
Friday, January 06, 2017

Addison Fox: New Year, Old Me

Here we are again. That time of year when we focus on the things we want to fix. For the record, I think self-reflection and personal improvement is important – always. One of our greatest gifts as humans is our ability to make a choice, stick with it and change.

But for all the talk of change, I think it’s important to also take time for reflection and consider the things we’ve changed or are doing or have achieved and be grateful. Thankful. And excited for the accomplishment.

This is a topic I think about a lot because as a writer conflict – and a human being’s need to change – is key to what I do. A story isn’t interesting if the characters don’t learn something. If they don’t change their perspective or learn something or take an opportunity to grow.

So what about you? What did you accomplish this past year that you’re proud of? Excited about? Still laughing and smiling about? It can be absolutely anything – let’s hear it!

Thanks for joining me today!
Despite early ambitions of being a diver, a drummer or a doctor, Addison Fox happily discovered she was more suited to life as a writer. She lives in New York and - thankfully - doesn't have to operate on anyone. You can find her at her home on the web at Her next release, JUST ONCE, the second book in her Brooklyn Brotherhood trilogy from St. Martin’s Swerve, will be out in February. You can visit her at her website at

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year!

    I had two short stories published.

