At the last
meeting of the writers’ group I belong to, the members were agreed: share our
New Year’s writing resolutions and then our progress through the coming year.
I’ve always
liked the concept of New Year’s resolutions but I’ve never been very good at
keeping them, mostly because I tend to throw myself into new things with huge
amounts of enthusiasm and then find I can’t keep up the pace or the interest;
either I become distracted, or dispirited because life inevitably gets in the
resolution I really need to make for 2016 is to write regularly, as I want to
complete at least two new novels by year’s end.
I’ve got the ideas, I just have to find the means to keep the passion
I’ve taken
a look at the advice that’s out there about keeping resolutions, and the
consensus is that you need to do the following things to succeed: focus on one
goal; take small steps; have a mechanism of accountability; celebrate success;
work on changing thought and behavior patterns.
So I am
resolved to write for 30 minutes a day, every day, with email and every other
intrusion shut off. First thing every
morning. I will be accountable to my friends in my writer’s circle, and they
will be my fellow celebrants. I will
train my brain to adhere to this routine of application and reward. Will I stick to this? Watch this space!
I love how you set up your resolution as a true goal. Having your action plan and accountability in place, I can see you accomplishing it. Happy New Year!