
Thursday, January 26, 2017

Eve Gaddy: Animals in Romance

Do you like animals in the romances you read? I love to have animals in my books. In fact, I have them in almost every book. Not quite every single book, but definitely the majority of my books feature animals. Either in a prominent role or simply as a pet who’s around but may not have a big role.

I write a lot of dogs. I love dogs. They can be so fun to write about. I have a dog of my own named Ellie, who is an ancient Cocker Spaniel who at times looks like an Ewok.

Here’s my sweet Golden Retriever, Maverick, who passed a few years ago. I still miss him!

I have written books with cats in them too, but I confess, most of the time I write about dogs. And horses. But I plan to have more cats and maybe a few other species in my future books.

There’s a dog named Shadow in my work in progress. He’s a Labrador/German Shepherd mix. Here’s a picture of Shadow:

Shadow plays an important role in my next book, The Cowboy and the Doctor. It should be out in May. What role, you ask? You’ll have to read the book.:) It’s the fourth book in the Gallaghers of Montana series. Here’s the cover. (I just got it!) The horse on the cover is the one Dylan rides all the time, named Hawkeye.

There’s also another horse who is important, Dylan Gallagher’s Norwegian Fjord Stallion, named . . . Trouble.

I have another book, and another cowboyJ, who has a gorgeous horse named Smoke. Here’s my inspiration for this stallion. You can see a lot of pictures at this website, if you’re interested. Rocky Steeldust. They call this color grullo. 

You can read about Trey Kelly, Whiskey River and Smoke, along with his heroine Ariana Wright and her dogs, in Texas Cowboy. It’s going to be free everywhere come February 1.

Come see me and chat with me on the Internet at these places. Join my newsletter if you want to know more about my upcoming releases and special deals. You also get a free book when you join.:)
@evegaddy on Twitter

Do you like animals in your romances? Let me know in the comments and I’ll pick one commenter to get a free copy of Love Me, Cowgirl. Yes, there are animals in it, too. Honey Jordan is a barrel racer and her hero, Dr. Sean Gallagher, happens to be a horse whisperer as well as a doctor.


  1. Love the pics! And yeah, I'm kinda fond of animals in my books... :-)

  2. LOL, Justine. Yes, Cutter is a great character!And aren't there horses coming up in some future books?


  3. I love your pictures and I do enjoy reading books that have animals in them.

  4. Thanks, Eileen. I think looking for pictures of the animals (and the heroes) is so fun.

  5. animals can bring out the best in the characters--if they treat a pet right, you know they have real love potential.


  6. I agree, Denise. They can really help characterize people. And of course, they are characters too and can play an active part in the story.

  7. Animals tend to show another side to characters. I love that. They can also provide comic or touching moments.

  8. yes, I love them in romances

  9. I agree Mary and jcp!

  10. animals in a story soften me to the story line and show aspects of the character we would not see without animal interaction. I trust the animals' instinct and opinion

  11. Yes, Laura. Animals usually know who to trust and who isn't trustworthy.

  12. I love animals in any book I read. Of course, I like them in my own life so I enjoy reading about them in the characters lives who populate the books I read. Why wouldn't I.
