
Thursday, November 10, 2016

Life Happens . . . Anne McAllister

We moved in the summer from the Midwest (as in, "Is this heaven? No, it's Iowa.") to Montana.  We didn't do it just because there are four grandchildren here.  We left four grandchildren in Iowa -- albeit older ones.  But they were a big part of it.  Also my mother's family is from Montana, and it always felt like home to me when we came back here when I was a child.

So . . . we are 'home' now -- and instead of writing books about  Montana, which I seemed to do a lot of while I was in Iowa, before I barely got my computer unpacked I got asked to write a book set in England!

I said yes, of course.  That way I can justify going for research, right?

And I started writing -- or getting prepared to write.  I set aside my long-suffering hero of O'Driscoll Heir, promising to come back to him when my new fling had had his Happily Ever After, and I allowed my life to be taken over by some other man named Jack.

O'Driscoll had his revenge.  No sooner had Jack and I embarked on his book than I broke my wrist!

It is now three and a half weeks into the broken wrist. Jack's book is still on page 3.  But I've got some voice recognition software now, and I'm giving it a workout.  We'll see how it goes.

In the meantime, the Cubs waited until we left the Midwest to win the World Series, which was quite wonderful (sorry, Cleveland).  So I wallowed in baseball while waiting for the wrist to come around. It's still not quite there yet, so I'm not writing any more on this.  Just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you all and wondering what curve balls life has thrown you lately.

On the plus side, the lovely talented Lee Hyat (she of the Tote Bags and Blogs blog, in fact) has done yet another superlative cover for one of my reprinted cowboys.  You get to see it here first!

The Cowboy and the Kid was one of my favorite books, partly because it grew out of my weekend audit of bull-riding school which was one of the most fun experiences of my writing career.  It also got to be RT's series romance of the year back in the day.   I think it is just as much fun this time around.  Hope you'll check it out when it's released again in late January 2017.

1 comment:

  1. love the new cover.

    hope your wrist heals quickly

