
Friday, March 11, 2016

Carole Mortimer: Checking in

Happy March, Everyone!

I’m going away for ten days to Majorca this month, for a much needed break with my husband and youngest son, after the rush and bustle of Christmas and the long wet winter in the UK. We actually had our first snow of winter yesterday. Just a flurry, with more expected tomorrow. I love the snow, which is strange because my star sign is Leo, and we’re supposed to love the sun not the cold. I know snow causes chaos, on the roads and airports etc, but I just love to see that carpet of white on the ground. It always makes me smile.

March is a very busy month book-wise for me, with two books being released. The first book is Savage Alpha (Alpha 8), released on March 2nd. This is the last book in the contemporary Alpha Series. But—I love it when there’s a ‘but’, don’t you? 

The second book released this month, on March 1st, is the introductory novella to Knight Security, the spin-off series to Alpha. The novella is called Alexandre (Knight Security 0.5), and it is out in an anthology, titled Royals & Rogues, with four other bestselling authors, Susan Stephens, Shelli Stevens, Heather Long, and J C Makk. We all had such a lot of fun putting this anthology together.

Interesting fact—I was contacted on Facebook yesterday by Vikkas, the model for the cover of Savage Alpha. I’m still swooning. He is so nice¸as well as being hot, hot, hot. He loved the cover of Savage Alpha, and just wanted to tell me so.  

Coming up next month I have the release of Taken by the Earl (Regency Unlaced 3) on April 2nd. Followed by Pursued by the Viscount (Regency Unlaced 4), release date May 27th. June will see the publication of the first full-length novel in the Knight Security series, Defying Asher (Knight Security 1). Asher is a secondary character in both Savage Alpha, and the novella Alexandre (Knight Security 0.5). He’s arrogant, outspoken, and really needs a kick up his bossy ass, which my heroine is only too happy to provide. I am sooo looking forward to writing Asher’s story! 

As always, the stories in my Alpha, Knight Security, and Regency Unlaced Series are all romances with added suspense and danger. But beware—they are also more explicit in their language and sexual content than my other books.

eBook buy links Savage Alpha (Alpha 8): Amazon | Barnes & Noble This book is also available on Kobo, iBooks, and Smashwords.

eBook buy links Royals & Rogues, 5 author anthology: Amazon | Barnes & Noble  This boxed set is also available on Kobo, and iBooks 


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