
Monday, April 11, 2016

Carole Mortimer: April News!

Happy April, Everyone.

Wow, can you believe it’s almost halfway through April already? I’m hoping Spring has finally arrived. The daffodils are out, the weather is improving—slowly. I love the Spring, when everything comes back to life for another year, and the night’s finally start staying light longer. I almost forgot to put the clocks forward again this year, on the last Sunday in March. I wasn’t too happy about losing the 1 hour, because Sunday is the only morning I have a lie in! 

April 2nd was release day of Taken by the Earl (Regency Unlaced 3). This is the 3rd book in the Bestselling Regency Unlaced Series.

Fliss, the heroine, overhears a conversation in which two people, a man and a woman, discuss killing Sinclair—Sin—Montgomery, the Earl of Winterbourne. She has no idea why, or when the murder is to take place, all she does know is that she has to find the earl and warn him he’s in danger. Finding the earl isn’t a problem, resisting Sin is another matter entirely, all while trying to discover who wants him dead. The story begins in England but then moves to Scotland, the home of the hero.

Book 4 in the Regency Unlaced Series, Pursued by the Viscount, is now available for pre-order, and will be released May 27th. Books 5 and 6 will follow in July and August 2016.

June will see the publication of the first full-length novel in my new contemporary series Knight Security—Defying Asher (Knight Security 1). Asher is a secondary character in my books Savage Alpha, and the novella Alexandre (Knight Security 0.5) in the Royals and Rogues anthology with four other bestselling authors. Both these ebooks came out in March. 

As always, the stories in my Regency Unlaced, Alpha, and Knight Security series are all romances with added suspense and danger. They are also more explicit in their language and sexual content than my other books. In other words, they’re hot!

Carole Mortimer has written over 210 books in the contemporary and Regency genres.
Carole is Recipient of the 2015 Romance Writers of America Lifetime Achievement Award, a USA Today Bestselling Author, Entertainment Weekly Top 10 Romance Author, 2014 Romantic Times Pioneer of Romance, and in 2012 was recognized by Queen Elizabeth II for her ‘outstanding service to literature’. She is also a Kindle #1 Bestselling Author.
She is very happily married to Peter, they have 6 sons, and live on the beautiful Isle of Man.

Buy links for Taken by the Earl (Regency Unlaced 3):
This ebook is also available on Kobo, ibooks, and Smashwords. 

Buy links for Pursued by the Viscount (Regency Unlaced 4)
This ebook is also available on iBooks, Kobo, and Smashwords


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