
Thursday, June 16, 2016

On The Wagon

I have a cute cartoon by Rhymes With Orange that I cut out of the Sunday paper last year.

I found it again the other day and I taped it to my wall calendar over June. It shows a couple talking to the man next to them as they sit poolside. The man says, "I'm a workaholic, but I'm on the wagon."

I'm a workaholic, but not this month. I'm on the wagon!

As you can see, my son graduates from high school this month (which includes more than one party and a bunch of family in town.) The days that are crossed off are for a family reunion.

Also, my sister will be here all month from Australia so I'm making time to play with her and family. I am planning to do a lot of this, too:

I started today (the 6th) and it was incredible.

But wait. You see on the 14th, on the calendar, where it says 'Wildfire?' I have a new release to promote--which I'll do now, 'cause I'm not quitting cold turkey here.

The problem is, I have that tax instalment to pay on the 15th. That falls under the title of "Nice problem to have," so I won't complain about it, but it does require I do some work to earn the right to be taxed, so here goes.

SCORCH is part of the series we called 'Wildfire' while we were writing it. Now it's called 'Firefighters Of Montana.' It's about a crew of smokejumpers and all the stories are interconnected. Check out these gorgeous covers:

All of the smokejumpers are connected to Russ, the Captain who died the previous year. (Actually, Tracy's hero, Sam, replaces Russ as Captain.) My heroine, Jacqui, was married to Russ and Vin was Russ's best friend. 

Vin is feeling very protective of Jacqui while she is ready to move past the image of shattered widow. Sparks fly, love is kindled and sheets are set ablazin'. 

I loved writing this book and really hope you enjoy all the books in this series. If you're a Kindle user, the whole series is here. Here are the links for Scorch.

Amazon: US  |  CA  |  UK  |  Aus

Nook  |  Kobo  |  iBooks  |  GooglePlay 

I was going to promote my July Harlequin Presents, too. Bought By Her Italian Boss is starting to ship from Amazon in a few days, but sheesh! That would make me the opposite of the slacker I aspire to be this month. I'll be back in July to tell you about that one.

Dani is a USA Today Bestselling author who received the call in 2012 and recently turned in her thirtieth (30th) title. She writes for Harlequin Presents, Tule's Montana Born, and herself. 

Dani lives in rural BC Canada with her high school sweetheart and is staring down becoming an empty nester. She may have to take up hobbies like travel, otherwise she'll never leave her office.

Keep up with Dani's news by joining her newsletter. You'll get a free short story download when you sign up.


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