and then click on the retailer you want, it's free at those retailers.

    Make sense?

  6. I learn about new to me authors on facebook as recommendations from favorite authors. Sometimes an author will recommend another author's book in their newsletter. Can't wait to read your book!!

  7. Thanks, Eileen. Hope you enjoy it!

  8. it's still free! I already own both of those. :)

    I usually see it on FB, but an email blast is nice if it doesn't cost you too much to send it out.


  9. Thanks, Denise.:)

  10. Hi, Tracy. You won an ecopy of Love Me, Cowgirl. PM me with your email addy and let me know if Amazon Kindle is okay. Also, if you'll go to whatever retailer you use (AMZ, B&N, Kobo etc)you'll see that Texas Cowboy is still free.

