
Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Baby on board

Last month I attended the Romance Writers of America national conference in San Diego, California. What a fabulous conference in a wonderful city! I loved every minute of it—well worth the long journey from Australia.

Another reason I enjoyed it so much was that my latest book for Harlequin Romance had just been released, The Bridesmaid’s Baby Bump. Book signings are an important part of the conference and it was nice to have a brand new book to sign.

At the Harlequin signing, Romance Writers of America conference in San Diego

 I learned during the two signings I took part in that people were intrigued by the title and liked the fact there was obviously a pregnancy in the book. I’ve always been partial to “secret baby” and “surprise pregnancy” themes in romance novels so it’s no surprise I enjoyed writing this particular story. The pregnancy becomes a huge source of conflict for my heroine Eliza and hero Jake—as well as a great source of joy. However I’ve been careful to ensure that it doesn’t overshadow the growing relationship of Eliza and Jake as they fall in love. The baby is the icing on the cake, so to speak!

This looks rather like I imagine my heroine Eliza would look - contemplating the changes to her life that come with a surprise pregnancy!

 What about you? Do you like a pregnancy in a romance novel? What about a baby? I’d love to read your thoughts!

I’ve got two signed paperback copies of The Bridesmaid’s Baby Bump to give away. Make a comment if you’d like to be in the draw. Please include your email address.

Kandy Shepherd is an award-winning author of contemporary romance and women’s fiction. She lives on a small farm in the Blue Mountains near Sydney, Australia, with her family and a menagerie of four-legged friends.

Visit Kandy at her website

Connect with Kandy on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest


  1. Hi Kandy! I was at the RWA conference too - wish I'd have had a chance to meet you! I adore secret baby/surprise pregnancy stories too and find that children and pets often (usually!) make it into my books somehow.

    Your book sounds fabulous - congratulations!


  2. Thank you Roxanne, what a shame we didn't get a chance to meet. There are so many people at the conference! I'm glad to hear you like surprise pregnancies - and pets too. I love pets in stories!

  3. surprise pregnancies are always a fun trope to read


  4. I do enjoy a pregnancy or a bub in a romance read. Always so much fun.

